2.4. Studienzweig Ökologie
859122 VO+UE+EX 0 ECTS Biology of the Cladoceran Branchiopods - Systematics, Biology and Ecology of the Cladoceran Branchiopods of Central Europe.Gaviria-Melo
877960 SE+UE 0 ECTS Specific microbial ecology - Specific microbial ecology: Bacterial endosymbionts of amoebae, structure and function of nitrifying bacteria, evolutionary history and detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, microbial communities of carnivorous plants, DNA microarray techniques, genomics and transcriptomics of parachlamydiaeWagner
2.4.1. Teil I Ökologie (Semester 4-6)
800217 SE+UE 0 ECTS Heavy metal stress: ecology of organisms - Ecology of organisms from heavy metal habitats: Strategies to cope with stressLichtscheidl-Schultz
800333 VO+UE 0 ECTS Management & Evaluation of Multifact. Experiments - Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial and Multivariate Experiments including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web ContentBachmann
801484 UE 0 ECTS Chemische Übungen III für Biologen - Chemische Übungen III für Biologen (ergänzende Übungen zu 801482 und 801483)Vierhapper
803590 SE+UE 0 ECTS Field course: Ecology of floodplain-rivers - Field course: Ecology of floodplain-riversHein
803619 UE 0 ECTS Bestimmungsübungen Teil B - Bestimmungsübungen einheimischer Tiere, Teil B; gilt als "Kenntnis heimischer Tiere für Ökologen"
803636 UE 0 ECTS Field course - Intefrated ecological studies - Field course - Intefrated ecological studiesWrbka
803637 UE 0 ECTS Integrated ecological field course - Integrated ecological field course: biodiversity and ecosystem functionRichter
803651 VO+UE 0 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: Mineral nutrition of higher plantsRichter
803653 VO+UE 0 ECTS Plant Physiology, Part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, Part 2: light and developmentKartusch
803654 VO+UE 0 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 2: water balanceMaier
803655 VO+UE 0 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: light absorption and CO2 uptake by green plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module 1).Postl
803656 VO+UE 0 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2 (extension module): Stomata distribution, transpiration, transpiration and water relations of plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module1).Bolhar-Nordenkampf
803658 SE 0 ECTS Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical: Vegetation- and Landscape ecologyReiter
803659 UE 0 ECTS Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecologyReiter
803677 UE 0 ECTS Integrative Ecological Basic Course - Integrative Ecological Basic Course (introductory level): Biodiversity and ecosystem functions at heavily and slightly impacted reaches of the Wien RiverWaringer
803680 UE 0 ECTS Interdisciplinary laboratory in ecology - Integrative ecological course: Long term monitoring of urban forest ecosystems considering as example the "Wienerwald".Waitzbauer
803681 UE 0 ECTS Field course: River morphology - Field course: River morphology and bank structures in relation to associated vegetation typesJanauer
809067 VO 0 ECTS Plant Secondary Metabolism - Plant Secondary Metabolism: Occurrence, Structural Diversity and FunctionsGreger
809174 UE 0 ECTS Project Lab Course Plant Secondary Metabolism - Project Lab Course Plant Secondary Metabolism: Separation, Detection, and Identification
809206 VO+UE 0 ECTS Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants - Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
809207 EX 0 ECTS Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
809221 UE 0 ECTS Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biologyLang
809482 UE 0 ECTS Computer applications in biology - Computer applications in biology (pariculary suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)Seidel
809776 SE+UE 0 ECTS Applied ecology of Mediterranean ecosystems - Applied ecology of Mediterranean ecosystemsWaitzbauer
859407 SE 0 ECTS Digital video - production, editing, composition - Digital video - production, editing, compositionBauer
859461 VO+UE 0 ECTS Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters - Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters, lecture and laboratory courseKrachler
859643 SE+UE 0 ECTS Project Study "Stream Ecology"(intermediale level) - Project Study "Stream Ecology"Waringer
876700 SE+UE+EX 0 ECTS Energy and Nutrient Fluxes and Biodiversity - Project-Practicum: Energy and Nutrient Fluxes and Biodiversity of a large river (Danube near Vienna)Humpesch
877729 SE+UE 0 ECTS Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) - Identification of uncultivated microorganisms by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH)Daims
877933 UE 0 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
888273 UE 0 ECTS Bestimmungsübungen Teil A - Bestimmungsübungen einheimischer Tiere, Teil A, gilt als "Kenntnis heimischer Tiere für Ökologen"
902365 UE 0 ECTS Project course Biodiversity - Project course Biodiversity of terrestical animal communities and bioindicationFiedler
2.4.2. Teil II Ökologie (Semester 7-10)
562393 SE 0 ECTS Biologische u. kulturelle Evolution - Biologische und kulturelle Evolution: von Darwin zu LuhmannWeisz
562429 SE 0 ECTS Interdisziplinäre Forschung - Interdisziplinäre Forschung: von Projektplanung bis Evaluation - Teil 2Schmid
562430 SE 0 ECTS Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation - Mathematische Modellbildung und Simulation: Ökonometrische, systemdynamische und Input-Output Modelle sowie agent-based systemsFleissner
562431 VO 0 ECTS Ähsthetik und Ökologie von Landschaften - Ästhetik und Ökologie von Landschaften. Theoretische Konzeptionen im ÜberblickStrohmeier
562452 VO 0 ECTS Aspects of thermodynamics for interdisciplinarians - Aspects of thermodynamics for interdisciplinarians, including social sicentists, ecologists, economists and engineersAyres
562513 EX 0 ECTS Ökologische Inlands-Exkursionen - Ökologische Inlands-Exkursionen zu bedeutenden ÖkosystemenWaitzbauer
800207 SE+EX 0 ECTS National Parks in Austria - National Parks in Austria- Conservation goals, Management and PerspectivesAlbert
800323 SE 0 ECTS Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige EntwicklungHaberl
800339 SE 0 ECTS Biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem function - Biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functionRichter
803624 VO+UE 0 ECTS Aquat.& semiaquat. Heteropterer Identif. Course - Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera. Identification Course (advanced level)Waringer
803668 VO 0 ECTS Macrophyte survey and Water Framework Directive - Macrophyte survey and Water Framework DirectiveJanauer
803669 SE 0 ECTS Sozialökologische Methoden II - Sozialökologische Methoden II: Biophysische Prozesse und nachhaltige EntwicklungKrausmann
803672 UE 0 ECTS Practicum : ecological implications of the fps - Practicum with respect to ecological implications of the food production systems through microbial communities.Haslberger
803722 VO+UE 0 ECTS Project Management for Ecologists - Project Management for Ecologists - Planning, Executing and Evaluating interdisciplinary ProjectsJungmeier
809002 EX 0 ECTS Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion - Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion in außermitteleuropäische Lebensräume; ökologische Aspekte des Vogelzuges am Beispiel der TürkeiSpitzer
809067 VO 0 ECTS Plant Secondary Metabolism - Plant Secondary Metabolism: Occurrence, Structural Diversity and FunctionsGreger
809195 VO+UE 0 ECTS Field course "Aquatic Habitats" - Field course "Aquatic Habitats" (advanced level)Waringer
809300 UE 0 ECTS Special reproductive systems - Special reproductive systems and their role for evolution and ecologyHörandl
809339 EX 0 ECTS Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia) - Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia)Grünweis
809356 VO 0 ECTS Marine Symbiosis - Marine Symbiosis - Evolution, adaptations, and interactions of marine microbial associationsBright
809360 EX 0 ECTS EX Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy - Excursions on Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy in AustriaSteiner
809385 UE 0 ECTS Microbial ecology of aquatic systems - Microbial ecology of aquatic systems, selected chaptersVelimirov
809510 UE+EX 0 ECTS Exkursion ins Mittelmeergebiet - Exkursion: Ökologisch-terrestrische und bestäubungsbiologische Exkursion ins MittelmeergebietPaulus
809577 EX 0 ECTS Limnologische Auslandsexkursion - Donaudelta - Limnologische Auslandsexkursion DonaudeltaSchiemer
809585 EX 0 ECTS Exkursion in mediterrane Randgebiete - Interdisziplinäre ökologische Exkursion nach JordanienWaitzbauer
809667 VO 0 ECTS Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 809711).Applied ecology.Bolhar-Nordenkampf
809710 EX 0 ECTS Flora und Fauna der March-Auen - Seasonal changes of flora and fauna of the March river flood plains
809711 UE+EX 0 ECTS Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only with 809667)Bolhar-Nordenkampf
809822 SE 0 ECTS Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holdersIwaniewicz
809869 VO+SE 0 ECTS Lecture for coral reef course - Lecture for course "Marine biological course in the coral reef and terrestrial excursion, Sinai, Egypt"Herler
809985 UE+EX 0 ECTS Exercises in Phycology I - freshwater algae - Exercises in Phycology I - freshwater algaeSchagerl
814013 VO+SE 0 ECTS Biology and Ecology of Native European Fauna - Biology and Ecology of Native European FaunaHödl
859096 SE 0 ECTS Scientific guidance - Scientific guidance; Aspects of plant ecophysiology and environmental toxicologyHorak
859097 VO 0 ECTS Anat.-physiolog. basics of plant toxicolog - Anatomical-physiological basics of plant toxicologyN.N.
859103 SE 0 ECTS Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau) - Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau)Kotrschal
859104 SE+UE 0 ECTS Projektpr.: Ethologische Übungen, Grünau - Projektpraktikum: Verhaltensbiologische Übungen an der Konrad - Lorenz - Forschungsstelle, GrünauKotrschal
859168 VO+UE+EX 0 ECTS Vergleichende Anatomie u. Ökomorphologie d. Fische - Vergleichende Anatomie u. Ökomorphologie d. FischeAhnelt
859198 VO 0 ECTS Ecological implications of(genetical)biotechnology - Ecological implications of (genetical) biotechnology. Food production systems and risk assessment.Haslberger
859308 VO 0 ECTS Süßwasser-Evertebraten - Biologie und Systematik einheimischer Süßwasser-Evertebraten (ohne Arthropoda)Konecny
859369 VO 0 ECTS Quantitative freshwater ecology/ statistics - Quantitative freshwater ecology: statistical methodsFesl
859423 SE 0 ECTS Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. (vor allem für Diplomanden und Dissertanten). Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. G. Bachmann und Dr. W. WanekPopp
859426 UE 0 ECTS Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin AnalysisHadacek
859427 SE 0 ECTS Spezielle Limnologie II - Spezielle Limnologie II mit folgenden Fachgebieten: Fließgewässerökologie, Auenökologie, Fischökologie, Mikrobielle Ökologie, Energie- und Stoffflüsse, tropische Limnologie (insbesondere für Diplomanden und Dissertanten)Schiemer
859429 SE 0 ECTS Hydrobotany spezial - Hydrobotany spezial: selected and applied topics (especially for MSc and PhD applicants). [Ass.-Prof. Dr. P. Englmaier participating]Janauer
859432 UE 0 ECTS Vegetation - Ecological Course 1, Part B - Exercise in vegetation ecology I: data interpretation and data presentationReiter
859437 SE 0 ECTS Special chapters in veg. ecology & conserv. biol. - Special chapters in vegetation ecology and conservation biologyGrabherr
859439 SE 0 ECTS Course in bioindication and biomonitoring - How to do a scientific investigation in the field of bioindication and biomonitoringZechmeister
859444 VO+SE+EX 0 ECTS Special ecology of terrestrial animals II - Special ecology of terrestrial animals II with the following subjects: biodiversity, biology, bioindication, nature conservation, system ecology, ecophysiological parameters of selected animal groupsWaitzbauer
859445 SE 0 ECTS Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD in LimnologyChovanec
859461 VO+UE 0 ECTS Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters - Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters, lecture and laboratory courseKrachler
859649 SE+UE+EX 0 ECTS Nature conservation field course: sea turtles I - Nature conservation field course: Protection of sea turtles in Turkey IStachowitsch
859681 SE 0 ECTS Special cell physiology and scientific film - Special cell physiology and scientific filmLichtscheidl-Schultz
859697 SE+UE+EX 0 ECTS Specific ecology of plants II - Specific ecology of plants II: stressphysiology, photobiology, development and functinal anatomy, urban ecology, ecosystem analysis.Maier
875743 UE+EX 0 ECTS Field survey of aquatic vegetation - Field survey of aquatic vegetation and related modern data analysis and evaluationJanauer
875787 VO 0 ECTS Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants - Ecophysiology of plants, introduktion to the field laboratory courseMaier
875798 UE 0 ECTS Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants - Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plantsMaier
876414 UE 0 ECTS Tierökologisches Spezialpraktikum - Tierökologisches Spezialpraktikum: Methoden und Fragestellungen bei FreilanduntersuchungenSpitzer
877727 VO 0 ECTS Microbial communities of selected ecosystems II - Structure and function of microbial communities of selected ecosystems IIHorn
877933 UE 0 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
877944 VO 0 ECTS Natures energy management - Natures energy management and the energy industry from a human ecology standpoint.Weish
882475 EX 0 ECTS Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical excursions: aquatic vegetation in characteristic habitats in Eastern AustriaJanauer
887360 SE+UE+EX 0 ECTS Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production: Stress physiology of photosynthesis, functional growth analysis and energy balances, applied ecology in horticulture and agriculture. Obligatory for diploma and PhD students.Bolhar-Nordenkampf
887568 SE+EX 0 ECTS Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD studentsDokulil
893354 VO 0 ECTS Basics of micro. degradation processes in aquat. s - Basics of microbial degradation processes in aquatic systemsVelimirov
897105 UE+EX 0 ECTS Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only together with theoretical introduction 897116)Postl
897116 VO 0 ECTS Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 897105).Applied ecology.Postl
902164 VO+UE 0 ECTS Bioinformatics for Genome Analysis - Bioinformatics for Genome Analysis and Comparative GenomicsRattei
902237 VO 0 ECTS Syntaxonomy - Description, comparison and classification of plant communities (Syntaxonomy)Willner
902251 EX 0 ECTS Excursion to Syntaxonomie - Excursion to Description, comparison and classfication of plant communities (Syntaxonomie)Willner
902273 EX 0 ECTS Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg area - Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg areaSteiner
902345 VO 0 ECTS GMO ¿ the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms ¿ the ecological perspectivePascher
902363 SE 0 ECTS Biodiversity of and danger to tropical habitats - Biodiversity of and danger to tropical habitatsFiedler
Last modified: Fr 11.03.2022 01:01