2.4.2. Teil II Ökologie (Semester 7-10)
300025 EX 3 ECTS Vertebrate ecological special excursions - Vertebrate ecological special excursionsSpitzer
300028 VO 4 ECTS Humanökologie und Soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und Soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige EntwicklungHaberl
300039 SE 3 ECTS Methods of Social Ecology - Methods of Social Ecology: Biophysical processes and Sustainable Development - concepts and indicatorsErb
300045 SE 3 ECTS Behavioral Ecology - Seminar zur Verhaltensökologie (Voraussetzung: Einführung in die Verhaltensbiologie)Millesi
300065 VO+SE 3 ECTS Environmental Information Management - Environmental Information Management with Special Reference to the EU Enlargement Process in Eastern EuropeVogel
300067 VO 1.5 ECTS Flora of Austria - Flora of Europa (taxonomy, phylogenetic systematics, ecology, morphology, ethnobotany)Fischer
300084 VO 3 ECTS Ecological Biochemistry - Ecological Biochemistry (Ecological Interactions of Secondary Metabolite Diversity)Greger
300102 VO 4.5 ECTS Introduction to ecophysiology of animals - Introduction to ecophysiology of animalsWaitzbauer
300103 VO 3 ECTS Introduction Hydrology and Running Water Ecology - Introduction to Hydrology and Running Water EcologyWaringer
300116 VO 3 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-SciencesReiter
300117 UE 4.5 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-SciencesReiter
300120 VO 3 ECTS Approaches for ecological research in organic farming - Approaches for ecological research in organic farmingMaurer
300130 SE 1.5 ECTS Seminar in hydrobotany I - Seminar in hydrobotany I: New topics and publications on aquatic macrophytesJanauer
300131 UE 4.5 ECTS Laboratory of Plant Physiology for adv. students - Laboratory of Plant Physiology for advanced studentsKartusch
300132 VO 3 ECTS Comparative anatomy of aquat. and terrestr. plants - Comparative anatomy of aquatic and terrestrial plantsJanauer
300133 VO 1.5 ECTS Introduction to the Lab Course in Cell Physiology - Introduction to the Lab Course in Cell PhysiologyLichtscheidl-Schultz
300148 VO 1.5 ECTS Introduction to Desert Biology - Introduction to Desert biology: Life communities of subtropical and tropical deserts.Waitzbauer
300152 VO+UE 7.5 ECTS Soil biological course - Soil biological course: soil as habitat, introduction to taxonomy and ecology of selected soil animal groupsWaitzbauer
300155 SE 1.5 ECTS Reproduction ecology (tropical plants) - Reproduction ecology and life strategies of tropical plants (preparation for tropical excursions and special practica studies)Weber
300157 VO+SE 3 ECTS Environment and health-aspects of human ecology - Environment and health-aspects of human ecologyHaslberger
300158 SE 3 ECTS New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopyKlepal
300160 VO 3 ECTS Landscape Ecology - Introduction to Landscape Ecology - principles, methodes & case studiesWrbka
300162 UE 3 ECTS Field course Hydrology and Running Water Ecology - Field course on Hydrology and Running Water EcologyWaringer
300176 VO 1.5 ECTS Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - structure, vegetation & land useWrbka
300179 VO 3 ECTS Introduction into the fauna - Introduction into the fauna and ecology of the Amazon basinHödl
300182 VO 4.5 ECTS Freshwater Ecosystems: Structure and Function - Freshwater Ecosystems: Structure and FunctionSchiemer
300184 UE+EX 6 ECTS Marine ecological field course - Marine ecological field course in Red Sea coral reefsWaitzbauer
300187 VO 3 ECTS Principles of Environmental Economics II - Principles of Environmental Economics II (Macroeconomics)Schuh
300188 VO 3 ECTS Techn. and Economic Aspects of Environ. Protection - Technical and Economic Aspects of Environmental ProtectionLichtscheidl
300189 SE 3 ECTS Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-ThesisDanielopol
300192 VO+UE+EX 2 ECTS Field trips in ecology - Field trips in ecology, floristics, systematics and morphologyFischer
300205 VO+UE 7.5 ECTS Chemistry of natural waters - Introduction to the chemistry of natural waters (lecture and lab course)Krachler
300206 VO 4.5 ECTS Mammalian Ecology, Physiology and Behavior - Mammalian Ecology, Physiology and BehaviorMillesi
300219 SE 3 ECTS Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology - Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecologyZweimüller
300241 VO 2 ECTS Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America - Tropical ecosystems of South and Central AmericaWeissenhofer
300247 SE+UE+EX 15 ECTS Special tasks in Vegetation Ecology - Special tasks in Vegetation Ecology and Conservation BiologyGrabherr
300248 SE+UE+EX 3 ECTS Special aspects in hydrobotany - Special aspects in hydrobotany (for MSc and PhD candidates)Janauer
300249 VO 3 ECTS Fauna Australiens - Fauna Australiens: ausgewählte Beispiele zur Evolution, Ökologie und TiergeographieGollmann
300257 VO 3 ECTS Behaviour and ecology of higher vertebrates - Behaviour and ecology of higher vertebrates (in cooperation with Dr. Signe Preuschoft)Winkler
300259 VO+UE 3 ECTS Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologistsExler
300262 SE 3 ECTS Sustainable Development in theory an research - Sustainable Development in theory an researchRammel
300264 VO 3 ECTS Introduction to soil biology - Introduction to soil biology 1) Soil microbiology 2) soil zoologyZolda
300266 SE+UE+EX 9 ECTS Ecology of terrestrial animals 1 - Ecology of terrestrial animals with emphasis on the following topics: biodiversity, biology, ecosystem ecology (recommanded for diploma & phD students)Waitzbauer
300270 VO+SE+EX 4.5 ECTS Das Aquarium-Modell eines Ökosystems? - Das Aquarium-Modell eines Ökosystems? (für Biologen und Lehramtskandidaten)Nopp
300273 SE+UE+EX 12 ECTS Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant productionBolhar-Nordenkampf
300274 SE 3 ECTS Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-ThesisChovanec
300275 SE+UE+EX 15 ECTS Specific Ecology of Plants I - Specific Ecology of Plants: stress physiology, photo biology, anatomy, urban ecology, ecophysiology laboratory and field analysis, structural analysis, energy and material flow balances in cultural landscapes and urban habitatsMaier
300276 SE 15 ECTS Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen I - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen I: Schwerpunkte: Stressphysiologie, Baumphysiologie, Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel (v. a. für Diplomanden und Dissertanten).Unter Mitwirkung von Dr.G.Bachmann und Dr.W.WanekPopp
300280 SE 3 ECTS literature in marine biology and ecology - Pertinent literature in marine biology and ecologyOtt
300281 SE+UE+EX 15 ECTS Instr. f. composing a master- or PhD-thesis limn. - Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesis in limnologySchiemer
300289 VO 1.5 ECTS Theoretical computer applications in ecology - Theoretical computer applications in ecology and conservation biologyKeusch
300290 UE+VO 6 ECTS Course in vegetation Ecology 2 - Course in vegetation Ecology 2: Data interpretation and analysisSteiner
300291 VO 3 ECTS Ecology and management of meadows and pastures - Ecology and management of meadows and pasturesDietl
300294 SE+EX 3 ECTS Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesis - Instructions for composing a master- or PhD-thesisHumpesch
300297 SE 3 ECTS Instructions for Thesis students in agro-ecology - Instructions for Thesis students in agro-ecologyMaurer
300298 UE 3 ECTS Practical computer applications in ecology - Practical computer applications in ecology and conservation biologyKeusch
300304 UE 6 ECTS Trichoptera Identification Course - Trichoptera Identification Course (advanced level)Waringer
300306 VO 3 ECTS Riverine landscapes: development & vegetation - Development and Vegetation of Middle European riverine landscapesEnglmaier
300307 SE 1.5 ECTS Seminar riverine geomorphology - Seminar "Interrelations between riverine geomorphology and vegetation"Englmaier
300313 VO 1.5 ECTS Microbial communities of selected ecosystems - Structure and function of microbial communities of selected ecosystemsDaims
300314 SE+EX 3 ECTS [ en ] Microbial Ecology: from theory to practice - Microbial Ecology: from theory to practiceWagner
300315 SE 3 ECTS [ en ] Selected chapters of microbial ecology - Selected chapters of microbial ecologyWagner
300322 SE+UE 3 ECTS Specific microbial ecology I - Specific microbial ecology I: Bacterial endosymbionts of amoebae, structure and function of nitrifying bacteria, evolutionary history and detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, DNA microarray techniques, genomics and transcriptomics of parachlamydiae. For diploma and Ph. D. students.Wagner
300341 VO 4.5 ECTS Conservation Biology and Landscape Conservation - Conservation Biology and Landscape ConservationGrabherr
300359 VO+SE+UE 6 ECTS Modern Techniques in Ecology: - Modern Techniques in Ecology : Stable Isotope Tracing (together with ERASMUS guest professor Dr.H.Santruckova)Richter
300369 VO 1.5 ECTS Proteomics: Theory & applications in microb. ecol. - Proteomics: Theory and applications in microbial ecologyRiedel
300372 SE+UE 9 ECTS EM-Untersuchung an Objekten eigener Wahl - Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung an Objekten eigener Wahl für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnenKlepal
300381 UE 1.5 ECTS Data management in Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping-Data management, -analysis and -interpretationWrbka
300393 SE+UE 3 ECTS Instructions for composing a Master or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master or PhD - ThesisHerzig
300394 SE 1.5 ECTS Introduction to&guidance in ultrastruct. Research - Introduction to and guidance in ultrastructural ResearchKlepal
300401 VO 3 ECTS Quantitative Ecology of Fishes of the Trout Region - Quantitative Ecology of Fishes of the Trout Region (Development, Growth, Population Regulation)Humpesch
300407 SE 3 ECTS Instructions for composing a Master- or PhD-Thesis - Instructions for composing a Master- or PhD-Thesis: Aquatic microbial EcologyVelimirov
300415 VO 3 ECTS heavy metals, trace elements, Significance - Eco-physiological significance of heavy metals and trace elementsHorak
300416 EX 3 ECTS Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical Excursions "Characteristic riverine valleys in eastern Austria"Englmaier
300430 UE 4.5 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Spatial Analysis in Bio-SciencesKleinbauer
300434 SE 3 ECTS Seminar fish ecology - Dicussion and presentations of new literature within the area fish ecology. Especially for master and PhD doctoral and postgraduate studentsKeckeis
300446 UE 1.5 ECTS Laboratory Course for Analysis of Ecological Data - Laboratory Course for Analysis of Ecological DataDullinger
300451 VO 3 ECTS Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants - Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants; physiological and ecological Aspects.Albert
300461 VO 3 ECTS Biology and ecology of European amphibians - Biology and ecology of European amphibiansWaringer-Löschenkohl
300515 UE 1.5 ECTS Data management in Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping-Data management, -analysis and -interpretationGrünweis
300518 VO 3 ECTS Primary producers of freshwaters - Primary producers in freshwaters: ecophysiology with implications for the bio-assessment of aquatic systems and the response to climate change.Teubner
300544 UE 1.5 ECTS Museological technics - Museological technics. Introduction to the preparation of insects.Waitzbauer
300614 SE 1.5 ECTS Journal Club Chemical Ecology - Journal Club Chemical Ecology (recommended for diploma and PhD students)Hadacek
300615 UE 4.5 ECTS Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin AnalysisHadacek
300623 SE 3 ECTS Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Neotropics - Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Neotropical regionSchulze
300624 SE 3 ECTS Seminar in Population Ecology - Seminar in Population Ecology (especially for MSc and PhD candidates)Fiedler
300627 VO+SE 3 ECTS Nature conservat. & envir. protection in the Islam - Nature conservation and envir. protection in the Islam - examplified especially for EgyptAlbert
300640 SE+EX 4 ECTS Ethnobotanic-phytochemical excursion - Ethnobotanic-phytochemical excursion: Diversity and practical importance of bioactive plant products in the palaeotropicsGreger
300661 VO 2 ECTS Main topics in Human Ecology - Main topics in "Biology and Environmental sciences"("Biologie und Umweltkunde"): Basic issues of Human Ecology and Environmental EthicsWeish
300669 VO 3 ECTS Management of endangered species - Management of endangered species: practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystemsStachowitsch
300679 VO+UE 3 ECTS Models of species dynamics - Models and indices for the analysis of species dynamics and community patterns in aquatic systemsFesl
300691 VO 2 ECTS Ecology & Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora - Ecology and Biogeography of the Mediterranean FloraSchneeweiss
300692 SE 1.5 ECTS Data Analysis of the Botanical Alpine Course - Data Analysis of the Botanical Alpine CourseSchneeweiss
300693 VO 2 ECTS Ecology and Vegetation of the Donau-March - Ecology and Vegetation of the Donau-March-Thaya riverine forestsEhrendorfer
300694 VO 2 ECTS Flora and vegetation of Austrian landscapes - Flora and vegetation of Austrian landscapes in a regional viewNiklfeld
300702 VO 1.5 ECTS Einführung in die Submikroskopische Anatomie - Einführung in die Submikroskopische Anatomie und PräparationstechnikKlepal
300389 VO 3 ECTS Lectures for an Excursion to Morocco 2007 - Lectures for an Excursion to Morocco 2007Waitzbauer
Last modified: Sa 12.03.2022 01:00