Page 13 of 917 results
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060015 UE Modern Hebrew 1 (2024S)
- Füzessy, Moodle
060016 SE Preparation for the Master's Thesis - SE (2024S)
- Langer, Moodle
060017 VO Jew-Hatred - A History (2024S)
- Davidowicz, Moodle
060018 SE The eternal struggle between good and evil in rabbinic texts (2024S)
- Langer, Moodle
060019 VO The power of images: Aesthetics, politics, religion, text and image (2024S)
- Langer, Moodle
060020 VO The Targums in the tradition of ancient biblical exegesis (2024S)
- Füzessy, Moodle