Universität Wien

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070033 UE Guided Reading East European History - History of Globalization in Hungary (2024W)

in Comparative Perspective
  • Ther, Moodle; Tu 07.01. 13:00-14:45 Hörsaal des Instituts für Osteuropäische Geschichte UniCampus Hof 3 2R-EG-07

030133 VO Introduction to law and its methods (2023S)

030300 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy: On the Theory of Punishment and Criminal Law (2023S)

Safeguarding Public Peace and Processing War? (for diploma and doctoral students)

030702 KU Introduction into the Philosophy of Law and State of the Modern Age (2023S)

Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law II

040591 EK EC EP: Finance for students of the Complementary Study Programme (Minor) Entrepreneurship (EK) (2023S)

210028 LK BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory (2023S)

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