Page 14 of 350 results
Search results:
322024 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmacognostical Research - M13 (2021S)
3.00 ECTS, SPL 32 - Pharmazie
- Dirsch
322062 VO Phytopharmaceuticals - Phytotherapy (with Excursion) - M14 (2021S)
2.00 ECTS, SPL 32 - Pharmazie
- Glasl-Tazreiter, Moodle
322561 UE Pharmacobotanical excursion - M14 (2021S)
2.00 ECTS, SPL 32 - Pharmazie
- Glasl-Tazreiter, Moodle
322562 UE Additional Qualifications and Scientific Specialization - MA23 - M14 (2021S)
2.00 ECTS, SPL 32 - Pharmazie
- Glasl-Tazreiter
580001 SE SE Journal Club: phytochemistry and bioactive natural products (2021S)
- Rollinger, Moodle
320027 SE Natural Product Drug Discovery: Concepts, methods and experimental design (2020W)
- Rollinger, Moodle