2.2.3. Schwerpunkt: Theorie der Quantenstruktur und Geometrie von Raum, Zeit und Materie
804230 UE 0 ECTS Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2 - Exercises to Elementary Particle Physics 2Neufeld
804237 SE 0 ECTS Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry - Quantum Information, Entanglement and GeometryBertlmann
804234 SE 0 ECTS Seminar in Theoretical Physics - Seminar in Theoretical Physics: Applications of quantum theory in modern physicsEcker
859621 SE 0 ECTS Treatment of sel. conceptual quantum theor. probl. - Community based treatment of selected conceptual quantum theoretic problemsEmbacher
886260 SE 0 ECTS Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State PhysicsRauch
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34