Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
Literary and Cultural Studies
Simonek, Tu 09:45-11:15 (13×)
480125 KO 5 ECTS Super-Sex-Dadaism! Towards a History of the Obscene in Czech Literature - Colloquium on Literature and CultureZand, Mo 15:00-16:30 (12×)
480135 KO 5 ECTS Eastern Europe Avantgarde in the first Half of the 20th Century - Colloquium on Literatur and CultureCybenko, Th 18:30-20:00 (12×), Th 27.04. 18:30-20:45
Reinhart, Tu 16:45-18:15 (12×)
480163 KO 5 ECTS Bay Ganyo by Aleko Konstantinov. The Rejected / Triumphing Balkan Identity. - Colloquium on Literature and CultureDakova, Tu 11:30-13:00 (14×)
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33