Universität Wien

APA Alternative mandatory modul A (0/15 ECTS)

230085 VO 4 ECTS (REMOTE) The Social and the Corona-Crisis - Current research on the social consequences of the pandemic
Reinprecht, Th 17:00-19:00 (9×)
240517 VO 5 ECTS (REMOTE) Popular Culture Research (P4) - Clichés and Stereotypes of Selected Media Types as a Cause for the Formation of Social Prejudices
Mückler, Mo 11:30-13:00 (14×)
Nöbauer, Tu 15:00-18:15 (6×)
240519 SE 5 ECTS (REMOTE) Anthropology of infrastructure (P4)
Rest, Th 11:30-13:00 (13×)
Markom, We 09:45-13:00 (2×), We 09:45-14:45 (3×)
240521 SE 5 ECTS (REMOTE) "Wiener Völkerkunde" in the first half of the 20th century (P4) - Selected texts on the institute’s history
Rohrbacher, We 17.03. 13:15-14:45, We 13:15-16:30 (6×)
Salverda, Tu 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Budka, Fr 13:15-16:30 (7×)
240527 SE 5 ECTS [en] (REMOTE) Body Cultures in Popular Art (P4)
Davis-Sulikowski, We 13:15-16:30 (8×)
Zips-Mairitsch, Mo 18:30-20:00 (14×)
Davis-Sulikowski, We 13:15-16:30 (8×)
Yuksel Pecen, Mo 15.03. 13:15-14:45, Tu 13:15-16:30 (4×), Fr 13:15-16:30 (2×)
Kuppe, Fr 13:15-14:45 (2×), Th 10.06. 09:15-18:00, Fr 11.06. 09:15-18:00
Pasieka, Mo 03.05. 13:15-18:15, Tu 04.05. 13:15-18:15, We 05.05. 13:15-18:15, Th 06.05. 13:15-18:15, Fr 07.05. 13:15-18:15
Monsutti, Tu 09:45-11:15 (4×), We 09:45-11:15 (4×)

Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04