Wahlfach Biochemie
270015 SE+UE 0 ECTS Biochemisches Praktikum E (Strukturbiologie) - Biochemisches Praktikum E (Strukturbiologie)Konrat
270077 VO 0 ECTS Arbeitstechniken in der biochemischen Analytik - Arbeitstechniken in der biochemischen AnalytikSchalkhammer
270109 UE 0 ECTS Laboratory Course C + Molecular Biology II/ A - Laboratory Course C (Protein Biochemistry) for Chemistry Students and Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II/ Part AMaier
270189 SE 0 ECTS Accompanying Seminar to Laboratory Course C - Accompanying Seminar to Laboratory Course C (Protein Biochemistry) for Chemistry StudentsGregor
270190 SE+UE 0 ECTS Laboratory Course B - Laboratory Course B (Molecular Biology) for Chemistry StudentsFuchs
270191 UE 0 ECTS Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry A - Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry A (for Chemistry Students)Hartig
270226 VO 0 ECTS Organic Chemical Methods - Organic Chemical Methods in Molecular Biology and BiochemistryKrois
270260 SE 0 ECTS Principals of advanced biological chemistry (Part B) - Prinzipien der biologischen Chemie für Fortgeschrittene (TeilB)Schmid
270267 VO 0 ECTS Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesisHartig
270268 VO 0 ECTS Biochemistry and cell biology of the immune system - Biochemistry and cell biology of the immune systemProhaska
270303 VO+SE 0 ECTS Genetik für Chemiker - Genetik -Einführung und -Prinzipien der genetischen Analyse für ChemikerAmmerer
300400 VO 0 ECTS Biophysikalische Chemie II - Biophysikalische Chemie II (Adsorption, Grenzflächenspannung, Membranpotentiale, Enzymkinetik)Fringeli
310108 UE 0 ECTS Molecular Biology III/ B + Laboratory Course D - Laboratory Course Molecular Biology III/ Part B and Laboratory Course D (Cell Biology) for Chemistry StudentsPropst
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34