Directorate of Studies 14 - Near Eastern Studies - African Studies - Tibetan Studies and Indology
Studierende von Studien, die von der Studienprogrammleitung Orientalistik betreut werden, erhalten pro Semester zusätzlich zu den 1000 Basispunkten, die allen Studierenden zur Verfügung stehen, 1000 Bonuspunkte. Die Plätze für die Lehrveranstaltung werden im Anmeldesystem auf Basis der Summe individuell gesetzter Basispunkte und errechneter Bonuspunkte vergeben.
Karel, Mo 07.10. 09:00-14:00, Mo 09:00-13:00 (6×), Th 09:00-13:00 (5×), Sa 30.11. 09:00-12:00, Sa 30.11. 13:00-16:00, Su 01.12. 09:00-12:00
14.01. African Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in African Studies
1. Orientatation Period - Basics of African Studies
Ziegelmeyer, Th 11:00-13:00 (14×)
Grau, Th 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Zach, We 11:00-13:00 (15×)
2. Linguistics - Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Level - African Language
APM Bambara
Ebermann, We 09:00-11:00 (15×), Th 13:00-14:30 (14×)
Ebermann, Fr 11:00-13:00 (13×)
APM Hausa
Ahamer, Mo 11:00-13:00 (14×), Fr 11:00-13:00 (13×)
Ahamer, Mo 09:00-11:00 (14×)
APM Swahili
Waldburger, Mo 09:00-11:00 (14×), We 09:00-11:00 (15×)
2.2. Advanced Level - African Language
APM Bambara
Ebermann, Th 14:45-16:15 (14×)
Slezak, We 11:00-13:00 (15×)
Stahl-Diakite, We 13:00-15:00 (15×)
APM Hausa
Ahamer, Fr 09:00-11:00 (13×)
Ahamer, Tu 11:00-13:00 (15×)
Alhaji-Shehu, We 17:00-19:00 (15×)
APM Swahili
Waldburger, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Waldburger, We 11:00-13:00 (15×)
Chihungi, Th 17:30-19:00 (14×)
3. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
3.1. African Linguistics
Ziegelmeyer, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Ziegelmeyer, Tu 11:00-13:00 (15×)
Waldburger, Tu 13:00-15:00 (15×)
140119 VO 3 ECTS Multilingualism Research - en vogue? Buzzwords, Issues and Competing Interests - An Introduction - Schlagworte, Grundfragen, Interessenskonflikte - eine EinführungRienzner, Fr 15:00-19:00 (8×)
Rienzner, We 09.10. 09:00-11:00, Tu 12:00-18:00 (4×)
Ziegelmeyer, We 15:00-17:00 (15×)
3.2. African Literature
Bodomo, Mo 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Pucherova, Tu 15:00-17:00 (15×)
140117 PS 4 ECTS Introductory Seminar Literature and History - Teaching and learning in African novelsGrau, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
Barker-Ciganik, Fr 15:00-17:00 (12×)
140251 VO 3 ECTS [ en ] Language, Literacy and Literature: The language question in African literary expressionBodomo, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Rüther, We 15:00-17:00 (15×)
3.3. African History
Sonderegger, Mo 11:00-13:00 (14×)
Sonderegger, Mo 09:00-11:00 (14×)
140117 PS 4 ECTS Introductory Seminar Literature and History - Teaching and learning in African novelsGrau, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
Zach, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Sonderegger, Fr 09:00-11:00 (13×)
De Abreu Fialho Gomes, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Zach, Fr 11:00-13:00 (13×)
Rüther, We 15:00-17:00 (15×)
B. Master Degree Programme in African Studies
1. Basic Module - Required Module
Ziegelmeyer, Tu 15:00-18:00 (15×)
Spitzl, Th 16:30-19:45 (7×)
2. Specialisation - Alternative Groups of Required Modules
2.1. African Linguistics
Gajdos, Tu 13:00-15:00 (15×)
Gajdos, We 15:00-17:00 (15×)
Gajdos, We 17:00-18:00 (15×)
140044 VO 4 ECTS Africanistic linguistics, problems and questions relating to Semantics and the notion of the signAhamer, Tu 13:00-15:00 (15×)
Boehm, Mo 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Boehm, Th 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Bodomo, We 09:00-11:00 (16×)
140184 KU 6 ECTS Africanistic linguistics, problems and questions relating to Semantics and the notion of the signAhamer, Fr 13:00-15:00 (13×)
Rüther, Mo 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Bodomo, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
Boehm, Mo 17:00-19:00 (14×)
Zach, Th 10.10. 11:00-13:00
2.2. African History
Zach, Tu 11:30-13:00 (15×)
140356 VO 4 ECTS Global history or just area studies? - Tensions and Dynamics between African historiography and more recent approaches to global history?Rüther, Tu 13:00-15:00 (15×)
Hödl, Th 10:15-11:45 (11×)
Sonderegger, We 15:00-17:00 (15×)
Krenceyová, Tu 15:00-18:00 (8×)
140061 KU 6 ECTS Elections in Africa: Instrument of Democratization or Means of Power Consolidation?Barker-Ciganikova, Tu 10:00-13:00 (13×)
Rüther, Mo 15:00-17:00 (14×)
140090 SE 8 ECTS African Studies and focuses on Africa at Austrian universities - preparation of a conference meetingRüther, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×), Sa 10:00-14:00 (2×)
Gütl, Th 15:00-17:00 (4×), Th 15:00-18:00 (2×), Th 15:00-19:00 (3×)
Sonderegger, We 09:00-11:00 (15×)
Zach, Th 10.10. 11:00-13:00
CSP African Studies
1. EC Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa (15 ECTS)
Bodomo, Mo 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Pucherova, Tu 15:00-17:00 (15×)
Barker-Ciganik, Fr 15:00-17:00 (12×)
140251 VO 3 ECTS [ en ] Language, Literacy and Literature: The language question in African literary expressionBodomo, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Sonderegger, Mo 11:00-13:00 (14×)
Zach, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Sonderegger, Fr 09:00-11:00 (13×)
De Abreu Fialho Gomes, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
14.02. Oriental Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Oriental Studies
1. Orientation Period
OR-1: Introduction to Oriental Studies - Required Module
Lohlker, We 09:00-11:30 (16×)
OR-2: Introduction to Oriental Languages - Group of Elective Modules
OR-2/AO-1: Introduction to Akkadian I
Jursa, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×), Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
OR-2/AR-1: Introduction to Arabic I
Dallaji, Mo 09:00-11:00 (14×), Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
OR-2/TU-1: Introduction to Turkish I
Prochazka-Eisl, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×), Fr 15:00-16:30 (13×)
2. Oriental Studies - Group of Required Modules
OR-3: Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
Prochazka, We 16:00-18:30 (15×)
OR-4: Religions and Institutions of the Near East
OR-5: Ancient Near East
Hatke, Mo 15:00-16:00 (14×)
OR-6: History of the Arabs in the Near East and North Africa in Islamic Times
OR-7: History of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey
Köhbach, Mo 11:15-12:45 (14×)
3. Alternative Groups of Required Modules (APMG)
3.1. APMG Ancient Oriental Philology and Oriental Archaeology
AO-2: Akkadian II
AO-3: Akkadian III
Weszeli, Tu 09:00-11:00 (15×)
AO-4: Sumerian I
AO-5: Sumerian II
Selz, Mo 11:00-13:00 (14×)
AO-6: Near Eastern Archaeology I
140005 VO 5 ECTS Near Eastern Archeology I: Introduction into Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near EastLuciani, We 16:00-17:30 (12×)
AO-7: Near Eastern Archaeology II
AO-8: Mesopotamian Cultural History
Jursa, Th 16:30-18:00 (14×)
AO-9: Mesopotamian Literature: Reading
Selz, Mo 09:00-10:30 (14×)
Weszeli, Tu 09:00-11:00 (15×)
AO-10: Alternative Required Module
Hatke, Fr 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Jaros, Th 10:30-14:30 (7×)
Luciani, We 11:00-12:30 (12×)
010009 UE 3 ECTS Archaeological Drawing: Lab on Pottery from the Land of Moab (Wadi ath-Thamad Project)Weigl, Tu 16:00-18:00 (13×), Fr 15:00-17:00 (2×), Fr 18:00-20:00 (2×)
AO-11: Alternative Required Module
Selz, Mo 09:00-10:30 (14×)
Jursa, Th 15:00-16:30 (14×)
Selz, Mo 09:00-10:30 (14×)
Jursa, Th 15:00-16:30 (14×)
Luciani, We 11:00-12:30 (12×)
AO-12: Group of Elective Modules
Jursa, Th 15:00-16:30 (14×)
Selz, Mo 09:00-10:30 (14×)
Selz, Tu 14:00-16:00 (6×), Mo 28.10. 14:00-16:00
Luciani, We 11:00-12:30 (12×)
3.2. APMG Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
AR-2: Language Module Arabic II
AR-3: Language Module Arabic III
Aldoukhi, Mo 17:30-19:00 (14×)
Al-Dulayme, Th 17:00-18:30 (14×)
Prochazka, Mo 09:00-11:00 (14×), Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
AR-4: Language Module Arabic IV
AR-5: Language Module Arabic V
Nigst, Th 11:00-13:00 (14×)
Leitner, We 17:00-19:00 (15×)
AR-6: Language Moduel Arabic VI
AR-7: Arabic Dialect: Basic Level
Sekiati, Tu 09:30-11:00 (15×)
Böhm, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×)
AR-8: Arabic Dialect: Intermediate Level
Telic, Tu 12:00-14:00 (15×)
Aldoukhi, Fr 14:00-15:30 (13×)
AR-9: Arabic Dialect: Advanced Level
Eltayeb, Fr 11:00-13:00 (13×)
Mannoubi, Fr 13:00-14:30 (11×)
AR-10: Introduction to Selected Fields of Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
Müller-Funk, Mo 21.10. 16:00-20:00, Tu 22.10. 16:00-20:00, Tu 16:00-18:00 (2×)
Abu-Hamdeh, Th 15:00-16:00 (14×)
AR-11: Selected Issues of Modern Oriental Research
Abid, We 12:00-13:00 (15×)
Harrer, Tu 11:00-12:00 (15×)
AR-12: Seminar on Philology (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
140081 SE 8 ECTS Seminar on Philology - Reading of Arabic political and religious key texts as well as classical and modern poetry and prose.Ritt-Benmimoun, Mo 15:30-17:00 (14×)
Prochazka, Mo 11:00-12:30 (14×)
AR-13: Seminar on Islamic Studies (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
3.3. APMG Turkish Studies
TU-2: Turkish, Basic Level II
TU-3: Turkish, Intermediate Level I
Römer, Tu 12:45-13:30 (15×)
Celik, Th 17:00-18:30 (14×)
TU-4: Turkish, Intermediate Level II
TU-5: Turkish, Advanced Level I
Sandrisser, Tu 17:30-19:00 (15×)
Prochazka-Eisl, Th 12:30-14:00 (14×)
TU-6: Tukish, Advanced Level II
TU-7: Persian, Basic Level
Mörth, Tu 15:30-17:00 (15×)
TU-8: Persian, Intermediate Level
Engelhart, We 09:00-10:30 (15×)
TU-9: Ottoman Studies
Römer, Tu 11:00-12:30 (15×)
TU-10: Linguistic or Literary Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
Ambros, Mo 12:30-14:00 (14×)
TU-11: Historical-Cultural Seminar (incl. Bachelor's Paper)
TU-12: Society and Culture of Modern Turkey
B. Master Degree Programmes in Oriental Studies
1. Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Oriental Archaeology
a. Required Modules
1.1. Akkadian Seminars incl. Seminar Paper
Jursa, Th 15:00-16:30 (14×)
1.2. Sumerological Seminars incl. Seminar Paper
Selz, Mo 09:00-10:30 (14×)
Selz, Tu 14:00-16:00 (6×), Mo 28.10. 14:00-16:00
1.3. Archaeological Seminar I incl. Seminar Paper
1.4. History and Cultural History of Mesopotamia
140128 SE 8 ECTS [ de en ] Seminar on a Topic related to the History, Cultural History or Material Culture of Mesopotamia - Artifacts, Exchange and Near Eastern Trading networksSelz
1.5. Advanced Module on Philology I
b. Alternative Required Module
APM Semitisitcs
Hatke, Fr 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Prischnegg, We 12:00-15:00 (15×)
APM Archaeology
c. Group of Elective Modules
WM Archaeological Seminar II incl. Seminar Paper
Luciani, We 11:00-12:30 (12×)
WM Advanced Module on Philology II
Selz, Tu 14:00-16:00 (6×), Mo 28.10. 14:00-16:00
WM South Arabia, Past and Present
Hatke, Fr 11:00-13:00 (13×)
WM Sabean Studies
Hatke, Fr 13:00-15:00 (13×)
d. Master-Module
2. Arabic Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. History and Cultural History of the Arab World I
Eisenstein, We 10:00-11:30 (15×)
1.2. Arabic Language and Literature I
Nigst, Tu 17:30-19:00 (15×)
1.3. Dialectology
Ritt-Benmimoun, Mo 14:00-15:30 (14×)
1.4. Classic Arabic Language
b. Alternative Required Modules
APM Media or History of Arabic Script
Hatke, We 15:00-17:00 (15×)
Kabbani, Tu 13:00-14:30 (15×)
APM Semitic Languages or Islam Religion
Prischnegg, We 12:00-15:00 (15×)
c. Language, Literatue and Media in the Arab World
1.1. Language and Institutions of Arab Media
Jaafar, Tu 16:00-17:30 (15×)
1.2. Current Trends in Culture, Politics and Religion
1.3. Group of Elective Modules
Nigst, Tu 17:30-19:00 (15×)
Schwarz, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
d. Language and Culture of South Arabia
1.1. Ancient South Arab Language
Hatke, Fr 15:00-16:30 (13×)
1.2. South Arabia, Past and Present
Hatke, Fr 11:00-13:00 (13×)
1.3. Sabean Studies
Hatke, Fr 13:00-15:00 (13×)
1.4. Alternative Required Module
Eisenstein, We 10:00-11:30 (15×)
e. Master-Module
Prochazka, Mo 13:00-14:00 (12×)
3. Islamic Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. History of Ideas
Lohlker, Th 17:00-19:00 (14×)
1.2. Islamic Law
Lohlker, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
1.3. Modern Islam I
Mühlböck, Mo 17:00-18:00 (14×)
Mühlböck, Mo 18:00-19:30 (14×)
1.4. Language and Institutions of Arab Media
Jaafar, Tu 16:00-17:30 (15×)
1.5. Islam in the Non-Arab World
Mühlböck, We 15:00-17:00 (15×)
1.6. Older Islam I
1.7. Classic Arabic Language
b. Alternative Required Module
APM Islam on the Internet
Lohlker, Th 11:00-13:00 (14×)
APM Media
Kabbani, Tu 13:00-14:30 (15×)
c. Group of Elective Modules
WM Modern Islam II (8 ECTS)
Mühlböck, Mo 18:00-19:30 (14×)
WM Regional Specialisation (16 ECTS)
Schwarz, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
WM Older Islam II (8 ECTS)
d. Module of Interest
e. Master-Module
Lohlker, Th 16:00-17:00 (14×)
4. Turkish Studies
a. Required Modules
1.1. Ottoman Literature I
Ambros, Tu 13:30-15:00 (15×)
1.2. Ottoman Literature II
1.3. Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatics
1.4. Ottoman-Historical Module I
Köhbach, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
Prochazka-Eisl, Tu 09:30-11:00 (15×)
1.5. Ottoman-Historical Module II
1.6. Turkish and Turkic Languages, Past and Present
Köhbach, Th 09:15-10:45 (14×)
Römer, Th 11:00-12:30 (14×)
1.7. Modern Turkish, Literature and Language
Köhbach, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
1.8. Theoretical and Methodological Advanced Studies
b. Master-Module
C. Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) Oriental Studies
1. Arabic Culture and Language (30 ECTS)
Abid, We 12:00-13:00 (15×)
Diltsch, Fr 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Harrer, Tu 11:00-12:00 (15×)
Prochazka, We 16:00-18:30 (15×)
2. Islam History and Religion (30 ECTS)
Mühlböck, Mo 17:00-18:00 (14×)
Abid, We 12:00-13:00 (15×)
Köhbach, Mo 11:15-12:45 (14×)
Harrer, Tu 11:00-12:00 (15×)
3. CSP Turkish History, Literature and Culture History
EC-TU-1 PM Turkish cultural history within the framework of the civilisations of Asia Minor
Lohlker, We 09:00-11:30 (16×)
Prochazka, We 16:00-18:30 (15×)
EC-TU-2 PM Aspects of Turkish history past and present
Abid, We 12:00-13:00 (15×)
Köhbach, Mo 11:15-12:45 (14×)
4. Turkish Studies I (15 ECTS)
5. Turkish Studies II (15 ECTS)
14.03. South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme - Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet
1. Orientation Period
M1: Introduction to the Degree Programme in "Languages and Culture of South Asia and Tibet"
Maas, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
Forgues, Fr 12:00-13:30 (14×)
Buß, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
2. Group of Required Modules - Fields of Work
M3: Introduction to Selected Fields of Indology
M4: Introduction to Selected Fields of Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M5: Introduction to Selected Fields of Modern South Asian Studies
3. Required Module incl. Bachelor's Papers
M18: Advanced Module on Philology and Culture Studies of South Asia and Tibet
4. Alternative Groups of Required Modules
4.1. APMG - First Language
A1: APMG - Sanskrit as First Language
Preisendanz, Tu 17:00-18:30 (15×)
Kintaert, Mo 13:30-15:00 (14×), We 12:45-14:15 (15×)
Prets, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×), Tu 15:15-16:45 (15×)
140130 UE 5 ECTS [ en ] M17a-Literaturgenres und Sprachformen des Sanskrit II - Portraits of Holy Men in Classical Indian LiteratureDezsö, Mo 13:30-16:30 (2×), Tu 12:00-15:00 (2×), Th 12:00-15:00 (2×), Fr 10:00-13:00 (2×)
Werba, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
B1: APMG - Classical Tibetan as First Language
Coura, Th 17:00-18:30 (14×)
Schiller, Mo 11:45-13:15 (14×), We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
Mathes, Mo 11:45-13:15 (14×)
Lasic, Th 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Mathes, Fr 13:30-15:00 (14×)
C1: APMG - Modern Indian Language as First Language
Chudal, Th 08:15-09:45 (15×), Mo 08:15-09:45 (14×)
Chudal, We 14:30-16:00 (15×)
Chudal, Tu 08:15-09:45 (16×)
Schwarz, We 16:15-17:45 (15×)
Chudal, Mo 13:30-15:00 (14×)
4.2. APMG - Second Language
A2: APMG - Sanskrit as Second Language
Preisendanz, Tu 17:00-18:30 (15×)
Kintaert, Mo 13:30-15:00 (14×), We 12:45-14:15 (15×)
B2: APMG - Classical Tibetan as Second Language
Coura, Th 17:00-18:30 (14×)
Schiller, Mo 11:45-13:15 (14×), We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
C2: APMG - Modern Indian Language as Second Language
Chudal, Th 08:15-09:45 (15×), Mo 08:15-09:45 (14×)
Chudal, We 14:30-16:00 (15×)
D2: APMG - Modern Tibetan as Second Language
Geisler, Fr 10:00-11:30 (14×), Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Tamphel, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
5. Group of Elective Modules - Cultural History
M9: Basics of Cultural History A
Mathes, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×)
Kumar, Fr 11:45-13:15 (14×)
140263 VO 5 ECTS The Tibetan Exile - Society, Culture and Politics in the Tibetan Diaspora since 1959Kloos, Tu 13:30-15:00 (15×)
Rastelli, Th 13:30-15:00 (15×)
M10: Basics of Cultural History B
Amaladass, Th 11:45-13:15 (8×), Tu 11:45-13:15 (7×)
Kemp, Tu 11:45-13:15 (15×)
Mathes, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Higgins, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
M13: Culture - Language - Society A
M14: Culture - Language - Society B
6. Group of Elective Modules - Applied Cultural Studies
M15a: Field Trip
M15b: Regional Cultures
David, Tu 15:15-16:45 (15×)
Kumar, Mo 11:45-13:15 (14×)
M16a: Advanced Module on Classical Sanskrit as Second Language
Prets, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×), Tu 15:15-16:45 (15×)
M16b: Advanced Module on Classical Tibetan as Second Language
Mathes, Mo 11:45-13:15 (14×)
Lasic, Th 10:00-11:30 (15×)
M16c: Advanced Module on a Modern Indian Language as Second Language
Chudal, Tu 08:15-09:45 (16×)
Schwarz, We 16:15-17:45 (15×)
M16d: Advanced Module on Modern Tibetan as Second Language
Tamphel, Fr 08:15-09:45 (14×)
140221 UE 5 ECTS [ bo en ] A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life - Selected Readings from Santideva's BodhicaryavataraTamphel, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
B. Master Degree Programmes in South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
1. Culture and Society of Modern South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: Modern South Asian Society
Hartnack, Fr 13:30-15:00 (14×)
M2: Basics of the History of Culture and Ideas of Modern South Asia
Kumar, Fr 11:45-13:15 (14×)
Buß, Mo 15:15-16:45 (14×)
M3: Modern South Asian Cultural Studies in practice
David, Tu 15:15-16:45 (15×)
Kumar, Mo 11:45-13:15 (14×)
M4: Modern South Asian History
M7: Modern South Asian Languages in practice
M8: Linguistic Traditions of Modern South Asia
Chudal, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
b. Alternatively Required Modules
APM5: Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
APM6: Cultures of the Larger Cultural Area
c. Master-Module
M9: Master's Colloquium
Buß, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
M10: Master's Thesis
M11: Master's Examination
2. Languages and Cultures of South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: Language, Literature, and Religion of the Vedic Cultural Period
Werba, Th 10:00-11:30 (15×)
M2: Aspects of the History of Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy in South Asia
140241 UE 5 ECTS Kings, Priests and the Gain of Power by Sudarsana - Tales of the AhirbudhnyasamhitaRastelli, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×)
Rastelli, Th 13:30-15:00 (15×)
b. Alternatively Required Modules 3: Philology and Textual Hermeneutics
APM3a: Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia I
140107 UE 5 ECTS Readings from the Sankhyakarika with Extracts from its Commentary Called MatharavrttiPreisendanz, Tu 11:45-13:15 (15×)
Maas, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
APM3b: Ancient Indian Language Varieties and Literary Genres
140176 UE 5 ECTS Two Women Talking to the Wise Yajnavalkya - Selected Dialogues of the Brhadaranyaka UpanishadWerba, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
Werba, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
c. Required Modules
M4: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the non-Brahmanical Traditions of Premedieval South Asia
M5: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the Classical and Medieval Cultural Periods of South Asia
d. Elective Module Group 6
M6 (PR): Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus "Philosophies and Religions of South Asia" - M6a or M6c or M6d
M6 (SL): Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus "Languages and Literatures of South Asia" - M6b or M6c or M6d
e. Required Module
M7: Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of Modern South Asia
Chudal, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
f. Master-Module
Alternative Required Module 8
Preisendanz, We 12:45-14:15 (15×)
Werba, We 14:30-16:00 (15×)
Required Module
3. Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
a. Required Modules
M1: Philology and Methods
140245 UE 5 ECTS Selected Chapters of Atisha's Bodhimargadipapanjika - Tibetan Text and Sanskrit MaterialsWieser-Much, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
Tauscher, Tu 17:00-18:30 (15×)
M2: Textual Hermeneutics
140175 UE 5 ECTS Selected Readings from the Grub mtha' bzhi'i rnam par bshad pa of Ngag dbang dpal IdanTauscher, We 17:00-18:30 (15×)
MacDonald, Tu 15:15-16:45 (15×)
b. Alternative Required Module 3
APM3a: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area of Buddhism
Geisler, Fr 10:00-11:30 (14×), Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Tamphel, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
Chudal, Th 08:15-09:45 (15×), Mo 08:15-09:45 (14×)
Chudal, We 14:30-16:00 (15×)
APM3b: Advanced Philology
140107 UE 5 ECTS Readings from the Sankhyakarika with Extracts from its Commentary Called MatharavrttiPreisendanz, Tu 11:45-13:15 (15×)
140130 UE 5 ECTS [ en ] M17a-Literaturgenres und Sprachformen des Sanskrit II - Portraits of Holy Men in Classical Indian LiteratureDezsö, Mo 13:30-16:30 (2×), Tu 12:00-15:00 (2×), Th 12:00-15:00 (2×), Fr 10:00-13:00 (2×)
Mathes, Fr 13:30-15:00 (14×)
Werba, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Maas, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
c. Required Modules
M4: Special Lecture on Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M5: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism I
M6: Literature, History, and Culture of Tibet and Buddhism
M7: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet and Buddhism II
140287 SE 10 ECTS Buddhist Philosophy of Language - The Apoha Chapter in Shantarakshitaa's Tattvasamgraha and Kamalashila's TattvasamgrahapanjikaWieser-Much, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
d. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Krasser, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×)
M9: Master's Thesis in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
M10: Master's Examination in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
4. Buddhist Studies
a. Required Modules
M1: Comparative Philology of Buddhist Tradition
140245 UE 5 ECTS Selected Chapters of Atisha's Bodhimargadipapanjika - Tibetan Text and Sanskrit MaterialsWieser-Much, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
Tauscher, Tu 17:00-18:30 (15×)
M2: Text Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Buddhism outside of South Asia
140175 UE 5 ECTS Selected Readings from the Grub mtha' bzhi'i rnam par bshad pa of Ngag dbang dpal IdanTauscher, We 17:00-18:30 (15×)
MacDonald, Tu 15:15-16:45 (15×)
b. Alternative Required Module 3
APM 3a: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area
Geisler, Fr 10:00-11:30 (14×), Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Tamphel, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
Chudal, Th 08:15-09:45 (15×), Mo 08:15-09:45 (14×)
Chudal, We 14:30-16:00 (15×)
APM 3b: Advanced Philology and Text Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of the Cultural Area
140107 UE 5 ECTS Readings from the Sankhyakarika with Extracts from its Commentary Called MatharavrttiPreisendanz, Tu 11:45-13:15 (15×)
140130 UE 5 ECTS [ en ] M17a-Literaturgenres und Sprachformen des Sanskrit II - Portraits of Holy Men in Classical Indian LiteratureDezsö, Mo 13:30-16:30 (2×), Tu 12:00-15:00 (2×), Th 12:00-15:00 (2×), Fr 10:00-13:00 (2×)
Mathes, Fr 13:30-15:00 (14×)
Werba, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Maas, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
c. Required Modules
M4: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Buddhism I
M5: Culture and History of Buddhism I
M6: Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism
d. Alternative Required Module 7
APM 7a: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Buddhism II
140287 SE 10 ECTS Buddhist Philosophy of Language - The Apoha Chapter in Shantarakshitaa's Tattvasamgraha and Kamalashila's TattvasamgrahapanjikaWieser-Much, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
APM 7b: Culture and History of Buddhism II
e. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium in Buddhist Studies
Krasser, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×)
M9: Master's Thesis
M10: Master's Examination
5. Philosophies and Religions of South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: History and Teachings of a Selected Philosophical-Religious Tradition of South Asia
140287 SE 10 ECTS Buddhist Philosophy of Language - The Apoha Chapter in Shantarakshitaa's Tattvasamgraha and Kamalashila's TattvasamgrahapanjikaWieser-Much, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
M2: Philosophy and Religion of South Asia, Past and Present
140241 UE 5 ECTS Kings, Priests and the Gain of Power by Sudarsana - Tales of the AhirbudhnyasamhitaRastelli, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×)
Rastelli, Th 13:30-15:00 (15×)
M3: Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia
140107 UE 5 ECTS Readings from the Sankhyakarika with Extracts from its Commentary Called MatharavrttiPreisendanz, Tu 11:45-13:15 (15×)
Maas, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
M4: Core Issues of Philosophy and Religion of South Asia
M5: Aspects of the History of Philosophy and Religion of South Asia
M6: Advanced Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia
M7: Philosophy and Religion in the Cultural History of South Asia and Tibet
Werba, Th 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Chudal, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
b. Master-Modules
M8: Master's Colloquium
Preisendanz, We 12:45-14:15 (15×)
M9: Master's Thesis
M10: Master's Examination
6. Languages and Literatures of South Asia
a. Required Modules
M1: Aspects of Language and Literature in the History of South Asia
Rastelli, Th 13:30-15:00 (15×)
M2: Ancient Indian Language Varieties and Literary Genres
140176 UE 5 ECTS Two Women Talking to the Wise Yajnavalkya - Selected Dialogues of the Brhadaranyaka UpanishadWerba, We 11:00-12:30 (15×)
Werba, Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
M3: Middle Indian resp. Hybrid/Classical Language Varieties / Literary Genres
M4: Modern Forms of Language/Literary Genres
Chudal, Mo 13:30-15:00 (14×)
M5: Philology and Hermeneutics of Ancient Indian Texts
Werba, Th 10:00-11:30 (15×)
M6: Philology and Hermeneutics of Middle Indian resp. Hybrid/Classical Texts
M7: Hermeneutics of Modern Indian Texts and Traditions
Chudal, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
b. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium on the Languages and Literatures of South Asia
Werba, We 14:30-16:00 (15×)
M9: Master's Thesis
M10: Master's Examination
7. Tibetology
a. Required Modules
M1: Introduction to an Additional Language of the Cultural Area
Preisendanz, Tu 17:00-18:30 (15×)
Geisler, Fr 10:00-11:30 (14×), Tu 10:00-11:30 (15×)
Tamphel, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
Chudal, Th 08:15-09:45 (15×), Mo 08:15-09:45 (14×)
Chudal, We 14:30-16:00 (15×)
Kintaert, Mo 13:30-15:00 (14×), We 12:45-14:15 (15×)
M2: Text Hermeneutics in the Field of Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet
140175 UE 5 ECTS Selected Readings from the Grub mtha' bzhi'i rnam par bshad pa of Ngag dbang dpal IdanTauscher, We 17:00-18:30 (15×)
MacDonald, Tu 15:15-16:45 (15×)
M3: Modern Tibetan
Tamphel, Th 10:00-11:30 (15×)
M4: Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet
M5: Philosophical-Religous Traditions of Tibet I
M6: Culture and History of Tibet I
b. Alternative Requirede Module
APM 7a: Philosophical-Religious Traditions of Tibet II
140287 SE 10 ECTS Buddhist Philosophy of Language - The Apoha Chapter in Shantarakshitaa's Tattvasamgraha and Kamalashila's TattvasamgrahapanjikaWieser-Much, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
APM 7b: Culture and History of Tibet II
c. Master-Module
M8: Master's Colloquium on Tibetology
Krasser, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×)
M9: Master's Thesis
M10: Master's Examination
D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
CSP1 South Asian Studies, Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M1: Basics of Contemporary South Asian Cultures
M2: Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Tibet
M3: Basics of Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Buddhism
CSP2 South Asian Studies
M1 Introduction to South Asian Studies
Maas, Mo 10:00-11:30 (14×)
Buß, We 09:15-10:45 (15×)
M2: Basics of Cultural History
Kumar, Fr 11:45-13:15 (14×)
Rastelli, Th 13:30-15:00 (15×)
CSP3 Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
M1 Introduction to Tibetology and Buddhist Studies
Forgues, Fr 12:00-13:30 (14×)
M2: Basics of Cultural History
Mathes, Th 15:15-16:45 (15×)
140263 VO 5 ECTS The Tibetan Exile - Society, Culture and Politics in the Tibetan Diaspora since 1959Kloos, Tu 13:30-15:00 (15×)
14.04. Development Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Development Studies
01. Orientation Period - StEOP
Dannecker, Fr 09:00-11:00 (12×)
02. Module Introduction to Scientific Writing
Ossmann, We 09:00-11:00 (14×)
03. Module Sociological Aspects of Development Studies
Kolland, Th 09:45-11:15 (12×)
140227 KU 6 ECTS KS 2 Introduction to Development Sociology - Science in a Global Context: Knowledge Sociology and Development StudiesKlimburg-Witjes, Tu 09:00-11:00 (15×)
Lehrner, Fr 09:00-11:00 (13×)
140274 KU 6 ECTS KS 2 Introduction to Development Sociology - Basic Concepts of Development Research in SociologyDeutschmann, Mo 07.10. 12:00-14:00, Mo 12:00-15:00 (6×)
02. Module Political Aspects of Development Studies
140252 VO 3 ECTS KP1 - K V Introduction to Political Science from the Perspective of International DevelopmentAtac, Th 18:30-20:00 (12×)
Guth, Tu 15:00-17:00 (10×), Tu 17.12. 15:00-20:00
Gerstl, Th 09:30-11:00 (14×)
Mayrhofer, Tu 17:00-20:00 (7×)
05. Module Introduction to Development Economics
Wick, Th 28.11. 11:00-13:00, Th 11:00-15:00 (4×), Th 12.12. 11:00-14:00, Th 30.01. 11:00-15:05
Breitwieser, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Seidler, We 09:00-11:00 (15×)
4. Module Development Studies in Historical Context
Weissenbacher, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
140249 KU 6 ECTS KG2 - K VI International Development in Historical Context - "Development Aid" as Part of the Global History of the Post-colonial EraUnfried, Fr 09:00-11:00 (12×)
Sonderegger, Fr 13:00-15:00 (12×)
07. Module Introduction to Development Studies
Schröder, Mo 17:00-19:00 (14×)
Faschingeder, We 17:00-19:00 (15×)
Malekpour-Augustin, Fr 11:00-13:00 (12×)
08. Module Introduction to Development Policy and Development Cooperation
Schleicher, Fr 17:00-20:00 (6×), Th 18:00-20:00 (5×)
Hacker, We 13:00-16:00 (7×)
Klapeer, Th 17.10. 15:00-18:05, Th 15:00-18:00 (6×)
09. Module Fields of Practice and Occupation
Lindorfer, Tu 17:00-18:30 (13×)
140335 UE 4 ECTS PR1 - P I - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - Management, Monitoring and Assessment in Development ProjectsGrünberg, Mo 09:00-12:00 (6×), Mo 09.12. 08:55-12:00
140337 UE 4 ECTS P I - PR1 - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - Development Cooperation in Practice - Stakeholders, Concepts and TrendsKoppensteiner, We 09.10. 18:00-20:00, Sa 10:00-17:00 (2×), Su 10:00-17:00 (2×)
140339 UE 4 ECTS PR1 - P I - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - Human Rights Focused Project PlanningGauster, Fr 09:00-17:00 (2×), Sa 19.10. 10:00-13:00
Graneß, Mo 07.10. 12:00-16:00, Mo 21.10. 12:00-16:30, Mo 12:00-18:00 (3×)
Rienzner, We 09.10. 09:00-11:00, Tu 12:00-18:00 (4×)
Brandner, Mo 09:00-12:00 (8×)
Schuch, Tu 22.10. 19:00-20:30, Sa 10:00-15:30 (3×), Sa 25.01. 10:00-15:00
Sinzinger, We 09.10. 18:00-20:00, Sa 10:00-17:00 (2×), Su 10:00-17:00 (2×)
140354 UE 4 ECTS [ en ] PR1 - P I - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - Participatory Project Planning - Methods and ToolsSeidler, We 13:00-16:00 (8×)
140355 UE 4 ECTS PR1 - P I - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - International Humanitarian Aid: Basic Concepts, Trends and ChallengesRinghofer, Fr 09:00-12:30 (3×), Mo 12:00-15:30 (3×)
Spitzl, Th 16:30-19:45 (7×)
10. Module Regional Geographic / Thematic In-Depth Studies
Manzenreiter, Mo 18:00-20:00 (14×)
Santi, Tu 18:45-20:15 (13×)
Grandner, Mo 12:00-14:00 (13×)
210146 VO 4 ECTS M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Aktuelle Kontroversen über Wachstum und Entwicklung in Lateinamerika (Diss)Fischer, Th 18:30-21:30 (14×)
230140 VO 4 ECTS The ecological crisis from an interdisciplinary perspective - interuniversitäre RingvorlesungLittig, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
Potz, Mo 18:00-19:30 (11×)
140399 VO 4 ECTS One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on 'Violence against the elderly, particularly women'Berzlanovich
11. Module Transdisciplinary Development Research
140273 VO 4 ECTS TEF A - PS I Transdisciplinary Development Research - An International Political Economy Approach (TEF1 + TEF2)Jäger, Th 15:00-18:00 (14×)
140190 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - The Construction of the `Other´Weidinger, Fr 14:00-17:00 (2×), Fr 10.01. 11:00-14:00, Sa 11.01. 12:00-17:00, Sa 18.01. 10:00-15:00
140192 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Theories and Methods of Analysing ResistancePfeffer, Tu 12:00-15:00 (6×), Sa 11.01. 09:00-12:00, Sa 18.01. 09:00-15:00
140195 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Asylum Seekers as Rights Claimants?! A Transdisciplinary Approach to Asylum Realities and the Role of Rights, Dignity, and EmpowermentStemberger, Mo 16:00-18:00 (14×)
140196 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - ‚Entwicklung‘ als Austragungsort trans-/nationaler Sexual/Body PoliticsKlapeer, Fr 14:00-16:00 (2×), Fr 22.11. 14:00-17:30, Fr 14:00-18:30 (3×)
140197 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Theories of Global InequalityProbst, We 11:00-13:00 (15×)
140201 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Theories of Global JusticeGörgl, We 16:00-18:00 (15×)
140213 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Introduction to Health and Development (English/German)Seidler, Th 10.10. 13:00-16:00, Fr 11:00-14:00 (6×)
140256 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - International Political EcologyKöhler, We 18:00-20:00 (14×), Sa 11.01. 09:00-15:00
140257 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Crisis Empowers Capitalism Empowers CrisisDaum, Fr 16:00-19:00 (4×), Sa 09:00-13:00 (2×), Su 09:00-13:00 (2×)
12. Bachelor Module
Dannecker, Tu 09:00-12:00 (7×)
Edelmayer, Mo 11:00-13:00 (14×), Fr 17.01. 09:00-18:00, Sa 18.01. 09:00-18:00
Borkert, Tu 12:00-15:00 (8×)
Zimmermann, Fr 09:00-13:00 (9×)
Hacker, Mo 14.10. 12:00-15:00, Mo 12:00-18:00 (2×), Mo 09.12. 10:00-16:00
Cunat, Mo 09:00-11:00 (14×)
140261 SE 14 ECTS [ de en ] Bachelor Seminar - "Development" as It Is Seen by International Organisations during the 20th and 21st CenturiesGrandner, Tu 08.10. 09:00-11:00, Tu 09:00-13:00 (7×)
Zuckerhut, Th 12:00-15:00 (4×), Th 15:30-17:00 (4×), We 18.12. 13:00-16:00, We 18.12. 16:30-18:00, Th 16.01. 13:00-16:00
De Abreu Fialho Gomes, We 11:00-13:00 (15×)
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Development Studies
1. Orientation Period - STEP
Dannecker, Fr 09:00-11:00 (12×)
140252 VO 3 ECTS KP1 - K V Introduction to Political Science from the Perspective of International DevelopmentAtac, Th 18:30-20:00 (12×)
Kolland, Th 09:45-11:15 (12×)
Ossmann, We 09:00-11:00 (14×)
Faschingeder, We 17:00-19:00 (15×)
Malekpour-Augustin, Fr 11:00-13:00 (12×)
Schröder, Mo 17:00-19:00 (14×)
2. Module Sociological and Political Aspects of Development Studies
140227 KU 6 ECTS KS 2 Introduction to Development Sociology - Science in a Global Context: Knowledge Sociology and Development StudiesKlimburg-Witjes, Tu 09:00-11:00 (15×)
Lehrner, Fr 09:00-11:00 (13×)
140274 KU 6 ECTS KS 2 Introduction to Development Sociology - Basic Concepts of Development Research in SociologyDeutschmann, Mo 07.10. 12:00-14:00, Mo 12:00-15:00 (6×)
Guth, Tu 15:00-17:00 (10×), Tu 17.12. 15:00-20:00
Gerstl, Th 09:30-11:00 (14×)
Mayrhofer, Tu 17:00-20:00 (7×)
3. Module Introduction to Development Economics
Wick, Th 28.11. 11:00-13:00, Th 11:00-15:00 (4×), Th 12.12. 11:00-14:00, Th 30.01. 11:00-15:05
Breitwieser, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Seidler, We 09:00-11:00 (15×)
4. Module Development Studies in Historical Context
Weissenbacher, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
140249 KU 6 ECTS KG2 - K VI International Development in Historical Context - "Development Aid" as Part of the Global History of the Post-colonial EraUnfried, Fr 09:00-11:00 (12×)
Sonderegger, Fr 13:00-15:00 (12×)
5. Module Development Policy and Development Cooperation
Schleicher, Fr 17:00-20:00 (6×), Th 18:00-20:00 (5×)
Hacker, We 13:00-16:00 (7×)
Klapeer, Th 17.10. 15:00-18:05, Th 15:00-18:00 (6×)
6. Module Fields of Practice and Occupation
Lindorfer, Tu 17:00-18:30 (13×)
140335 UE 4 ECTS PR1 - P I - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - Management, Monitoring and Assessment in Development ProjectsGrünberg, Mo 09:00-12:00 (6×), Mo 09.12. 08:55-12:00
140337 UE 4 ECTS P I - PR1 - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - Development Cooperation in Practice - Stakeholders, Concepts and TrendsKoppensteiner, We 09.10. 18:00-20:00, Sa 10:00-17:00 (2×), Su 10:00-17:00 (2×)
140339 UE 4 ECTS PR1 - P I - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - Human Rights Focused Project PlanningGauster, Fr 09:00-17:00 (2×), Sa 19.10. 10:00-13:00
Graneß, Mo 07.10. 12:00-16:00, Mo 21.10. 12:00-16:30, Mo 12:00-18:00 (3×)
Schuch, Tu 22.10. 19:00-20:30, Sa 10:00-15:30 (3×), Sa 25.01. 10:00-15:00
Sinzinger, We 09.10. 18:00-20:00, Sa 10:00-17:00 (2×), Su 10:00-17:00 (2×)
140354 UE 4 ECTS [ en ] PR1 - P I - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - Participatory Project Planning - Methods and ToolsSeidler, We 13:00-16:00 (8×)
140355 UE 4 ECTS PR1 - P I - PFA Introduction to Development Planning - International Humanitarian Aid: Basic Concepts, Trends and ChallengesRinghofer, Fr 09:00-12:30 (3×), Mo 12:00-15:30 (3×)
Spitzl, Th 16:30-19:45 (7×)
7. Module Regional Geographic / Thematic In-Depth Studies
Manzenreiter, Mo 18:00-20:00 (14×)
Santi, Tu 18:45-20:15 (13×)
Grandner, Mo 12:00-14:00 (13×)
210146 VO 4 ECTS M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Aktuelle Kontroversen über Wachstum und Entwicklung in Lateinamerika (Diss)Fischer, Th 18:30-21:30 (14×)
Potz, Mo 18:00-19:30 (11×)
140399 VO 4 ECTS One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on 'Violence against the elderly, particularly women'Berzlanovich
8. Module Transdisciplinary Development Research
140190 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research II - The Construction of the `Other´Weidinger, Fr 14:00-17:00 (2×), Fr 10.01. 11:00-14:00, Sa 11.01. 12:00-17:00, Sa 18.01. 10:00-15:00
140192 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Theories and Methods of Analysing ResistancePfeffer, Tu 12:00-15:00 (6×), Sa 11.01. 09:00-12:00, Sa 18.01. 09:00-15:00
140195 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Asylum Seekers as Rights Claimants?! A Transdisciplinary Approach to Asylum Realities and the Role of Rights, Dignity, and EmpowermentStemberger, Mo 16:00-18:00 (14×)
140196 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - ‚Entwicklung‘ als Austragungsort trans-/nationaler Sexual/Body PoliticsKlapeer, Fr 14:00-16:00 (2×), Fr 22.11. 14:00-17:30, Fr 14:00-18:30 (3×)
140197 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Theories of Global InequalityProbst, We 11:00-13:00 (15×)
140201 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Theories of Global JusticeGörgl, We 16:00-18:00 (15×)
140213 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Introduction to Health and Development (English/German)Seidler, Th 10.10. 13:00-16:00, Fr 11:00-14:00 (6×)
140256 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - International Political EcologyKöhler, We 18:00-20:00 (14×), Sa 11.01. 09:00-15:00
140257 KU 6 ECTS TEF B - TEF3 - PS II Introductory Seminar: Transdisciplinary Development Research - Crisis Empowers Capitalism Empowers CrisisDaum, Fr 16:00-19:00 (4×), Sa 09:00-13:00 (2×), Su 09:00-13:00 (2×)
140273 VO 4 ECTS TEF A - PS I Transdisciplinary Development Research - An International Political Economy Approach (TEF1 + TEF2)Jäger, Th 15:00-18:00 (14×)
9. Bachelor Module
Dannecker, Tu 09:00-12:00 (7×)
Edelmayer, Mo 11:00-13:00 (14×), Fr 17.01. 09:00-18:00, Sa 18.01. 09:00-18:00
Borkert, Tu 12:00-15:00 (8×)
Zimmermann, Fr 09:00-13:00 (9×)
Hacker, Mo 14.10. 12:00-15:00, Mo 12:00-18:00 (2×), Mo 09.12. 10:00-16:00
Cunat, Mo 09:00-11:00 (14×)
140261 SE 14 ECTS [ de en ] Bachelor Seminar - "Development" as It Is Seen by International Organisations during the 20th and 21st CenturiesGrandner, Tu 08.10. 09:00-11:00, Tu 09:00-13:00 (7×)
Zuckerhut, Th 12:00-15:00 (4×), Th 15:30-17:00 (4×), We 18.12. 13:00-16:00, We 18.12. 16:30-18:00, Th 16.01. 13:00-16:00
De Abreu Fialho Gomes, We 11:00-13:00 (15×)
B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies
01. Compulsory Module 1: Principles of Development Research
Cunat, Th 11:00-13:00 (12×), Mo 14:00-16:00 (3×)
De Abreu Fialho Gomes, We 14:00-16:00 (15×)
Obrovsky, Th 16:00-18:00 (14×)
140379 KU 6 ECTS GM3 Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - De/Constructing ‚Modern Man‘: Revisiting Concepts of Subjectivity and Society in Modernization TheoriesKlapeer, Tu 12:00-15:00 (7×)
Kron, Tu 08.10. 09:00-10:30, Tu 09:00-12:00 (7×), Tu 21.01. 15:00-18:00
Pühretmayer, Fr 13:00-15:00 (12×)
02. Compulsory Module 2: Methods of Developmetn Research
Benesch, Tu 18:00-20:00 (15×)
Reichel, Th 18:00-20:00 (14×)
Dahlvik, Th 15:00-18:00 (7×)
Hirzer, Tu 17:00-20:00 (7×)
03. Emphasis Transdisciplinary Developmetn Research
03. Emphasis 1: Political aspects of development research (VM1)
Brocza, Mo 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Borkert, Th 11:00-13:00 (14×)
140301 SE 7 ECTS T I - T III - VM1 - VM2 Dealing with Natural Hazards and Climate Change - from the Perspective of Development GeographyAßheuer, Fr 09:00-11:00 (13×)
Purkarthofer, Tu 18:00-20:00 (15×)
Krieger, Fr 09:00-12:00 (7×)
Bruch, Tu 16:00-20:00 (2×), Th 10.10. 09:00-13:00, Mo 13.01. 14:00-18:00, We 15.01. 14:00-18:00, Th 16.01. 14:00-18:00
Cunat, Mo 11:00-13:00 (14×)
140533 SE 7 ECTS T III - VM1 - VM6 - Social and Political Transformation Processes in the Middle EastGünay, We 17:00-20:00 (7×)
Manzenreiter, Mo 18:00-20:00 (14×)
Segert, We 15:00-16:30 (15×), We 22.01. 17:15-18:45
210146 VO 4 ECTS M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Aktuelle Kontroversen über Wachstum und Entwicklung in Lateinamerika (Diss)Fischer, Th 18:30-21:30 (14×)
Gabriel, Th 17.10. 14:00-16:00, Fr 08.11. 14:15-18:30, Sa 09:00-12:15 (3×), Fr 14:15-17:30 (2×), Tu 14.01. 18:15-20:00
140061 KU 6 ECTS Elections in Africa: Instrument of Democratization or Means of Power Consolidation?Barker-Ciganikova, Tu 10:00-13:00 (13×)
290010 VO 3 ECTS Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in AsiaSpreitzhofer, Tu 08.10. 17:30-19:00, Tu 15.10. 17:30-20:45, We 17:30-20:45 (5×), We 15.01. 17:30-19:00
04. Emphasis 2: Economic aspects of development research (VM2)
Seidler, We 13:00-16:00 (7×)
Peev, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×)
140282 SE 7 ECTS T II - TIII - VM2 - V5 - International Economy of Structural Imbalances - Center and Periphery in the Shadow of the Crisis in EuropeWeissenbacher, Th 15:00-18:00 (5×), Sa 25.01. 09:00-17:00
140301 SE 7 ECTS T I - T III - VM1 - VM2 Dealing with Natural Hazards and Climate Change - from the Perspective of Development GeographyAßheuer, Fr 09:00-11:00 (13×)
Schönpflug, Mo 07.10. 16:00-19:00, Fr 13:00-17:00 (3×)
140333 SE 7 ECTS SE IE - VM2 - VM4 Corporate Social Responsibility - an Effective Tool to Protect Indigenous and Social Rights?Kuppe, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×)
Cunat, Mo 11:00-13:00 (14×)
Gabriel, Th 17.10. 14:00-16:00, Fr 08.11. 14:15-18:30, Sa 09:00-12:15 (3×), Fr 14:15-17:30 (2×), Tu 14.01. 18:15-20:00
Raffer, We 14:00-16:00 (16×), Th 14:00-16:00 (15×)
Raffer, Th 10:00-12:00 (15×), Sa 09:00-18:00 (2×)
290010 VO 3 ECTS Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in AsiaSpreitzhofer, Tu 08.10. 17:30-19:00, Tu 15.10. 17:30-20:45, We 17:30-20:45 (5×), We 15.01. 17:30-19:00
05. Emphasis 3: Sociological Aspects of Development Research
Borkert, Th 11:00-13:00 (14×)
140243 SE 7 ECTS [ de es ] T IV - VM3 - VM4 - Decoloniality / Interculturality - Critical Views and Social Practice in Global Cultural GeographyNava Rivero, We 13:00-15:00 (15×), Tu 05.11. 18:00-21:00
Kron, Tu 13:00-16:00 (8×), Tu 21.01. 12:00-15:00
Tausch, We 16:00-18:00 (15×)
140303 SE 7 ECTS T II - VM3 - VM6 - Productive Urban Landscapes: 'Urban Farming' and 'Urban Gardening'Voglmayr, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
Hartmeyer, Tu 16:00-18:00 (15×)
Bruch, Tu 16:00-20:00 (2×), Th 10.10. 09:00-13:00, Mo 13.01. 14:00-18:00, We 15.01. 14:00-18:00, Th 16.01. 14:00-18:00
140533 SE 7 ECTS T III - VM1 - VM6 - Social and Political Transformation Processes in the Middle EastGünay, We 17:00-20:00 (7×)
Manzenreiter, Mo 18:00-20:00 (14×)
Hacker, We 13:00-16:00 (7×)
230048 SE 4 ECTS Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches - From a theoretical, methodological and empirical point of viewChevron, Mo 11:15-14:15 (7×)
Weiss, Mo 14:45-16:45 (13×)
Parzer, Mo 14:45-17:45 (7×)
Mayrhofer-Deak, We 18:30-20:00 (15×)
230125 SE 4 ECTS Measuring migration - Quantitative developments of international migration and its consequences in EuropeReichel, Mo 09:00-10:30 (14×)
06. Emphasis 4: Cultural Studies Aspects of Development Research
140243 SE 7 ECTS [ de es ] T IV - VM3 - VM4 - Decoloniality / Interculturality - Critical Views and Social Practice in Global Cultural GeographyNava Rivero, We 13:00-15:00 (15×), Tu 05.11. 18:00-21:00
Tausch, We 16:00-18:00 (15×)
Prokop, Th 15:00-18:00 (7×)
140326 SE 7 ECTS T IV - VM4 - VM8 - The Arts as Accesspoint in Processes of Socio-political TransformationFritz, Mo 18:00-20:00 (6×), Sa 14.12. 10:00-17:00, Su 15.12. 10:00-17:00
De Abreu Fialho Gomes, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Hartmeyer, Tu 16:00-18:00 (15×)
Hacker, Tu 15.10. 13:00-16:00, Sa 11:00-17:00 (3×)
Grandner, Tu 08.10. 11:00-13:00, Tu 09:00-13:00 (7×)
Santi, Tu 18:45-20:15 (13×)
140333 SE 7 ECTS SE IE - VM2 - VM4 Corporate Social Responsibility - an Effective Tool to Protect Indigenous and Social Rights?Kuppe, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×)
010026 VO 3 ECTS Intercultural Philosophy - Intercultural Philosophy. Latin American Philosophy in the context of a global discourse on ModernitySchelkshorn, We 18:15-20:00 (16×)
Krenceyová, Tu 15:00-18:00 (8×)
Hödl, Th 10:15-11:45 (11×)
140119 VO 3 ECTS Multilingualism Research - en vogue? Buzzwords, Issues and Competing Interests - An Introduction - Schlagworte, Grundfragen, Interessenskonflikte - eine EinführungRienzner, Fr 15:00-19:00 (8×)
07. Emphasis 5: Historical Aspects of Development Research
Brocza, Mo 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Grandner, Tu 08.10. 11:00-13:00, Tu 09:00-13:00 (7×)
140282 SE 7 ECTS T II - TIII - VM2 - V5 - International Economy of Structural Imbalances - Center and Periphery in the Shadow of the Crisis in EuropeWeissenbacher, Th 15:00-18:00 (5×), Sa 25.01. 09:00-17:00
Gärtner, We 30.10. 13:00-17:00, Th 31.10. 10:00-15:00, Mo 04.11. 10:00-16:00, Tu 05.11. 09:00-13:00
De Abreu Fialho Gomes, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Hacker, Tu 15.10. 13:00-16:00, Sa 11:00-17:00 (3×)
Grandner, Mo 12:00-14:00 (13×)
Sonderegger, We 09:00-11:00 (15×)
140356 VO 4 ECTS Global history or just area studies? - Tensions and Dynamics between African historiography and more recent approaches to global history?Rüther, Tu 13:00-15:00 (15×)
070189 VO 4 ECTS Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - A History of the Americas in Atlantic Perspective , 1701 - 1810Fröschl, Th 11:30-13:00 (14×)
070017 SE 6 ECTS Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Genocide in Rwanda in 1994Reiter, Tu 14:00-16:00 (15×)
Pfeisinger, Mo 09:45-11:15 (14×)
Gütl, Th 15:00-17:00 (4×), Th 15:00-18:00 (2×), Th 15:00-19:00 (3×)
070233 VO 4 ECTS Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - Independence of American ColoniesHoebelt, Mo 16:45-18:15 (14×)
08. Emphasis 6: Geographic and Regional Aspects of Development Research
Seidler, We 13:00-16:00 (7×)
Peev, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×)
140303 SE 7 ECTS T II - VM3 - VM6 - Productive Urban Landscapes: 'Urban Farming' and 'Urban Gardening'Voglmayr, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
Krieger, Fr 09:00-12:00 (7×)
140533 SE 7 ECTS T III - VM1 - VM6 - Social and Political Transformation Processes in the Middle EastGünay, We 17:00-20:00 (7×)
Gärtner, We 30.10. 13:00-17:00, Th 31.10. 10:00-15:00, Mo 04.11. 10:00-16:00, Tu 05.11. 09:00-13:00
Grandner, Mo 12:00-14:00 (13×)
210146 VO 4 ECTS M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - Aktuelle Kontroversen über Wachstum und Entwicklung in Lateinamerika (Diss)Fischer, Th 18:30-21:30 (14×)
Segert, We 15:00-16:30 (15×), We 22.01. 17:15-18:45
Musil, We 15:00-16:30 (14×)
Kolland, Th 12:00-13:30 (7×)
Komlosy, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
Nissel, Th 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Krenceyová, Tu 15:00-18:00 (8×)
140061 KU 6 ECTS Elections in Africa: Instrument of Democratization or Means of Power Consolidation?Barker-Ciganikova, Tu 10:00-13:00 (13×)
Pfeisinger, Mo 09:45-11:15 (14×)
Sonderegger, We 09:00-11:00 (15×)
010026 VO 3 ECTS Intercultural Philosophy - Intercultural Philosophy. Latin American Philosophy in the context of a global discourse on ModernitySchelkshorn, We 18:15-20:00 (16×)
140356 VO 4 ECTS Global history or just area studies? - Tensions and Dynamics between African historiography and more recent approaches to global history?Rüther, Tu 13:00-15:00 (15×)
Hödl, Th 10:15-11:45 (11×)
070017 SE 6 ECTS Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Genocide in Rwanda in 1994Reiter, Tu 14:00-16:00 (15×)
070189 VO 4 ECTS Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - A History of the Americas in Atlantic Perspective , 1701 - 1810Fröschl, Th 11:30-13:00 (14×)
070233 VO 4 ECTS Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - Independence of American ColoniesHoebelt, Mo 16:45-18:15 (14×)
09: Emphasis 7: Gender-specific Aspects of Development Research
Kron, Tu 13:00-16:00 (8×), Tu 21.01. 12:00-15:00
Schönpflug, Mo 07.10. 16:00-19:00, Fr 13:00-17:00 (3×)
Prokop, Th 15:00-18:00 (7×)
Purkarthofer, Tu 18:00-20:00 (15×)
Santi, Tu 18:45-20:15 (13×)
Hacker, We 13:00-16:00 (7×)
140399 VO 4 ECTS One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on 'Violence against the elderly, particularly women'Berzlanovich
10. Emphasis 8: Areas of Practice and Applied Develpmetn Cooperation
140326 SE 7 ECTS T IV - VM4 - VM8 - The Arts as Accesspoint in Processes of Socio-political TransformationFritz, Mo 18:00-20:00 (6×), Sa 14.12. 10:00-17:00, Su 15.12. 10:00-17:00
Demel, Mo 21.10. 12:00-14:00, Fr 22.11. 11:00-15:05, Sa 23.11. 10:00-14:00, Su 24.11. 10:00-14:00, We 18.12. 16:00-19:00, Th 19.12. 10:00-14:00
140334 VO+UE 4 ECTS [ en ] VM8 - Negotiating Change - Simulation of an International Conference for Sustainable DevelopmentGruber, Fr 11:00-13:00 (13×)
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
230169 SE 4 ECTS Job Orientation - Experts-Laypersons-Dialogues about studies and world of work - Erleben, Reflektieren, GestaltenHellmer
11. Transdisciplinary Research Module
140383 UE 5 ECTS FM1: Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Concepts and Debates of Transdisciplinarity - Models of Out-of-the-box-thinking and the Praxis of Reading the WorldFaschingeder, Th 09:00-11:00 (2×), Th 09:00-12:00 (6×), Th 06.02. 09:00-13:00
140386 SE 10 ECTS FM2 - Resarch Seminar (Part 2) - Implementation - Archives of Helping? The Early History of Austrian Development CooperationSchicho, Mo 17:00-20:00 (14×)
140394 UE 5 ECTS FM1: Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research design - Ernährung und Esskultur Vielfalt und Unsicherheit in globalen ZusammenhängenEhlert, We 09:00-12:00 (8×)
12: Master Module
B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies (starting in WS 2010 at the earliest)
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Dahlvik, Th 15:00-18:00 (7×)
Hirzer, Tu 17:00-20:00 (7×)
Benesch, Tu 18:00-20:00 (15×)
Reichel, Th 18:00-20:00 (14×)
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Borkert, Th 11:00-13:00 (14×)
Tausch, We 16:00-18:00 (15×)
De Abreu Fialho Gomes, Th 13:00-15:00 (14×)
Bruch, Tu 16:00-20:00 (2×), Th 10.10. 09:00-13:00, Mo 13.01. 14:00-18:00, We 15.01. 14:00-18:00, Th 16.01. 14:00-18:00
290010 VO 3 ECTS Environmental Problems, Use of Resources and Aspects of Sustainable Development in AsiaSpreitzhofer, Tu 08.10. 17:30-19:00, Tu 15.10. 17:30-20:45, We 17:30-20:45 (5×), We 15.01. 17:30-19:00
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Grandner, Tu 08.10. 11:00-13:00, Tu 09:00-13:00 (7×)
140282 SE 7 ECTS T II - TIII - VM2 - V5 - International Economy of Structural Imbalances - Center and Periphery in the Shadow of the Crisis in EuropeWeissenbacher, Th 15:00-18:00 (5×), Sa 25.01. 09:00-17:00
140303 SE 7 ECTS T II - VM3 - VM6 - Productive Urban Landscapes: 'Urban Farming' and 'Urban Gardening'Voglmayr, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
Krieger, Fr 09:00-12:00 (7×)
Gärtner, We 30.10. 13:00-17:00, Th 31.10. 10:00-15:00, Mo 04.11. 10:00-16:00, Tu 05.11. 09:00-13:00
Kolland, Th 12:00-13:30 (7×)
Nissel, Th 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Brocza, Mo 15:00-17:00 (14×)
Seidler, We 13:00-16:00 (7×)
Peev, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×)
140282 SE 7 ECTS T II - TIII - VM2 - V5 - International Economy of Structural Imbalances - Center and Periphery in the Shadow of the Crisis in EuropeWeissenbacher, Th 15:00-18:00 (5×), Sa 25.01. 09:00-17:00
140301 SE 7 ECTS T I - T III - VM1 - VM2 Dealing with Natural Hazards and Climate Change - from the Perspective of Development GeographyAßheuer, Fr 09:00-11:00 (13×)
Purkarthofer, Tu 18:00-20:00 (15×)
140333 SE 7 ECTS SE IE - VM2 - VM4 Corporate Social Responsibility - an Effective Tool to Protect Indigenous and Social Rights?Kuppe, Th 09:00-12:00 (2×)
Bruch, Tu 16:00-20:00 (2×), Th 10.10. 09:00-13:00, Mo 13.01. 14:00-18:00, We 15.01. 14:00-18:00, Th 16.01. 14:00-18:00
Segert, We 15:00-16:30 (15×), We 22.01. 17:15-18:45
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
140243 SE 7 ECTS [ de es ] T IV - VM3 - VM4 - Decoloniality / Interculturality - Critical Views and Social Practice in Global Cultural GeographyNava Rivero, We 13:00-15:00 (15×), Tu 05.11. 18:00-21:00
Schönpflug, Mo 07.10. 16:00-19:00, Fr 13:00-17:00 (3×)
Prokop, Th 15:00-18:00 (7×)
140326 SE 7 ECTS T IV - VM4 - VM8 - The Arts as Accesspoint in Processes of Socio-political TransformationFritz, Mo 18:00-20:00 (6×), Sa 14.12. 10:00-17:00, Su 15.12. 10:00-17:00
Hartmeyer, Tu 16:00-18:00 (15×)
Hacker, Tu 15.10. 13:00-16:00, Sa 11:00-17:00 (3×)
Hacker, We 13:00-16:00 (7×)
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
140383 UE 5 ECTS FM1: Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Concepts and Debates of Transdisciplinarity - Models of Out-of-the-box-thinking and the Praxis of Reading the WorldFaschingeder, Th 09:00-11:00 (2×), Th 09:00-12:00 (6×), Th 06.02. 09:00-13:00
140394 UE 5 ECTS FM1: Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research design - Ernährung und Esskultur Vielfalt und Unsicherheit in globalen ZusammenhängenEhlert, We 09:00-12:00 (8×)
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
D. Complementary Study Programm CSP: Internationale Development - Basics (149)
01. EC - EF1 - Introduction to International Development
Dannecker, Fr 09:00-11:00 (12×)
02. EC - KS1 - Introduction to Development Sociology
Kolland, Th 09:45-11:15 (12×)
03. EC - KP1 - Political Aspects of International Development
140252 VO 3 ECTS KP1 - K V Introduction to Political Science from the Perspective of International DevelopmentAtac, Th 18:30-20:00 (12×)
04. EC - KW1 - Introduction to Development Economy
05. EC - KG1 - International Development in a Historical Context
E. Complementary Study Programm CSP: Internationale Development - Advanced (140)
01. EC - EZ1 - Development Policy and Development Cooperation
02. EC - TEFA - Transdisciplinary Development Research
140273 VO 4 ECTS TEF A - PS I Transdisciplinary Development Research - An International Political Economy Approach (TEF1 + TEF2)Jäger, Th 15:00-18:00 (14×)
02. EC - EF2 - Consortium: Introduction to International Development
Schröder, Mo 17:00-19:00 (14×)
Faschingeder, We 17:00-19:00 (15×)
Malekpour-Augustin, Fr 11:00-13:00 (12×)
F. Individual Diploma Programme in Development Studies (expiring)
Grandner, We 16:00-19:00 (6×), We 27.11. 16:00-19:05
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38