Directorate of Studies 2 - Protestant Theology
Online AnmeldungAnmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen über das Online-Vorlesungsverzeichnis U:FIND bzw. über U:SPACE.HAUPTANMELDEPHASE: von 02.09.2019 12:00 bis 27.09.2019 12:00NACHANMELDEPHASE: von 04.10.2019 12:00 bis 16.10.2019 12:00Abmeldungen sind bis 29.11.2019 12:00 möglich.Die Anmeldung (= Registrierung) zu nichtprüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen (VO/VO-L) ist ab 01.09.2019 das ganze Semester hindurch möglich.Bei einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen (Exkursionen, Übungen oder Seminaren) kann eine persönliche Anmeldung gefordert sein, hier gelten die Fristen der Univis-Anmeldung dann nicht! Nähere Informationen zu den einzelenen Lehrveranstaltungen entnehmen Sie bitte dem VVZ.Um die Anmeldung durchführen zu können, benötigen Sie einen gültigen U:Net-Account. Weitere Information (Anlegen U:Net Account, Verlängerung der Gültigkeit, Services etc.) finden Sie unter den Prüfungspasscodes beziehen sich die Buchstaben jeweils auf ein Studium: [B] = Bachelor, [M] = Master, [LA] = Lehramt und [EC] = Erweiterungs-Curriculum
Bachelor Protestant Theology (190 [3] - Version 2014)
020053 OL 0 ECTS ( OV ) Orientation Course - für Erstsemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und UnterrichtsfachSchellenberg-Lagler, Mo 30.09. 15:00-17:00
BA-EVANG 1 Introduction to Theology (StEOP)
Klein, Fr 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Henner, Th 08:45-13:00 (8×)
BA-EVANG 2 Introduction to the History of Christianity (StEOP)
Öhler, We 08:45-11:15 (11×)
Leeb, Mo 08:45-11:15 (11×)
BA-EVANG 3 Biblical Hebrew
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 08:00-09:30 (16×)
BA-EVANG 4 Methods of Exegis
Fischer, Fr 08:00-11:15 (7×)
BA-EVANG 5 Introduction to and History of the Old Testament
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 11:30-13:00 (15×)
BA-EVANG 6 Exegis of the New Testament
Grohmann, We 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Grohmann, Mo 09:45-11:15 (6×)
BA-EVANG 7 History of the Early Christian Literature
BA-EVANG 8 Exegis of the New Testament
Öhler, Th 09:45-11:15 (13×)
Böhm, Th 10.10. 13:15-14:45, Fr 15:00-18:15 (2×), Sa 08:45-12:15 (2×)
BA-EVANG 9 Problems of the History of Early Christianity
BA-EVANG 10 Methods in Church History and Early Christianity
BA-EVANG 11 History of Reformation and Protestantism
020010 UE 1 ECTS Reading Course for Lectures - Lecture: History of Christianity in the 19th and 20th Century (Leeb)Schweighofer, Tu 18:30-20:00 (7×)
BA-EVANG 12 History, Culture and Monuments of Christianity
Leeb, Mo 16:45-18:15 (14×)
Leeb, Tu 16:45-18:15 (15×)
BA-EVANG 13 Introduction to Systematic Theology
Schumann, Th 15:00-16:30 (15×)
BA-EVANG 14 Introduction to Ethics
BA-EVANG 15 Homiletics and Liturgy Past and Present
Engemann, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
BA-EVANG 16 Pastoral Counselling, Psychology of Religion, and Religious Law
BA-EVANG 17 Religious Education
Rothgangel, We 12:15-14:45 (10×)
Schelander, We 02.10. 13:15-14:00, Th 24.10. 08:45-11:15, Th 24.10. 11:30-16:30, Fr 25.10. 08:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 15:00-18:15, Sa 09.11. 08:45-18:15
Schelander, Fr 08:45-12:15 (6×), Fr 13.12. 08:45-11:30
BA-EVANG 18 Didactics of Protestant Religious Education (6 ECTS)
Rothgangel, Tu 08.10. 09:45-11:15, Fr 13.12. 11:30-20:00, Sa 14.12. 08:45-20:00
Schelander, Tu 15:00-18:15 (8×)
BA-EVANG 19 Internship in Education and Teaching
BA-EVANG 20 Philosophy
Danz, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
BA-EVANG 21 Study of Religions (7 ECTS)
Reiss, Mo 11:30-13:00 (10×)
020003 VO 3 ECTS Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the AbbasidesReiss, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
Langer, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
BA-EVANG 22 Excursion
BA-EVANG 23 Elective Modules/ Electives (25 ECTS)
BA EVANG 23.1 Gender in the Religious, Ethical and Cultural Context
010037 FS 6 ECTS Beyond the two sexes - Inter- and transsexuality as a challenge to society and theologyMarschuetz, We 15:00-18:15 (8×)
Heller, Tu 11:30-13:00 (13×)
BA-EVANG 23.2 History of Religion
020015 SE 5 ECTS Egyptian christianity in times of social and political transformation - Seminar on the History of ReligionReiss, Fr 10.01. 13:15-16:30, Sa 11.01. 08:45-18:15, Su 12.01. 08:45-13:00, Fr 17.01. 13:15-18:15
BA-EVANG 23.3 Comparative Religion (5 ECTS)
020017 SE 5 ECTS Interreligious Dialogue in austria in Comarative Perspective - Seminar zu einem Thema der systematisch-vergleichenden ReligionswissenschaftenReiss, Th 09:45-11:15 (14×)
BA-EVANG 23.4 Applied Study of Religions (5 ECTS)
BA-EVANG 23.5 Jewish Exegesis
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
BA-EVANG 23.6 Early Christianity in its Cultural Context
BA-EVANG 23.7 Early Christian Writings Outside the New Testament
BA-EVANG 23.8 Bibliodrama
BA-EVANG 23.9 History of Protestantism in Austria and the Habsburg Monarchy
BA-EVANG 23.10 The Cultural History of Christianity
Leeb, Tu 16:45-18:15 (15×)
BA-EVANG 23.11 Philosophy of Religion
BA-EVANG 23.12 Theology of Religion
020016 SE 5 ECTS Religionstheologisches Seminar - Hat der Mensch einen freien Willen? Willensfreiheit in der philosophischen, neurobiologischen und theologischen DiskussionKlein, Fr 13:15-14:45 (14×)
BA-EVANG 23.13 Fundamental Theology
BA-EVANG 23.14 Ecumenical Theology
BA-EVANG 23.15 Ethics of Medicine and Nursing
020061 SE 5 ECTS Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Ethical Counseling in Healthcare OrganizationsDinges
BA-EVANG 23.16 Practical Fields of Theological Action
020033 UE 2 ECTS Liturgical processes and music - Lieder des Evangelischen Gesangbuchs: Theologie, Anthropologie und Geschichte im liturgischen KontextEngemann, Th 16:45-18:15 (13×)
Stroh, Tu 22.10. 18:30-20:00, Fr 15:00-19:00 (2×), Sa 09:00-19:00 (2×)
BA-Evang 23.17 Fields of Theological Research
010037 FS 6 ECTS Beyond the two sexes - Inter- and transsexuality as a challenge to society and theologyMarschuetz, We 15:00-18:15 (8×)
Stowasser, Th 16:45-18:15 (7×)
Weigl, Th 16:45-19:15 (13×)
Deibl, Mo 16:45-18:15 (7×)
Schuster, We 13:15-14:45 (15×)
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
Mund, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
020060 UE 2 ECTS UE Konversation in Hebrew - Modernhebräisch-Konversation für leicht FortgeschritteneGrohmann, Th 09:45-11:15 (6×)
BA-Evang 23.18 Fields of Theological Research
010037 FS 6 ECTS Beyond the two sexes - Inter- and transsexuality as a challenge to society and theologyMarschuetz, We 15:00-18:15 (8×)
Stowasser, Th 16:45-18:15 (7×)
Weigl, Th 16:45-19:15 (13×)
Deibl, Mo 16:45-18:15 (7×)
Schuster, We 13:15-14:45 (15×)
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
Mund, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
020060 UE 2 ECTS UE Konversation in Hebrew - Modernhebräisch-Konversation für leicht FortgeschritteneGrohmann, Th 09:45-11:15 (6×)
BA-Evang 23.18 Fields of Theological Research
010037 FS 6 ECTS Beyond the two sexes - Inter- and transsexuality as a challenge to society and theologyMarschuetz, We 15:00-18:15 (8×)
Stowasser, Th 16:45-18:15 (7×)
Weigl, Th 16:45-19:15 (13×)
Deibl, Mo 16:45-18:15 (7×)
Schuster, We 13:15-14:45 (15×)
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
Mund, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
020060 UE 2 ECTS UE Konversation in Hebrew - Modernhebräisch-Konversation für leicht FortgeschritteneGrohmann, Th 09:45-11:15 (6×)
BA-EVANG 1 Introduction to Theology (StEOP)
Leeb, Tu 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Engemann, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
020033 UE 2 ECTS Liturgical processes and music - Lieder des Evangelischen Gesangbuchs: Theologie, Anthropologie und Geschichte im liturgischen KontextEngemann, Th 16:45-18:15 (13×)
Stroh, Tu 22.10. 18:30-20:00, Fr 15:00-19:00 (2×), Sa 09:00-19:00 (2×)
Bachelor Degree Programme in Religious Education, Protestant Religious Education (195 [5] - Version 2017)
020053 OL 0 ECTS ( OV ) Orientation Course - für Erstsemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und UnterrichtsfachSchellenberg-Lagler, Mo 30.09. 15:00-17:00
BRP 01 Introductory and Orientation Period Professionalism and School (5 ECTS)
Forghani-Arani, Sa 09:45-12:30 (8×)
BRP 02 Introductory and Orientation Period to Theology and Study of Religions (10 ECTS)
Deibl, Tu 18:30-20:00 (9×), Sa 16.11. 09:45-14:45, Sa 07.12. 09:45-13:00
Reiss, Mo 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Klein, Fr 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Mund, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
BRP 03 Introduction to the History of Religions (10 ECTS)
020003 VO 3 ECTS Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the AbbasidesReiss, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
Langer, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
BRP 04erp Educatin and Development (5ECTS)
Duschet, We 08:00-11:15 (8×)
Rosenberger, We 16:45-19:15 (5×)
BRP 05erp (5ECTS) Internship in Education and Teaching (Orientation Practicum) (5 ECTS)
Schrittesser, Sa 09:45-12:45 (4×)
BRP 06erp School Development and Teaching Practice (11 ECTS)
010063 VU 3 ECTS ( KPH Krems ) Individualisation, differentiation and adaptive teaching competence in RU at primary levelHösch-Schagar, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
Jandrokovic, Th 18:30-20:00 (12×)
BRP 07erp Pedagogical Studies on Teaching Practice - Primary Education (5 ECTS)
BRP 08erp Introduction to Didactics in Protestant Religious Education (6 ECTS)
Rothgangel, We 12:15-14:45 (10×)
BRP 09erp Fields of Didactics in Protestant Religious Education
Rothgangel, Tu 08.10. 09:45-11:15, Fr 13.12. 11:30-20:00, Sa 14.12. 08:45-20:00
Schelander, Tu 15:00-18:15 (8×)
BRP 10erp a Old Languages 1 Biblical Hebrew (9 ECTS)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 08:00-09:30 (16×)
Grohmann, Mo 09:45-11:15 (6×)
BRP 10erp b Old Languages 2 New Testament Greek
BRP 11erp Introduction to Exegetics (12 ECTS)
Henner, Th 08:45-13:00 (8×)
BRP 12erp Introduction to Church History (12 ECTS)
Leeb, Mo 08:45-11:15 (11×)
020010 UE 1 ECTS Reading Course for Lectures - Lecture: History of Christianity in the 19th and 20th Century (Leeb)Schweighofer, Tu 18:30-20:00 (7×)
BRP 13erp Introduction to Dogmatics (10 ECTS)
Schumann, Th 15:00-16:30 (15×)
BRP 14erp Introduction to Ethics (6 ECTS)
BRP 15erp Introduction to Practical Theology (8 ECTS)
BRP 16erp Advanced Study of Religions (6 ECTS)
BRP 17erp a Advanced Exegetics 1 (13 ECTS)
Öhler, We 08:45-11:15 (11×)
Henner, Th 08:45-13:00 (8×)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 08:00-09:30 (16×)
Fischer, Fr 08:00-11:15 (7×)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 11:30-13:00 (15×)
Grohmann, Mo 09:45-11:15 (6×)
Öhler, Th 09:45-11:15 (13×)
Böhm, Th 10.10. 13:15-14:45, Fr 15:00-18:15 (2×), Sa 08:45-12:15 (2×)
BRP 17erp b Advanced Exegetics 2 (13 ECTS)
Öhler, We 08:45-11:15 (11×)
Henner, Th 08:45-13:00 (8×)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 08:00-09:30 (16×)
Fischer, Fr 08:00-11:15 (7×)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 11:30-13:00 (15×)
Grohmann, Mo 09:45-11:15 (6×)
Öhler, Th 09:45-11:15 (13×)
Böhm, Th 10.10. 13:15-14:45, Fr 15:00-18:15 (2×), Sa 08:45-12:15 (2×)
BRP 18erp Advanced Church History (6 ECTS)
Leeb, Mo 16:45-18:15 (14×)
Leeb, Tu 16:45-18:15 (15×)
BRP 19 erp Advanced Systematic Theology (12 ECTS)
Reiss, Mo 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Danz, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
BRP 20erp Fields of Theological Research (18 ECTS)
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
Bachelor Degree Programme in Religious Education, Protestant Religious Education (195 [5] - Version 2015) - discontinued
Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (15 ECTS)
Klein, Fr 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Mund, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
BAM 01: Allgemeine bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen (13 ECTS)
Reiss, Mo 11:30-13:00 (10×)
BAM 02: Philosophische Grundlagen (9 ECTS)
Danz, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
BAM 03: Praktika und Sprachen (14 ECTS)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 08:00-09:30 (16×)
Grohmann, Mo 09:45-11:15 (6×)
BAM 04: Textwissenschaftliche und hermeneutische Grundlagen (11 ECTS)
Henner, Th 08:45-13:00 (8×)
Fischer, Fr 08:00-11:15 (7×)
BAM 05: Religionsgeschichtliche und systematische Grundlagen (13 ECTS)
Schumann, Th 15:00-16:30 (15×)
BAM 06: Ethik (6 ECTS)
BAM 07: Religionsgeschichte (18 ECTS)
Öhler, We 08:45-11:15 (11×)
Leeb, Mo 08:45-11:15 (11×)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 11:30-13:00 (15×)
BAM 08: Text- und Kulturkunde (18 ECTS)
Grohmann, We 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Öhler, Th 09:45-11:15 (13×)
Böhm, Th 10.10. 13:15-14:45, Fr 15:00-18:15 (2×), Sa 08:45-12:15 (2×)
BAM 09: Alternatives Pflichtmodul Fachdidaktik (11 ECTS)
BAM 09a:Fachdidaktik Katholische Religion (11 ECTS)
BAM 09b:Fachdidaktik Evangelische Religion (11 ECTS)
Rothgangel, Tu 08.10. 09:45-11:15, Fr 13.12. 11:30-20:00, Sa 14.12. 08:45-20:00
Rothgangel, We 12:15-14:45 (10×)
Schelander, Tu 15:00-18:15 (8×)
BAM 10 und 11: Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe Theologische oder religionswissenschaftliche Vertiefung (30 ECTS)
BAM 10a: Vertiefung Katholische Religionspädagogik 1 (15 ECTS)
BAM 10b: Vertiefung Evangelische Religionspädagogik 1 (15 ECTS)
020010 UE 1 ECTS Reading Course for Lectures - Lecture: History of Christianity in the 19th and 20th Century (Leeb)Schweighofer, Tu 18:30-20:00 (7×)
Engemann, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
Schelander, We 02.10. 13:15-14:00, Th 24.10. 08:45-11:15, Th 24.10. 11:30-16:30, Fr 25.10. 08:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 15:00-18:15, Sa 09.11. 08:45-18:15
Schelander, Fr 08:45-12:15 (6×), Fr 13.12. 08:45-11:30
BAM 10c: Vertiefung Pädagogik der Religionen 1: Religionsgeschichte (15 ECTS)
BAM 11a: Vertiefung Katholische Religionspädagogik 2 (15 ECTS)
BAM 11b: Vertiefung Evangelische Religionspädagogik 2 (15 ECTS)
020010 UE 1 ECTS Reading Course for Lectures - Lecture: History of Christianity in the 19th and 20th Century (Leeb)Schweighofer, Tu 18:30-20:00 (7×)
Engemann, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
Schelander, We 02.10. 13:15-14:00, Th 24.10. 08:45-11:15, Th 24.10. 11:30-16:30, Fr 25.10. 08:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 15:00-18:15, Sa 09.11. 08:45-18:15
Schelander, Fr 08:45-12:15 (6×), Fr 13.12. 08:45-11:30
BAM 11c: Vertiefung Pädagogik der Religionen 2: Systematische und praktische Religionswissenschaft (15 ECTS)
BAM 12: Religionskritik und Gotteslehre (12 ECTS)
Leeb, Tu 16:45-18:15 (15×)
BAM 13: Bachelormodul (10 ECTS)
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Protestant Theology
020053 OL 0 ECTS ( OV ) Orientation Course - für Erstsemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und UnterrichtsfachSchellenberg-Lagler, Mo 30.09. 15:00-17:00
UF ER 01 StEOP Introductory Phase (6 ECTS)
Klein, Fr 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Rothgangel, We 12:15-14:45 (10×)
UF ER 02 Introduction to Study of Religions (7 ECTS)
Reiss, Mo 11:30-13:00 (10×)
020003 VO 3 ECTS Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the AbbasidesReiss, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
UF ER 03 New Testament Greek (9 ECTS)
UF ER 04 Introduction to the Old Testament (6 ECTS)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 11:30-13:00 (15×)
UF ER 05 Introduction to the New Testament (8 ECTS)
UF ER 06 Exegis and Theology of Biblical Texts (9 ECTS)
Grohmann, We 15:00-16:30 (12×)
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
Öhler, Th 09:45-11:15 (13×)
UF ER 07 Church History 1 (6 ECTS)
Leeb, Mo 08:45-11:15 (11×)
UF ER 08 Church History 2 (5 ECTS)
UF ER 09 Introduction to Systematic Theology (6 ECTS)
UF ER 10 Advanced Research In Systematic Theology (6 ECTS)
Danz, We 13:15-14:45 (13×)
Danz, We 15:00-16:30 (15×)
Körtner, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
UF ER 11 Didactics in Protestant Religious Education (9 ECTS)
Rothgangel, Tu 08.10. 09:45-11:15, Fr 13.12. 11:30-20:00, Sa 14.12. 08:45-20:00
Schelander, Tu 15:00-18:15 (8×)
UF ER 12 Practical Theology and Religious Education (12 ECTS)
Schelander, We 02.10. 13:15-14:00, Th 24.10. 08:45-11:15, Th 24.10. 11:30-16:30, Fr 25.10. 08:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 15:00-18:15, Sa 09.11. 08:45-18:15
Schelander, Fr 08:45-12:15 (6×), Fr 13.12. 08:45-11:30
020057 SE 2 ECTS ( KPH Krems ) Forschungswerkstatt zur empirischen Religionsforschung - Research Lab ‚religious plurality‘Lehmann, Fr 25.10. 09:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 13:15-16:30, Fr 13.12. 11:30-16:30
UF ER 13Elective Modules / Electives (0-10 ECTS)
UF ER 14 Practicum in subject-specific Didactics (7 ECTS)
Solymár, Tu 09:45-11:15 (10×), Sa 09.11. 08:45-17:30
Diploma Teacher Training Programme (Version 2011) - discontinued
Reiss, Mo 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Öhler, Th 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Öhler, We 08:45-11:15 (11×)
Danz, Th 13:15-14:45 (14×)
020017 SE 5 ECTS Interreligious Dialogue in austria in Comarative Perspective - Seminar zu einem Thema der systematisch-vergleichenden ReligionswissenschaftenReiss, Th 09:45-11:15 (14×)
Klein, Fr 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Körtner, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
Henner, Th 08:45-13:00 (8×)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 08:00-09:30 (16×)
Grohmann, We 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Engemann, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
Engemann, Th 11:30-13:00 (7×)
Rothgangel, Tu 08.10. 09:45-11:15, Fr 13.12. 11:30-20:00, Sa 14.12. 08:45-20:00
Rothgangel, We 12:15-14:45 (10×)
Schelander, We 02.10. 13:15-14:00, Th 24.10. 08:45-11:15, Th 24.10. 11:30-16:30, Fr 25.10. 08:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 15:00-18:15, Sa 09.11. 08:45-18:15
Schelander, Fr 08:45-12:15 (6×), Fr 13.12. 08:45-11:30
Schelander, Tu 15:00-18:15 (8×)
Solymár, Tu 09:45-11:15 (10×), Sa 09.11. 08:45-17:30
Öhler, Th 09:45-11:15 (13×)
Böhm, Th 10.10. 13:15-14:45, Fr 15:00-18:15 (2×), Sa 08:45-12:15 (2×)
Master Protestant Theology (Version 2014)
MA-EVANG 1 Fields of Old Testament Research (9 ECTS)
Schellenberg-Lagler, We 09:30-11:00 (14×)
MA-EVANG 2 History of Theology and Religion in the Early Church (9 ECTS)
Öhler, Th 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Öhler, We 16:45-18:15 (15×)
MA-EVANG Advanced Chruch History (8 ECTS)
020011 SE 4 ECTS Seminar on (Cultural) History of Christianity - Die Evangelischen in Österreich und ihr Staat (1781-1918)Trauner, Mo 18:30-20:00 (14×)
MA-EVANG 4 Dogmatics I (6 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 5 Dogmatics II (6 ECTS)
Danz, We 13:15-14:45 (13×)
MA-EVANG 6 Seminars in the Field of Systematic Theology
Danz, We 15:00-16:30 (15×)
Körtner, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
MA-EVANG 7 Selected Fields of Reflection in Homiletics (6 ECTS)
020037 UE 2 ECTS Church Law - Grundprobleme des inneren Kirchenrechts sowie des staatlichen ReligionsrechtsSchwarz, Tu 18:30-20:00 (16×)
020051 SE 4 ECTS Liturgics - Sunday services and private devotions in their controversial ritual grammarLauxmann, Tu 08.10. 11:30-14:45, Fr 11.10. 13:15-20:00, Sa 12.10. 09:45-18:45, Sa 30.11. 09:45-16:30
MA-EVANG 8 Processes of Production and reflection in Homiletics (10 ECTS)
Engemann, Th 11:30-13:00 (7×)
MA-EVANG 9 School-Internship in Protestant Religious Education (7 ECTS)
Solymár, Tu 09:45-11:15 (10×), Sa 09.11. 08:45-17:30
MA-EVANG 10 Interdisciplinary Research in the Master Program (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.1 Advanced Research in Study of Religions (5 ECTS)
020017 SE 5 ECTS Interreligious Dialogue in austria in Comarative Perspective - Seminar zu einem Thema der systematisch-vergleichenden ReligionswissenschaftenReiss, Th 09:45-11:15 (14×)
020057 SE 2 ECTS ( KPH Krems ) Forschungswerkstatt zur empirischen Religionsforschung - Research Lab ‚religious plurality‘Lehmann, Fr 25.10. 09:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 13:15-16:30, Fr 13.12. 11:30-16:30
MA-EVANG 11.2 Adrabic Communication (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.3 Biblical Hermeneutics (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.4 Advanced Research in Old Testament Studies (5 ECTS)
Grohmann, We 16:45-18:15 (5×)
MA-EVANG 11.5 Advanced Research in New Testament Studies (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.6 Advanced Research in Church History (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.7 Patristics (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.8 Christian Archaeology (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.9 Advanced Research in Systematic Theology (5 ECTS)
Körtner, Mo 09:45-13:00 (3×)
MA-EVANG 11.10 Advanced Research in Practical Theology (5 ECTS)
020049 SE 5 ECTS Advanced course in Practical Theology - Ritual design and patchwork religiosity in the context of contemporary self-help literatureLauxmann, Th 10.10. 13:15-16:30, Mo 14.10. 09:30-16:30, Fr 08.11. 15:00-20:00, Sa 09.11. 11:30-18:15
MA-EVANG 11.11 Advanced Research in Psychology of Religion (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.12 Personality Development and Self-awareness (5 ECTS)
Zaußinger, Th 24.10. 19:15-20:00
MA-EVANG 11.13 The Church in Action: Social Welfare Work and the Church Congregation (5 ECTS)
Moser, Th 09:45-11:15 (4×), Fr 17.01. 15:00-19:15, Sa 18.01. 08:45-16:30
MA-EVANG 11.14 Advanced Research in Religious Laws (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.15 Advanced Research in Religious Education (5 ECTS)
MA-EVANG 11.16 Advanced Theological Research 1 (5 ECTS)
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
MA-EVANG 11.17 Advanced Theological Research 2 (5 ECTS)
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
MA-EVANG 1 Fields of Old Testament Research (9 ECTS)
Danz, We 13:15-14:45 (13×)
Moser, Th 09:45-11:15 (4×), Fr 17.01. 15:00-19:15, Sa 18.01. 08:45-16:30
Zaußinger, Th 24.10. 19:15-20:00
020051 SE 4 ECTS Liturgics - Sunday services and private devotions in their controversial ritual grammarLauxmann, Tu 08.10. 11:30-14:45, Fr 11.10. 13:15-20:00, Sa 12.10. 09:45-18:45, Sa 30.11. 09:45-16:30
Master Religious Education (Emphasis: Protestant Religious Education) (796 [3] - Version 2017)
MRP 01 Confessional and Interreligious Cooperation (5 ECTS)
MRP 02 Designing Learning Processes - Deliberating Inclusion (9 ECTS)
Jandrokovic, Fr 18:30-20:00 (10×)
Hösch-Schagar, Mo 18:30-20:00 (13×)
Schrittesser, Th 15:00-16:30 (11×), Th 16.01. 13:15-16:30
Brandmayr, Sa 09.11. 09:45-16:30, Sa 11.01. 09:45-15:30
MRP 03 Internship at School (7 ECTS)
Breen-Wenninger, Mo 30.09. 16:45-19:00, Sa 05.10. 09:00-12:15, Sa 25.01. 09:00-16:00
Breen-Wenninger, Mo 30.09. 16:45-19:00, Fr 04.10. 09:00-12:15, Fr 24.01. 09:00-16:00
MRP 04erp Biblical Studies (13 ECTS)
Öhler, Th 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Öhler, We 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Schellenberg-Lagler, We 09:30-11:00 (14×)
MRP 05erp Church History (8 ECTS)
020011 SE 4 ECTS Seminar on (Cultural) History of Christianity - Die Evangelischen in Österreich und ihr Staat (1781-1918)Trauner, Mo 18:30-20:00 (14×)
MRP 06erp Systematic Theology (9 ECTS)
Danz, We 13:15-14:45 (13×)
Danz, We 15:00-16:30 (15×)
Körtner, Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
MRP 07erp Practical Theology (6 ECTS)
020037 UE 2 ECTS Church Law - Grundprobleme des inneren Kirchenrechts sowie des staatlichen ReligionsrechtsSchwarz, Tu 18:30-20:00 (16×)
020051 SE 4 ECTS Liturgics - Sunday services and private devotions in their controversial ritual grammarLauxmann, Tu 08.10. 11:30-14:45, Fr 11.10. 13:15-20:00, Sa 12.10. 09:45-18:45, Sa 30.11. 09:45-16:30
MRP 08erp Teaching Methodology and Practice of Protestant Religious Education (13 ECTS)
Rothgangel, Tu 08.10. 09:45-11:15, Fr 13.12. 11:30-20:00, Sa 14.12. 08:45-20:00
Schelander, We 02.10. 13:15-14:00, Th 24.10. 08:45-11:15, Th 24.10. 11:30-16:30, Fr 25.10. 08:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 15:00-18:15, Sa 09.11. 08:45-18:15
Schelander, Fr 08:45-12:15 (6×), Fr 13.12. 08:45-11:30
Schelander, Tu 15:00-18:15 (8×)
Solymár, Tu 09:45-11:15 (10×), Sa 09.11. 08:45-17:30
MRP 09erp Advanced Theological Research (25 ECTS)
020028 SE 5 ECTS Themes of biblical Theology - auch besuchbar als VO Themen biblischer Theologie AT/NTGrohmann, Fr 08:00-11:15 (5×)
Zaußinger, Th 24.10. 19:15-20:00
020057 SE 2 ECTS ( KPH Krems ) Forschungswerkstatt zur empirischen Religionsforschung - Research Lab ‚religious plurality‘Lehmann, Fr 25.10. 09:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 13:15-16:30, Fr 13.12. 11:30-16:30
Master Teacher Training Programme: Protestant Theology
UF MA ER 01 Protestant Theology (14 ECTS)
Öhler, Th 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Öhler, We 16:45-18:15 (15×)
020011 SE 4 ECTS Seminar on (Cultural) History of Christianity - Die Evangelischen in Österreich und ihr Staat (1781-1918)Trauner, Mo 18:30-20:00 (14×)
Schumann, Th 15:00-16:30 (15×)
020015 SE 5 ECTS Egyptian christianity in times of social and political transformation - Seminar on the History of ReligionReiss, Fr 10.01. 13:15-16:30, Sa 11.01. 08:45-18:15, Su 12.01. 08:45-13:00, Fr 17.01. 13:15-18:15
020017 SE 5 ECTS Interreligious Dialogue in austria in Comarative Perspective - Seminar zu einem Thema der systematisch-vergleichenden ReligionswissenschaftenReiss, Th 09:45-11:15 (14×)
020022 SE 5 ECTS ( KPH Krems ) Introduction to the Sociology of Religion - Im Rahmen einer WissenssoziologieLehmann, We 11:30-13:00 (14×)
020037 UE 2 ECTS Church Law - Grundprobleme des inneren Kirchenrechts sowie des staatlichen ReligionsrechtsSchwarz, Tu 18:30-20:00 (16×)
020051 SE 4 ECTS Liturgics - Sunday services and private devotions in their controversial ritual grammarLauxmann, Tu 08.10. 11:30-14:45, Fr 11.10. 13:15-20:00, Sa 12.10. 09:45-18:45, Sa 30.11. 09:45-16:30
UF MA ER 02 Practice of Protestant Religious Education (8 ECTS)
Rothgangel, Tu 08.10. 09:45-11:15, Fr 13.12. 11:30-20:00, Sa 14.12. 08:45-20:00
020040 SE 5 ECTS SE Themen des Religionsunterrichts unter fachwissenschaftlicher und fachdidaktischer Perspektive - Dogmatische Schlüsselbegriffe - lebensweltlich - systematisch - didaktischRothgangel, Tu 08.10. 15:00-16:30, Fr 31.01. 11:30-20:00, Sa 01.02. 09:45-20:00
Schelander, Tu 15:00-18:15 (8×)
UF MA ER 03 Accompanying Course during School-Internship (4 ECTS)
Spichal, Fr 16:45-20:00 (6×)
Doctoral Degree Programme in Protestant Theology (082) - discontinued
Wischmeyer, Tu 18:30-20:00 (14×)
Rothgangel, Tu 03.12. 18:30-21:00, Sa 08:45-18:15 (2×)
Schelander, Fr 13:15-16:30 (2×), Sa 23.11. 08:45-16:30
Körtner, Mo 09:45-13:00 (3×)
Extension Curriculum The Bible: Book, History, Interpretation (015)
Module: Basics (15 ECTS)
Stowasser, Th 11:30-13:00 (13×)
Siquans, We 16:45-18:15 (14×)
010197 VO 3 ECTS Advanced Course New Testament I: Jesus of Nazareth - Historical Context and Theological MessageTiwald, Fr 13:15-14:45 (12×)
Siquans, We 11:30-13:00 (14×)
Öhler, We 08:45-11:15 (11×)
Leeb, Tu 16:45-18:15 (15×)
Henner, Th 08:45-13:00 (8×)
Schellenberg-Lagler, Tu 11:30-13:00 (15×)
Langer, Tu 14:15-15:45 (11×)
Extension Curriculum Christianity in a Plural Society (016)
Module: Basics (9 ECTS)
Deibl, Tu 18:30-20:00 (9×), Sa 16.11. 09:45-14:45, Sa 07.12. 09:45-13:00
Klein, Fr 11:30-13:00 (10×)
Module: Specific Fields of Theology (6 ECTS)
Danz, We 13:15-14:45 (13×)
Engemann, Mo 16:45-18:15 (12×)
Blocked Courses SPL 2 + 37
Angebotene Lehrveranstaltungen
020015 SE 5 ECTS Egyptian christianity in times of social and political transformation - Seminar on the History of ReligionReiss, Fr 10.01. 13:15-16:30, Sa 11.01. 08:45-18:15, Su 12.01. 08:45-13:00, Fr 17.01. 13:15-18:15
Stroh, Tu 22.10. 18:30-20:00, Fr 15:00-19:00 (2×), Sa 09:00-19:00 (2×)
Moser, Th 09:45-11:15 (4×), Fr 17.01. 15:00-19:15, Sa 18.01. 08:45-16:30
Rothgangel, Tu 08.10. 09:45-11:15, Fr 13.12. 11:30-20:00, Sa 14.12. 08:45-20:00
Schelander, We 02.10. 13:15-14:00, Th 24.10. 08:45-11:15, Th 24.10. 11:30-16:30, Fr 25.10. 08:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 15:00-18:15, Sa 09.11. 08:45-18:15
Solymár, Tu 09:45-11:15 (10×), Sa 09.11. 08:45-17:30
Zaußinger, Th 24.10. 19:15-20:00
020049 SE 5 ECTS Advanced course in Practical Theology - Ritual design and patchwork religiosity in the context of contemporary self-help literatureLauxmann, Th 10.10. 13:15-16:30, Mo 14.10. 09:30-16:30, Fr 08.11. 15:00-20:00, Sa 09.11. 11:30-18:15
020051 SE 4 ECTS Liturgics - Sunday services and private devotions in their controversial ritual grammarLauxmann, Tu 08.10. 11:30-14:45, Fr 11.10. 13:15-20:00, Sa 12.10. 09:45-18:45, Sa 30.11. 09:45-16:30
020053 OL 0 ECTS ( OV ) Orientation Course - für Erstsemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und UnterrichtsfachSchellenberg-Lagler, Mo 30.09. 15:00-17:00
020057 SE 2 ECTS ( KPH Krems ) Forschungswerkstatt zur empirischen Religionsforschung - Research Lab ‚religious plurality‘Lehmann, Fr 25.10. 09:45-13:00, Fr 25.10. 13:15-16:30, Fr 13.12. 11:30-16:30
Lehrveranstaltungen zur Vorbereitung auf Ergänzungsprüfungen
Angebotene Lehrveranstaltungen
Friedl, Fr 08:00-09:30 (14×), Mo 15:00-16:30 (14×), Th 19.12. 10:00-13:00
Kamptner, Tu 08:00-09:30 (16×), We 08:00-09:30 (15×), Mo 08:00-09:30 (14×)
Allesch, Fr 15:00-16:30 (14×), Mo 16:45-18:15 (14×), Tu 15:00-16:30 (15×)
Wallisch, We 18:30-20:00 (15×), Fr 16:45-18:15 (14×), Mo 18:30-20:00 (14×)
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35