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080069 VO+UE B520 Culture and Habitat: Fear of the Turks. (2015W)
The construction of "Fear of the Turks" and "Othering" through the Habsburger. An example of history of mentalities.
- Wengraf
220032 PS STEP 5 - Communication Science Research Proseminar (2015S)
140319 PR Lecture: Applied Fields (2014W)
- Ossmann, Moodle
140257 KU TEF B - TEF3 - Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research (2014S)
Österreich erfüllt die 0,7% Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Mögliche Lösungsansätze zur Umsetzung der Verpflichtung der Republik anhand eines fiktiven Ministerrates
- Ossmann, Moodle
220032 PS STEP 5 - Communication Science Research Proseminar (2014S)
140217 KU OV2 Introduction to Interdisciplinary Academic Writing (2013W)
- Ossmann, Moodle