UF EN 08a Advanced Literature and Cultural Studies (Alternative Compulsory Module)
Wahl eines Alternativen Pflichtmoduls (UF EN 08a ODER UF EN 08b)
Banauch, Tu 10:00-12:00 (13×)
123044 PS 5 ECTS [ en ] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - Columbus No More! Reading Native American Literature in the 21st CenturyHauke, Th 10:00-12:00 (12×), Th 01.12. 08:00-10:00, Mo 09.01. 19:00-22:00
123045 PS 5 ECTS [ en ] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - 'A sylvan fringe of darkness': Forests in the Western Literary ImaginationBorzaga, We 16:00-18:00 (12×)
123046 PS 5 ECTS [ en ] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - Literary Strolls: Walking in British and Anglophone LiteratureBorzaga, We 18:00-20:00 (12×)
Lajta-Novak, Fr 12:00-14:00 (14×)
124261 KO 6 ECTS [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Foodstuff, Diets, Table Manners: Food Cultures and Cultural StudiesFrühwirth, Mo 16:00-18:00 (14×)
124262 KO 6 ECTS [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Mirror Mirror on the Screen. Approaching Film Studies and Film History through MetacinemaTheuer, Tu 18:00-20:00 (13×)
Fagan, Mo 12:00-14:00 (14×)
124264 KO 6 ECTS [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Terror, precarious masculinities & media (mal-)contents in the global mix: Tracing gender politics in (self)representations of extremist groupsBergmeister, We 14:00-16:00 (12×)
Kennedy, Fr 14:00-16:00 (14×)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40