Page 6 of 102 results
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251183 SE M5.2 Evaluation und Beenden von Supervisions- und Coachingprozessen (2023S)
4.00 ECTS, Universitätslehrgänge
- Knopf
950037 SE M5.2 Evaluation und Beenden von Supervisions- und Coachingprozessen (2023S)
4.00 ECTS, Universitätslehrgänge
- Knopf
030459 PUE Discovering the legal reasoning behind the ECJ case law (2023S)
Practical exercises in preparation for the written exams in EU law
- Corthaut, Moodle
030459 PUE Discovering the legal reasoning behind the ECJ case law (2022W)
Practical exercises in preparation for the written exams in EU law
- Corthaut, Moodle
143255 KU Of Monkeys, Human Beings, the "Holy Spirit Mobile Forces" - and some bits about African Photography (2022S)
Heike Behrend's Autobiography of her Discipline
- Rüther, Moodle