Master Earth Sciences (815 [2] - Version 2014) - discontinued
Äquivalenzverordnung zum Curriculum für das Masterstudium Erdwissenschaften (Version 2014):
Compulsory Module Group (15 ECTS)
MA-ERD-1 Mathematical Methods of Earth Sciences (7 ECTS)
MA-ERD-2 Instrumentelle Analytik in den Geowissenschaften (8 ECTS)
Focus (30 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Module Geology (30 ECTS)
MA-ERD-3 Litosphere Dynamics (10 ECTS)
Kloetzli, Th 09:00-10:45 (14×), Fr 09:00-10:45 (14×)
Kloetzli, Tu 11:00-12:15 (15×), We 11:30-13:00 (16×)
MA-ERD-4 Structural Geology and Tectonics II (5 ECTS)
Decker, We 13:15-15:00 (16×), Th 13:00-14:45 (14×)
MA-ERD-5 Sedimentology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (5 ECTS)
Baal, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×), Tu 13:00-14:30 (13×)
MA-ERD-7 Thermodynamics of Geo-Materials (5 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Module Hydrogeology und Environmental Chemistry (30 ECTS)
MA-ERD-8 Hydrogeology (12 ECTS)
MA-ERD-9 Environmental Chemistry and Biogeochemistry (9 ECTS)
MA-ERD-10 Hydrochemistry and Environmental Pollutants (9 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Module Mineralogy and Geo-Materials (30 ECTS)
MA-ERD-7 Thermodynamic of Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-11 Kristallography and Methods of Diffraction (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-12 Structur and Spectroscopy of Crystalline Material (10 ECTS)
Nasdala, Mo 12:45-16:00 (14×)
MA-ERD-13 Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology (5 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Module Palaeobiology und Geobiology (30 ECTS)
MA-ERD-6 Stratigraphy (5 ECTS)
Baal, Mo 13:00-15:00 (14×), Tu 13:00-14:30 (13×)
MA-ERD-14 Geobiology and Actuopaleontology (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-15 Palaeobiology (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-16 Climate Change Through Time (5 ECTS)
Heinz, We 09:00-10:30 (16×), We 10:45-11:30 (16×)
Elective Modules (40 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.0 Individual In-Depth Studies (10 ECTS)
Ntaflos, We 14:00-17:00 (16×)
280087 VU 5 ECTS [ en ] MA-ERD-W-1.1 Introduction to thermal analysis, calorimetry and thermodynamic functions (PI)Geiger
280086 SE 3 ECTS MA-ERD-W-1.1 Geohistorical research and its sources in the 19th and 20th centuries (PI) - The establishment of the disciplines of mineralogy, paleontology, geology and petrology at the University of ViennaHamilton, Th 15:00-16:30 (14×)
Wagreich, Tu 16:30-19:00 (14×)
Köberl, We 13:30-15:45 (16×)
Kloetzli, Th 10:30-13:00 (14×)
Kriwet, Tu 09:00-12:00 (15×)
280145 LP 5 ECTS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) MA-ERD-W-3.26 Conservation Paleobiology and Historical Ecology (PI)Nawrot, Th 14:00-17:00 (14×)
Heinz, Tu 09:00-11:30 (13×)
Frenzel, Tu 29.03. 09:00-16:30, We 30.03. 09:00-16:30, Th 31.03. 09:00-16:30
Nohl, Mo 20.06. 09:00-14:00, Tu 21.06. 09:00-14:00, We 22.06. 09:00-14:00, Th 23.06. 09:00-14:00, Fr 24.06. 09:00-14:00
MA-ERD-17.1 Analytics of Elements with Electromicroprobe (3 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.2 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy and Ion Beam Applications (3 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.3 Kinetics of Geological Material (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.4 Magmatic Processe and Earth Crust Formation (4 ECTS)
Ntaflos, We 14:00-17:00 (16×)
MA-ERD-17.5 Geological Field Mapping (5 ECTS)
Le Heron, Fr 18.03. 14:00-15:00
MA-ERD-17.6 Microstructures in Geomaterials (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.7 Digital Maps and GIS (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.8 Active Tektonics (5 ECTS)
Decker, Mo 15:30-17:30 (14×)
MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.10 Applied Petrolium Geology and Seismicity Interpretation (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.11 Planetary Geology (5 ECTS)
Köberl, We 13:30-15:45 (16×)
MA-ERD-17.12 Quaternary Research (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.13 Tracerhydrogeology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.14 Carst Hydrology, Carst Morphology and Water Exploitation (5 ECTS)
Plan, Th 16:00-17:30 (8×), Th 07.04. 16:00-19:00
MA-ERD-17.15 Remediation of Contaminated Sites (10 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.16 Environmental Geochemistry of Stable Isotopes (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.17 Advanced Modelling in Environmental Geochemistry (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.18 Environmental Interfaces and Nanogeosciences (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.19 Biogeochemical Lab and Field course (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.21 Technical and Applied Mineralogy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.22 Applied Crystal Structure Determination (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.23 Applied Mineralspectroscopy (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.24 Mineral Physics and Transformations (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.25 Mineral Deposits and Economic Geology (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.26 Petrolium, Coal and Molecular Fossils (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.27 Evolution of Vertebrata (5 ECTS)
Kriwet, Tu 09:00-12:00 (15×)
MA-ERD-17.28 Microorganisms and Implementation (5 ECTS)
Heinz, Tu 09:00-11:30 (13×)
MA-ERD-17.29 Palaeobotany (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.30 Environmental Paleontology (5 ECTS)
280145 LP 5 ECTS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) MA-ERD-W-3.26 Conservation Paleobiology and Historical Ecology (PI)Nawrot, Th 14:00-17:00 (14×)
MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (5 ECTS)
MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (5 ECTS)
Additional courses
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56