Master Sociology (905 [2])
Informationen zum Studiengang finden Sie auf der Homepage der Studienprogrammleitung Soziologie:
MA T - Applied Methods and Research Strategies (12 ECTS)
230006 VO 4 ECTS Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical researchVogl, Th 17:00-19:00 (11×)
Pohn-Lauggas, Mo 05.03. 16:00-19:00, Fr 16.03. 11:30-17:30, Mo 16:00-19:15 (4×), Tu 05.06. 13:30-16:45
Schlembach, Fr 12:15-14:00 (10×), Fr 25.05. 10:00-16:00
Paulinger, Tu 17:00-18:45 (11×), Tu 17:00-20:00 (2×)
Berghammer, Mo 09:00-11:00 (11×)
MA T - Sociological Theory: Comparison and Application (12 ECTS)
Penz, We 16:45-18:15 (14×)
Littig, Th 08.03. 13:15-14:45, Th 12:00-15:10 (5×), Th 17.05. 11:30-14:45
Penz, Th 11:30-13:45 (10×)
230043 SE 6 ECTS Goffmans "Total Institution" from Different Theoretical Perspectives - Annäherungen an ein populäres Konzept der Institutionenkritik aus unterschiedlichen TheorieperspektivenMayrhofer, Mo 17:30-19:30 (10×), Mo 19.03. 17:30-20:00
Kretschmann, Fr 02.03. 16:45-18:15, Fr 13.04. 09:00-12:00, Fr 09:45-14:00 (2×)
Lehner, Mo 05.03. 19:15-20:15, Mo 16:00-17:30 (6×), Mo 28.05. 16:00-19:00
Pospech, Tu 12:30-14:00 (7×)
MA FE - Areas of Research - Overview (6 ECTS)
Zartler-Griessl, Th 01.03. 09:00-16:00, Fr 09:00-16:00 (2×)
MA F - Area of Research (26 ECTS)
MA F - Area of Research: Social Structure, Social Integration ((Alternative Compulsory Module)
Kazepov, We 16:00-18:00 (11×)
Schneider, Tu 12.06. 11:00-14:00, Tu 12.06. 16:00-19:00, We 13.06. 09:00-12:00, We 13.06. 13:00-16:00, Th 14.06. 11:15-16:00, Fr 15.06. 09:00-12:00, Fr 15.06. 13:30-16:15
Schnell, Th 01.03. 18:00-19:30, Th 16:30-19:30 (6×)
Barn, Th 08.03. 09:00-11:15, Th 08.03. 11:30-16:15, Fr 09.03. 09:00-16:15, Sa 10.03. 09:00-16:00
Haidinger, Th 16:30-19:30 (7×)
Kittel, Mo 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Reinprecht, Tu 16:00-19:30 (8×)
230088 FS 6 ECTS Research lab 2: "Voices of transition" Adolescents' life realities after Neue Mittelschule - Second wave of the qualitative panel study "Pathways to the future"Zartler-Griessl, Th 08:45-11:00 (14×)
Flecker, Mo 09:00-13:15 (6×)
Knoll, We 13:15-14:45 (14×)
230114 VO+UE 6 ECTS Measurement and structural equation models in the 1st wave of the project "Pathways to the Future" - Using the R-program lavaanSchmidt, Fr 09:30-12:30 (3×), Th 10.05. 09:30-12:30, Th 10.05. 13:30-16:45, Fr 11.05. 13:30-16:45, Sa 12.05. 09:30-12:30, Sa 12.05. 13:30-16:45, Su 13.05. 09:30-12:30, Su 13.05. 13:30-16:45
MA F - Area of Research: Social Structure and Social Integration: Recommended Lectures of other Departments:
030510 SE 4 ECTS Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)Windischgrätz
MA F - Area of Specialization: Family Research, Generations, Lifespan (Alternative Compulsory Module)
Schneider, Tu 12.06. 11:00-14:00, Tu 12.06. 16:00-19:00, We 13.06. 09:00-12:00, We 13.06. 13:00-16:00, Th 14.06. 11:15-16:00, Fr 15.06. 09:00-12:00, Fr 15.06. 13:30-16:15
Schnell, Th 01.03. 18:00-19:30, Th 16:30-19:30 (6×)
Barn, Th 08.03. 09:00-11:15, Th 08.03. 11:30-16:15, Fr 09.03. 09:00-16:15, Sa 10.03. 09:00-16:00
Haidinger, Th 16:30-19:30 (7×)
Kittel, Mo 15:00-16:30 (13×)
230088 FS 6 ECTS Research lab 2: "Voices of transition" Adolescents' life realities after Neue Mittelschule - Second wave of the qualitative panel study "Pathways to the future"Zartler-Griessl, Th 08:45-11:00 (14×)
230114 VO+UE 6 ECTS Measurement and structural equation models in the 1st wave of the project "Pathways to the Future" - Using the R-program lavaanSchmidt, Fr 09:30-12:30 (3×), Th 10.05. 09:30-12:30, Th 10.05. 13:30-16:45, Fr 11.05. 13:30-16:45, Sa 12.05. 09:30-12:30, Sa 12.05. 13:30-16:45, Su 13.05. 09:30-12:30, Su 13.05. 13:30-16:45
MA F - Area of Research: Family, Generations, Lifespan - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
MA F - Area of Specialization: Work, Organization, Health (Alternative Compulsory Module)
230029 VO 4 ECTS Health and Ailments in the Society - What is the contribution from sociology to health, ailments and diseases?Dür, Sa 09:45-16:15 (4×)
Flecker, Tu 14:15-15:45 (8×), Tu 18:00-19:30 (3×)
Barn, Th 08.03. 09:00-11:15, Th 08.03. 11:30-16:15, Fr 09.03. 09:00-16:15, Sa 10.03. 09:00-16:00
230075 SE 4 ECTS Participation in and health - Sociological perspectives on practices of patient involvement in AustriaMarent, Fr 09:30-12:30 (2×), Fr 13:15-16:15 (2×), Sa 09:30-12:30 (2×), Sa 03.03. 13:15-16:15, Sa 05.05. 13:15-15:15
Haidinger, Th 16:30-19:30 (7×)
Kittel, Mo 15:00-16:30 (13×)
230088 FS 6 ECTS Research lab 2: "Voices of transition" Adolescents' life realities after Neue Mittelschule - Second wave of the qualitative panel study "Pathways to the future"Zartler-Griessl, Th 08:45-11:00 (14×)
Flecker, Mo 09:00-13:15 (6×)
230114 VO+UE 6 ECTS Measurement and structural equation models in the 1st wave of the project "Pathways to the Future" - Using the R-program lavaanSchmidt, Fr 09:30-12:30 (3×), Th 10.05. 09:30-12:30, Th 10.05. 13:30-16:45, Fr 11.05. 13:30-16:45, Sa 12.05. 09:30-12:30, Sa 12.05. 13:30-16:45, Su 13.05. 09:30-12:30, Su 13.05. 13:30-16:45
B. Recommended Lectures of other Departments: MA F Work, Organization, Health
MA F - Area of Research: Culture and Society (Alternative Compulsory Module)
Smudits, Fr 13:00-16:30 (7×), Fr 29.06. 13:00-15:00
Müller, Tu 10.04. 09:45-13:00, Tu 10.04. 13:15-16:30, We 11.04. 09:00-18:00, Tu 26.06. 09:45-16:30, We 27.06. 09:00-13:15, We 27.06. 15:00-18:00
Flecker, Tu 14:15-15:45 (8×), Tu 18:00-19:30 (3×)
Knoll, We 13:15-14:45 (14×)
Breckner, We 14.03. 18:15-19:45, Fr 13.04. 13:00-17:00, Sa 14.04. 10:00-15:00
MA F - Area of research: Culture and Society - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Schikowitz, Fr 14:00-16:00 (3×), Fr 14:00-18:00 (6×), Fr 14:00-17:00 (2×)
MA F- Area of Research: Visual Sociology (Alternative Compulsory Module)
Müller, Tu 10.04. 09:45-13:00, Tu 10.04. 13:15-16:30, We 11.04. 09:00-18:00, Tu 26.06. 09:45-16:30, We 27.06. 09:00-13:15, We 27.06. 15:00-18:00
Breckner, We 14.03. 18:15-19:45, Fr 13.04. 13:00-17:00, Sa 14.04. 10:00-15:00
MA F - Area of Research: Visual Sociology - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Pribersky, We 18:30-20:00 (15×)
Pribersky, Tu 18:30-20:00 (13×)
Mader, Fr 16.03. 11:30-14:45, Fr 11:30-16:30 (2×), Sa 11:30-16:30 (2×)
MA F - Area of Research: Science Studies (Alternative Compulsory Module)
230153 VO 4 ECTS [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and ConceptsSigl, Fr 09:30-11:30 (10×)
Haddad, Fr 02.03. 09:30-11:30, Fr 12:00-13:30 (5×)
Fochler, We 09:15-11:15 (10×)
Fochler, We 09:15-11:15 (4×), We 20.06. 09:15-12:45
230208 VO 4 ECTS [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting - Central Issues, Questions and ConceptsFelt, Tu 06.03. 16:00-18:30, Tu 16:00-18:00 (6×), Th 16:00-18:00 (3×)
Felt, Tu 06.03. 16:00-18:30, Tu 16:00-18:00 (2×), Th 03.05. 16:00-18:00, Th 17.05. 15:30-17:30, Tu 05.06. 16:00-19:00
Evans, Th 19.04. 14:00-15:00, Th 13:45-15:45 (2×), Tu 29.05. 09:15-12:15, We 30.05. 11:30-13:30, Tu 05.06. 09:30-12:30, We 06.06. 14:45-16:45, Mo 11.06. 15:00-17:00, Th 14.06. 16:00-18:00, Fr 15.06. 09:30-11:30
Beaulieu, Mo 05.03. 14:00-16:00, We 11:30-13:30 (3×), Mo 12.03. 10:00-12:00, Th 15.03. 09:00-11:00, We 21.03. 13:30-15:30, Th 22.03. 13:45-15:45
230212 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] Information Infrastructures - designing communities, technologies and knowledgeAllhutter, Mo 09:30-11:30 (11×)
Aarden, We 13:45-15:45 (11×)
230214 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] Science, Technology and 'the Law' - Studying Expert Instiutions at the Intersections of Science and DemocracyFrohlich, Mo 30.04. 12:00-13:00, Mo 11:45-14:45 (2×), We 11:30-14:30 (2×), Th 14.06. 13:45-15:45, Tu 19.06. 12:00-15:00, We 20.06. 13:00-16:00
Schikowitz, Fr 14:00-16:00 (3×), Fr 14:00-18:00 (6×), Fr 14:00-17:00 (2×)
MA AR - Master Thesis Seminars (8 ECTS)
Bogner, Fr 09:00-12:45 (6×)
Verwiebe, We 16:15-17:45 (13×)
Breckner, We 15:00-18:10 (5×), We 13.06. 16:30-19:45
Reinprecht, Mo 16:00-19:15 (6×)
MA AR - Master Thesis Seminars: Recommended Seminars of other Departments
040144 SE 4 ECTS Conversatorium for Master Candidates - Wirtschaftssoziologie und Soziologie (SPL 4 + SPL 23)Kittel, Mo 16:45-18:15 (13×)
MA SE - Additional Module: Sociological Theory, Sociological Methods, Areas of Research (12 ECTS)
Kazepov, We 16:00-18:00 (11×)
Schneider, Tu 12.06. 11:00-14:00, Tu 12.06. 16:00-19:00, We 13.06. 09:00-12:00, We 13.06. 13:00-16:00, Th 14.06. 11:15-16:00, Fr 15.06. 09:00-12:00, Fr 15.06. 13:30-16:15
Smudits, Fr 13:00-16:30 (7×), Fr 29.06. 13:00-15:00
230029 VO 4 ECTS Health and Ailments in the Society - What is the contribution from sociology to health, ailments and diseases?Dür, Sa 09:45-16:15 (4×)
Kretschmann, Fr 02.03. 16:45-18:15, Fr 13.04. 09:00-12:00, Fr 09:45-14:00 (2×)
Lehner, Mo 05.03. 19:15-20:15, Mo 16:00-17:30 (6×), Mo 28.05. 16:00-19:00
Pospech, Tu 12:30-14:00 (7×)
Johann, Sa 09:30-13:30 (3×)
230113 VO 4 ECTS Modern Societies. Theories and Empirical Findings on Actual Crises and Transformation ProcessesHaller, Fr 13:15-16:30 (6×)
230115 SE 4 ECTS The Socio-Logic of Audiovision and its Re-de-Construction - Methods of Image Analysis Using the Example of Webvideo/Short and HomepageNeumann-Braun, Th 19.04. 09:00-12:30, Fr 09:00-12:30 (2×), Sa 21.04. 09:00-12:30, We 13.06. 09:00-12:30, Th 14.06. 13:00-16:00
Till, Fr 15:00-18:15 (5×), Th 14:00-17:15 (2×)
Wroblewski, We 18:15-20:00 (12×)
Gutjahr, Tu 16:45-18:15 (13×)
MA SE - Additional Module: Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Bangen, Mo 04.06. 09:00-13:00, Tu 05.06. 09:00-14:45, We 06.06. 09:00-13:00, Th 07.06. 09:00-11:15, Fr 08.06. 09:00-14:45
Motak, Tu 13.03. 09:00-09:30, Tu 13.03. 09:45-11:15, Tu 13.03. 11:30-13:00, Tu 13.03. 13:15-14:45, We 14.03. 09:00-09:30, We 14.03. 09:45-11:15, We 14.03. 11:30-13:00, We 14.03. 13:15-14:45, Th 15.03. 09:00-09:30, Th 15.03. 09:45-11:15, Th 15.03. 11:30-13:00, Fr 16.03. 09:00-09:30, Fr 16.03. 09:45-11:15, Fr 16.03. 11:30-13:00
Podczeck, We 15:00-16:30 (15×)
Kunst, Mo 18:30-20:00 (13×)
Kalleitner, Tu 09:45-11:15 (10×), Fr 29.06. 09:00-14:45
Blaschke, Th 11:30-13:00 (14×)
Blaschke, Tu 11:30-13:00 (13×)
Schmale, Tu 11:30-13:00 (10×), Th 18:30-20:00 (2×)
Hentges, Th 09:45-11:15 (12×)
Hentges, Th 14:00-16:00 (13×)
Gouma, Th 09:00-12:00 (7×)
Rüther, Tu 11:00-13:00 (13×), Fr 27.04. 09:00-18:00
Schmidt, Mo 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Gelhard, Tu 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Nemeth, We 09:45-11:15 (15×)
230153 VO 4 ECTS [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and ConceptsSigl, Fr 09:30-11:30 (10×)
Haddad, Fr 02.03. 09:30-11:30, Fr 12:00-13:30 (5×)
Fochler, We 09:15-11:15 (10×)
Fochler, We 09:15-11:15 (4×), We 20.06. 09:15-12:45
230208 VO 4 ECTS [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting - Central Issues, Questions and ConceptsFelt, Tu 06.03. 16:00-18:30, Tu 16:00-18:00 (6×), Th 16:00-18:00 (3×)
Felt, Tu 06.03. 16:00-18:30, Tu 16:00-18:00 (2×), Th 03.05. 16:00-18:00, Th 17.05. 15:30-17:30, Tu 05.06. 16:00-19:00
Evans, Th 19.04. 14:00-15:00, Th 13:45-15:45 (2×), Tu 29.05. 09:15-12:15, We 30.05. 11:30-13:30, Tu 05.06. 09:30-12:30, We 06.06. 14:45-16:45, Mo 11.06. 15:00-17:00, Th 14.06. 16:00-18:00, Fr 15.06. 09:30-11:30
Beaulieu, Mo 05.03. 14:00-16:00, We 11:30-13:30 (3×), Mo 12.03. 10:00-12:00, Th 15.03. 09:00-11:00, We 21.03. 13:30-15:30, Th 22.03. 13:45-15:45
230212 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] Information Infrastructures - designing communities, technologies and knowledgeAllhutter, Mo 09:30-11:30 (11×)
Aarden, We 13:45-15:45 (11×)
230214 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] Science, Technology and 'the Law' - Studying Expert Instiutions at the Intersections of Science and DemocracyFrohlich, Mo 30.04. 12:00-13:00, Mo 11:45-14:45 (2×), We 11:30-14:30 (2×), Th 14.06. 13:45-15:45, Tu 19.06. 12:00-15:00, We 20.06. 13:00-16:00
MA PW - Project Management, Communication and Scientific Practice (8 ECTS)
Schadler, Sa 09:45-16:30 (4×)
Wetschanow, Tu 08:30-10:15 (12×)
230112 UE 4 ECTS [ en ] Academic texts as an expression of our intellectual and inner world. Practical-oriented reflectionsKytir, Fr 02.03. 16:45-18:15, Sa 09:45-15:30 (4×)
MA PW - Project Management, Communication and Scientific Practice- Recommended Lectures of other Departments
Haas, Tu 06.03. 09:00-11:00, Tu 09:00-13:00 (6×)
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29