Universität Wien

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030680 KU International Humanitarian Law (2022S)

350027 UE Accompanying the Writing of Bachelor thesis (2022S)

Fachgruppen: Sportpsychologie

030775 SE Seminar in Public International Law (2022S)

for undergraduate and graduate students
4.00 ECTS, [ de en ] SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften

060075 UE Field Trip: Austria (2 days) (2022S)

070192 VO Lecture series - Pandemics in Historical Perspective (2022S)

5.00 ECTS, [ de en ] SPL 7 - Geschichte

300176 UE Diversity and functional attributes of biological communities (2022S)

along enviromental gradients
10.00 ECTS, [ de en ] SPL 30 - Biologie

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