Dritter Studienabschnitt
Siehe auch Lehrveranstaltungen im Zweiten Studienabschnitt mit passenden Codenummern laut neuem Studienplan für das Diplomstudium Physik.
3.1. Schwerpunkt: Experimental Physics
260049 UE 5 ECTS Privatissimum I for Diploma and PhD students - Privatissimum I for Diploma and PhD studentsAsenbaum
260057 PR 20 ECTS Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
3.2. Schwerpunkt: Theorie der Quantenstruktur und Geometrie von Raum, Zeit und Materie
260028 SE 10 ECTS Analytical and numerical gravitation - Seminar on analytical and numerical problems in gravitationAichelburg
260137 SE 6 ECTS Treatment of sel. conceptual quantum theor. probl. - Community based treatment of selected conceptual quantum theoretic problemsEmbacher
260151 VO 7.5 ECTS Entanglement, decoherence and geometry of qs - Entanglement, decoherence and geometry of quantum systemsBertlmann
260158 SE 10 ECTS Mathematical Physics, Literature seminar - Mathematical Physics, Literature seminar, noncommuative geometry and stringsGrosse
260183 VO 7.5 ECTS Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all that - Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all thatUrbantke
260187 SE 6 ECTS Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State PhysicsRauch
260190 SE 10 ECTS Seminar on non comutative Quantumfieldtheory - Seminar on non comutative QuantumfieldtheoryGrosse
260194 SE 10 ECTS Seminar in Quantumphysics I - Seminar in fundamental phenomena in quantum physics and quantum field theoryBertlmann
3.3. Schwerpunkt: Computational Physics
260064 VO+UE 2.5 ECTS Complex dynamical systems with computer-exerc. I - Complex dynamical systems with computer-exercises IGruber
260100 UE 5 ECTS Computational Physics I: Basics (Workshop) - Computational Physics I: Basics (Workshop)Neumann
260160 SE 6 ECTS Moleculare Simulation - New developments in the computer simulation of molecular systemsDellago
3.4. Schwerpunkt: Umweltorientierte Physik
3.4.1. Fachspezifische Praktika
260057 PR 20 ECTS Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
260211 PR 20 ECTS Laboratory course in Experimental quantum optics - Laboratory course in Experimental quantum optics
260229 PR 20 ECTS Projektpraktikum Umweltorientierte Physik - Projektpraktikum Umweltorientierte PhysikHorvath
3.4.2. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen zur Erwerbung umweltrelevanter Kompetenz
260062 VO 7.5 ECTS Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology I - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology IKutschera
260171 VO 5 ECTS Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Komplexe dynamische Systeme - von der Physik zur Medizin (Schwerpunkt: Analyse von Puls und Atem)Kratky
3.5. Schwerpunkt: Atomare und Subatomare Physik
260045 PR 20 ECTS Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and ApplicationKutschera
260057 PR 20 ECTS Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
260062 VO 7.5 ECTS Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology I - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology IKutschera
260070 SE 6 ECTS Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear PhysicsKutschera
260110 VO 5 ECTS Basic Experiments in Nuclear and Particle Physics - Basic Experiments in Nuclear and Particle PhysicsRauch
260173 SE 6 ECTS SE: Probl. in exp. nuclear phys. and data eval. I - Seminar: Problems in experimental nuclear physics and data evaluation IWinkler
260187 SE 6 ECTS Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State PhysicsRauch
260194 SE 10 ECTS Seminar in Quantumphysics I - Seminar in fundamental phenomena in quantum physics and quantum field theoryBertlmann
260195 SE 6 ECTS Seminar on current topics in subatomic physics - Seminar on current topics in subatomic physicsWidmann
260218 VO 5 ECTS Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - Applications - Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - ApplicationsWinkler
3.6. Schwerpunkt Festkörperphysik
260092 SE 3 ECTS Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy - Recent Results in Solid State SpectroscopyKuzmany
260094 SE 7.5 ECTS [ en ] Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics - Seminar of the Institute of Materials PhysicsKarnthaler
260098 SE 7.5 ECTS Recent Topics of the Physics of Metals and Alloys - Recent Topics of the Physics of Metals and Alloys (Electron Microscopical Studies)Karnthaler
260187 SE 6 ECTS Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State Physics - Seminar on Neutron- and Solid State PhysicsRauch
260201 SE 6 ECTS Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity - Introduction: high-temperature superconductivityLang
260206 PR 20 ECTS Fachspezif. Praktikum Nanomaterialien - Fachspezifisches Praktikum "Nanokristalline Materialien"Karnthaler
270217 UE 3 ECTS Elektronenoptische Untersuchungsmethoden - Elektronenoptische UntersuchungsmethodenRogl
3.7. Schwerpunkt: Materials Physics
260022 VO 3 ECTS [ en ] Physics of Nanostructured Materials - Novel Concepts Relating to the Physics of Nanostructured MaterialsTolédano
260023 SE 2 ECTS [ en ] Understanding Nanostructured Materials - Understanding Nanostructured Materials: Progress and Current ProblemsTolédano
260032 SE 6 ECTS Physical Materials Testing - Physical Materials Testing: New Methods of Physical Materials TestingWeiss
260092 SE 3 ECTS Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy - Recent Results in Solid State SpectroscopyKuzmany
260094 SE 7.5 ECTS [ en ] Seminar of the Institute of Materials Physics - Seminar of the Institute of Materials PhysicsKarnthaler
260098 SE 7.5 ECTS Recent Topics of the Physics of Metals and Alloys - Recent Topics of the Physics of Metals and Alloys (Electron Microscopical Studies)Karnthaler
260201 SE 6 ECTS Introduction: high-temperature superconductivity - Introduction: high-temperature superconductivityLang
260206 PR 20 ECTS Fachspezif. Praktikum Nanomaterialien - Fachspezifisches Praktikum "Nanokristalline Materialien"Karnthaler
270217 UE 3 ECTS Elektronenoptische Untersuchungsmethoden - Elektronenoptische UntersuchungsmethodenRogl
3.8. Weitere Fachspezifische Praktika
260012 PR 20 ECTS Methods of Instrumentation in High Energy Physics - Methods of Instrumentation in High Energy PhysicsKrammer
260045 PR 20 ECTS Lab for Isotope Detection and Application - Lab for Isotope Detection and ApplicationKutschera
260057 PR 20 ECTS Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
3.9. Weitere Lehrveranstaltungen aus Theoretischer Physik
260028 SE 10 ECTS Analytical and numerical gravitation - Seminar on analytical and numerical problems in gravitationAichelburg
260183 VO 7.5 ECTS Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all that - Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all thatUrbantke
260190 SE 10 ECTS Seminar on non comutative Quantumfieldtheory - Seminar on non comutative QuantumfieldtheoryGrosse
260194 SE 10 ECTS Seminar in Quantumphysics I - Seminar in fundamental phenomena in quantum physics and quantum field theoryBertlmann
3.10. Weitere Fachspezifische Lehrveranstaltungen
260053 SE 6 ECTS Seminar Coherence of Photons and of Molecules - Seminar Coherence of Photons and of MoleculesZeilinger
260083 SE 3 ECTS Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics - Current topics in aerosol dynamics and opticsHitzenberger
260098 SE 7.5 ECTS Recent Topics of the Physics of Metals and Alloys - Recent Topics of the Physics of Metals and Alloys (Electron Microscopical Studies)Karnthaler
260218 VO 5 ECTS Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - Applications - Lasers - Atom Physics - Optics - ApplicationsWinkler
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34