Universität Wien

7.06 Master Globalgeschichte & Global Studies (066/805)

Gilt auch für das Magisterstudium Globalgeschichte.

1. Required Modules Orientation Period

PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working

PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science

2. Alternative Required Modules

APM Basics of Global History

APM Basics in another Subject Area of Global Studies

3. Required Modules

PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History and Global Studies

PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Global History: World Regions from the Perspective of Global History

PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Global History: Themes of Global History

PM Excursion and Global Studies

4. Alternative Required Modules

APM Research Module Global History

APM Research Module Global Studies

APM Applied Global History

APM Applied Global Studies

5. Master-Module

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40