PM4a Seminar: Contemporary History and Media (8 ECTS)
von Lingen
070267 SE 8 ECTS ( MIXED ) Seminar on History (Master) - Scientific Changes in Times of Political UpheavalAsh, We 14:15-15:45 (15×)
070285 SE 8 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar - Of hick towns and metropolises: Urbanization in Eastern and East Central Europe - 1850-1991Bönker, Mo 13:00-14:30 (11×)
070290 SE 8 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Seminar - Historical constellations of Self-technologies. - Working on the self in the 20th and 21st centuryWinter, Tu 13:30-15:30 (10×)
143254 SE 8 ECTS ( REMOTE ) Translocal solidarities from the mid-20th century to the present - from the Anti-Apartheid-Movement to Black Lives Matter and beyondEnglert
240052 SE 7 ECTS ( REMOTE ISK ) VM4 / VM5 - Audio-Visual Media in East Africa - Agency and Appropriation in the Postcolonial ContextBasaran, Tu 16:45-20:00 (7×)
Last modified: Fr 20.08.2021 10:35