Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Recommended to Students in Biological Fields of Study
260072 SE 6 ECTS Complex dynamical systems - biophysical aspects - Complex dynamical systems - biophysical aspectsKratky, Th 17:00-19:00 (14×)
260283 VO 3 ECTS Methods in complementary medicine - Common features of methods in complementary medicine - from scientific and intercultural points of viewKratky
270257 VO 2 ECTS [ en ] Writing and Speaking Scientific English - Writing and Speaking Scientific EnglishSkern
300008 VO 3 ECTS GIS II - VO - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-Statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
300039 VO 2 ECTS Einf.i.d. multivariate Statistik f. Biologen - Einführung in die multivariate Statistik für BiologenMitteröcker
300050 VO 1.5 ECTS GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspectivePascher
300073 SE 3 ECTS Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biologyPopp
300139 SE 3 ECTS Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holdersIwaniewicz
300142 UE 4.5 ECTS Computer-assisted presentation techniques - Computer-assisted presentation techniques for botanistsWeber
300175 VO 1.5 ECTS [ en ] Fractals in Ecology and Fractal Analyses - Fractals in Ecology and Fractal AnalysesSchmid
300191 VO+UE 3 ECTS IT-supported methods (biologists) - IT-supported methods for biologists (recommendable for all studies)Ackermann
300201 SE 4.5 ECTS [ en ] Englisch für Biologen/Scientific English - Scientific English: Research reports, talks, style and grammarDittami
300240 UE 6 ECTS Computerübungen angewandte Statistik f.Biologen - Computerübungen zu angewandte Statistik für BiologenWeber
300253 UE 3 ECTS Practical computer applications in biology - Practical computer applications in biology (pariculary suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)Seidel
300254 VO 1.5 ECTS Computer applications in biology - Computer applications in biology (particularly suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)Seidel
300280 VO 1.5 ECTS Intoduction to light and video microscopy - Intoduction to light and video microscopyLichtscheidl-Schultz
300287 UE 4.5 ECTS Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biologyLang
300302 VO+UE 3 ECTS Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiat - Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiatRath
300345 UE 3 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
300349 VO+UE 2 ECTS Project Management for Ecologists - Project Management for Ecologists - Planning, Executing and Evaluating interdisciplinary ProjectsJungmeier
300378 VO 4 ECTS Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden - Moderne EDV-unterstützte Auswertungsmethoden für NaturwissenschaftlerZechmeister
300406 VO 3 ECTS Natures energy management - Natures energy management and the energy industry from a human ecology standpoint.Weish
300453 VO+UE 3 ECTS Management & Evaluation of Multifact. Experiments - Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial and Multivariate Experiments including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web ContentBachmann
300454 SE 3 ECTS Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige EntwicklungHaberl
300517 UE+VO 3 ECTS Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - Theory and Application of Confocal MicroscopyAdlassnig
300550 VO 3 ECTS Das Wesen des Menschen III - Das Wesen des Menschen III- Philosophische Anthropologie für NaturwissenschafterInenBenedikter
300567 SE 1.5 ECTS SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution - SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der EvolutionOberzaucher
300666 VO 3 ECTS Ecology, biotechnology and food production - Ecological implications of (genetical) biotechnology. Food production systems and risk assessment.Haslberger
300306 SE 3 ECTS Readings of Contemporary Texts in the Natural Sciences - Lektüre neuerer naturwissenschaftlicher ArbeitenPopp
2.1. Branch of Study: Anthropology
2.1.1. Part I Anthropology (Semester 4-6)
300024 SE 3 ECTS Einführung in wissenschaftl. Lesen und Schreiben - Einführung in wissenschaftliches Lesen und SchreibenPeterson
300029 UE 3 ECTS Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologistsVierhapper
300031 UE 1 ECTS Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologistsVierhapper
300039 VO 2 ECTS Einf.i.d. multivariate Statistik f. Biologen - Einführung in die multivariate Statistik für BiologenMitteröcker
300087 PR 3 ECTS Proj.prakt. I; Hominidenev. T 1: Anthrop. Prakt. I - Projektpraktikum I; Hominidenevolution Teil 1: Anthropologisches Praktikum ITraindl-Prohazka
300088 PR 3 ECTS Archäometrie: Osteologische Präparierübungen II - Archäometrie: Osteologische Präparierübungen II (inklusive histologischer Untersuchungsmethoden)Teschler-Nicola
300182 SE 3 ECTS Proj. management in developm. corporation contexts - Project management in developmental corporation contextsGrünbühel
300191 VO+UE 3 ECTS IT-supported methods (biologists) - IT-supported methods for biologists (recommendable for all studies)Ackermann
300240 UE 6 ECTS Computerübungen angewandte Statistik f.Biologen - Computerübungen zu angewandte Statistik für BiologenWeber
300256 VO 4 ECTS Spezielle Sozialanthropologie - Spezielle Sozialanthropologie (Thema "Der Menschliche Körper im Spannungsfeld von Natur und Kultur")Kirchengast
300359 UE 1.5 ECTS UE z.Einf.i.d. multivariate Stat.f. Biologen - Übungen zur Einf.i.d. multivariate Statistik für BiologenMitteröcker
300372 UE 1.5 ECTS Projektprakt. I, Hominidenev. T 2: 3D-Messmethoden - Projektpraktikum I; Hominidenevolution Teil 2: 3D-MessmethodenStadlmayr
300377 SE 3 ECTS Analytical methods in plant physiology and ecology - Analytical methods in plant physiology and ecologyOberzaucher
300420 VO+SE 3.5 ECTS Populationsanthropologie und Demographie - Populationsanthropologie und DemographieWilfing
300550 VO 3 ECTS Das Wesen des Menschen III - Das Wesen des Menschen III- Philosophische Anthropologie für NaturwissenschafterInenBenedikter
300567 SE 1.5 ECTS SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der Evolution - SE; Mann und Frau aus der Sicht der EvolutionOberzaucher
2.1.2. Part II Anthropology (Semester 7-10)
300011 SE 1.5 ECTS SE: Sozialbiol.Asp.d. Tier-Mensch Interaktion - SE: Sozialbiollogische Aspekte der Tier-Mensch InteraktionKirchengast
300014 SE 3 ECTS Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Seminar für Diplomanden und DissertantenSchäfer
300025 VO 2 ECTS [ en ] Writing about morphometrics: methods and rhetoric - Writing about morphometrics: methods and rhetoricBookstein
300026 SE 1.5 ECTS [ en ] SE: Writing about morphometrics: applications - SE: Writing about morphometrics: applicationsBookstein
300061 PR 3 ECTS Anthropologisches Praktikum II - Anthropologisches Praktikum II (Somatologie, Dermatoglyphik)Traindl-Prohazka
300122 VO 2 ECTS Geschichte der Parasitologie I-II - Geschichte der Parasitologie I-II: Antike bis klassische MedizinFellner
300259 VO 4 ECTS Parasitologie f.Anthrop.: Methoden der Diagnostik - Parasitologie für Anthropologen: Methoden der DiagnoseFellner
300399 UE 12 ECTS Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology - Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular BiologySchweyen
300454 SE 3 ECTS Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige EntwicklungHaberl
300547 EX 2 ECTS Exkursionen zu paläolith. Fundstellen (f. Anthr.) - Exkursionen zu paläolithischen Fundstellen (für Anthropologen)Rabeder
300548 VO 2 ECTS Sozialbiol. Asp.d. Tier-Mensch Interaktion - Sozialbiologische Aspekte der Tier-Mensch Interaktionvan Meel
300552 UE 3 ECTS Vergleichende Morphologie fossiler Hominiden - Vergleichende Morphologie fossiler HominidenViola
300568 SE 3 ECTS Umsetz.verhaltensw. Forsch. i.ang. Fragestellungen - Umsetzung verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Forschungen in angewandten FragestellungenAtzwanger
300281 SE 3.5 ECTS Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Seminar für Diplomanden und DissertantenWilfing
2.2. Branch of Study: Botany
2.2.1. Part I Botany (Semester 4-6)
300008 VO 3 ECTS GIS II - VO - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-Statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
300029 UE 3 ECTS Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologistsVierhapper
300031 UE 1 ECTS Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologistsVierhapper
300071 SE+UE+EX 9 ECTS Trophic status & biomonitoring in aquatic systems - Trophic status and biomonitoring in aquatic systems - theory and practical aspectsSchagerl
300074 SE 3 ECTS Seminar to project course 300298 - Seminar to project course 300298: Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plant extractsGreger
300142 UE 4.5 ECTS Computer-assisted presentation techniques - Computer-assisted presentation techniques for botanistsWeber
300253 UE 3 ECTS Practical computer applications in biology - Practical computer applications in biology (pariculary suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)Seidel
300254 VO 1.5 ECTS Computer applications in biology - Computer applications in biology (particularly suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)Seidel
300262 UE 6 ECTS Comparative systematic methods - Project-Course:Comparative systematic methods on selected economic plantsVetschera
300280 VO 1.5 ECTS Intoduction to light and video microscopy - Intoduction to light and video microscopyLichtscheidl-Schultz
300287 UE 4.5 ECTS Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biologyLang
300292 EX 1.5 ECTS Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
300293 VO+UE 4.5 ECTS Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants - Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
300298 UE 6 ECTS Phytochemical project course - Phytochemical project course: Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plant extractsGreger
300331 VO 4 ECTS Plant Secondary Metabolism - Plant Secondary Metabolism: Occurrence, Structural Diversity and FunctionsGreger
300345 UE 3 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
300363 UE 9 ECTS Field course: River morphology - Field course: River morphology and bank structures in relation to associated vegetation typesEnglmaier
300379 UE 6 ECTS Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecologyReiter
300380 SE 3 ECTS Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical: Vegetation- and Landscape ecologyReiter
300381 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2 (extension module): Stomata distribution, transpiration, transpiration and water relations of plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module1).Bolhar-Nordenkampf
300382 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: light absorption and CO2 uptake by green plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module 1).Postl
300383 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 2: water balanceMaier
300384 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, Part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, Part 2: light and developmentKartusch
300386 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: Mineral nutrition of higher plantsRichter
300453 VO+UE 3 ECTS Management & Evaluation of Multifact. Experiments - Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial and Multivariate Experiments including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web ContentBachmann
300473 SE+UE 9 ECTS Heavy metal stress: ecology of organisms - Ecology of organisms from heavy metal habitats: Strategies to cope with stressLichtscheidl-Schultz
300517 UE+VO 3 ECTS Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - Theory and Application of Confocal MicroscopyAdlassnig
300647 SE 3 ECTS PP: DNA marker in plant systematics and evolution - Seminar for project practical: DNA marker and chromosomes in plant systematics and evolutionSamuel
300648 UE 6 ECTS PP: DNA- systematics and evolution - Project practical: DNA marker and chromosomes in plant systematics and evolutionSamuel
2.2.2. Part II Botany (Semester 7-10)
300007 UE 3 ECTS Microscopical course on freshwater algae - Microscopical course on freshwater algae in lakes aimed at EC Water Framework DirectiveTeubner
300050 VO 1.5 ECTS GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspectivePascher
300051 VO+UE 6 ECTS architectural and functional diversity - Special course: architectural and functional diversity of vegetative organsWeber
300053 EX 3 ECTS Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg area - Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg areaSteiner
300065 EX 9 ECTS Excursion to the Alps and project study - Extensive Excursion to the Alps and project study: Vegetation, Fauna, Land Use, ConservationGrabherr
300078 VO 1.5 ECTS Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 300079).Applied ecology.Postl
300079 UE+EX 4.5 ECTS Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only together with theoretical introduction 300078)Postl
300080 SE 3 ECTS Department Seminar - Seminar for Conservation Biology, Vegetation- and Landscape EcologyGrabherr
300091 UE 4.5 ECTS Practice in Plant anatomy for advanced Students - Practice in Plant anatomy for advanced Students ( only combined with Nr. 300092)Draxler
300092 VO 1.5 ECTS Introduction in Plant anatomy f. advanced Students - Introduction in Plant anatomy for advanced Students (only combined with Nr. 300091)Draxler
300106 SE+UE+EX 12 ECTS Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production: Stress physiology of photosynthesis, functional growth analysis and energy balances, applied ecology in horticulture and agriculture. Obligatory for diploma and PhD students.Bolhar-Nordenkampf
300128 VO+UE 6 ECTS DNA sequenzing and molecular phylogenetics - DNA sequenzing and molecular phylogeneticsSamuel
300139 SE 3 ECTS Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holdersIwaniewicz
300157 UE+EX 4.5 ECTS Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only with 300161)Bolhar-Nordenkampf
300161 VO 1.5 ECTS Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 300157).Applied ecology.Bolhar-Nordenkampf
300167 VO 2 ECTS Chromosome evolution in plants - Chromosome evolution in flowering plants: From chromosome counting to chromosome paintingSchneeweiss
300207 UE 4.5 ECTS Freilandübungen zur Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen - Freilandübungen zur Ökophysiologie der PflanzenMaier
300208 VO 1.5 ECTS Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants - Ecophysiology of plants, introduction to the field laboratory courseMaier
300212 UE+VO 4.5 ECTS Field survey of aquatic vegetation - Field survey of aquatic vegetation and related modern data analysis and evaluationJanauer
300215 SE+UE+EX 15 ECTS Specific ecology of plants II - Specific ecology of plants II: stressphysiology, photobiology, development and functinal anatomy, urban ecology, ecosystem analysis.Maier
300219 SE 6 ECTS Special cell physiology and scientific film - Special cell physiology and scientific filmLichtscheidl-Schultz
300235 VO+SE 3 ECTS Seminar in Plant Systematics and Evolution - Seminar in Plant Systematics and EvolutionStuessy
300237 SE 1.5 ECTS Botanical field research and collecting tours - Botanical field research and collecting toursKiehn
300243 SE 15 ECTS Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. (vor allem für Diplomanden und Dissertanten). Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. G. Bachmann und Dr. W. WanekPopp
300251 VO+UE 9 ECTS Morphology and function of pollen and spores - Morphology and function of pollen and sporesHesse
300268 EX 4.5 ECTS EX Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy - Excursions on Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy in AustriaSteiner
300272 EX 4.5 ECTS Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia) - Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia)
300276 UE+VO 4.5 ECTS Rhizosphere - Rhizosphere: Biodiversity, Metabolism and Interactions on the Soil-Root InterfaceBachmann
300278 UE 3 ECTS Special reproductive systems - Special reproductive systems and their role for evolution and ecologyHörandl
300325 EX 3 ECTS Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical excursions: aquatic vegetation in characteristic habitats in Eastern AustriaJanauer
300374 VO 3 ECTS Macrophyte survey and Water Framework Directive - Eurpean Water Framework Directive and European Standards: Assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in EuropeJanauer
300392 SE+EX 1.5 ECTS Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD studentsDokulil
300472 EX 4.5 ECTS Excursion to heavy metal habitats in Austria - Excursion to heavy metal habitats in AustriaLichtscheidl-Schultz
300513 SE 3 ECTS molecular biology of chromosomes - molecular biology of chromosomes (for PhD-students)Schweizer
300633 SE 3 ECTS Course in bioindication and biomonitoring - How to do a scientific investigation in the field of bioindication and biomonitoringZechmeister
300634 SE 15 ECTS Special chapters in veg. ecology & conserv. biol. - Special chapters in vegetation ecology and conservation biologyGrabherr
300635 UE 3 ECTS Vegetation - Ecological Course 1, Part B - Exercise in vegetation ecology I: data interpretation and data presentationReiter
300636 SE 3 ECTS Special topics in hydrobotany - Special topics in hydrobotany, especially for MSc and PhD applicants.Janauer
300638 UE 4.5 ECTS Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin AnalysisHadacek
300649 VO+UE 4.5 ECTS Gland cells and surface structures - Gland cells and surface structures in animals and and plantsHesse
2.3. Branch of Study: Genetics/Microbiology
2.3.1. Part I Genetics/Microbiology (Semester 4-6)
300029 UE 3 ECTS Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologistsVierhapper
300031 UE 1 ECTS Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologistsVierhapper
300064 VO 1 ECTS Intr. to Practical Course in Biophys. Chemistry - Introduction to the Practical Course in Biophysical ChemistryBaurecht
300066 UE 7.5 ECTS Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry I - Laboratory Course: Advanced Biochemistry IHartig
300131 VO 2 ECTS General and Molecular Microbiology, Part II - General and Molecular Microbiology, Part IIWitte
300135 UE 6 ECTS Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Laboratory Course II (Module II): Laboratory Course in Biochemistry for Biology StudentsReipert
300245 UE 3 ECTS Course III B: Computing in Molecular Biology - Course III B: Computing in Molecular Biology
300343 UE 12 ECTS Pract. course in analytical chemistry for biol. - Practical Training Course in Analytical Chemistry for Students of Biology/GeneticsRizzi
300344 PR 4 ECTS Practical Course in Biophysical Chemistry - Practical Course in Biophysical ChemistryBaurecht
300415 VO 2 ECTS General and Molecular Microbiology, Part I - General and Molecular Microbiology, Part IBaccarini
300655 UE 12 ECTS [ en ] Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology - Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular BiologyMeskiene
300661 UE 12 ECTS Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular Biology - Course III A: Laboratory Work in Molecular BiologyWitte
310036 VO 2 ECTS Semicompulsory Lecture - Semicompulsory Lecture of the diploma program Microbiology and GeneticsKrois
310044 VO 3 ECTS Physical Chemistry for Molecular Biologists II - Physical Chemistry for Molecular Biologists IIFringeli
2.3.2. Part II Genetics/Microbiology (Semester 7-10)
270056 SE 2 ECTS Working techniques in protein biochemistry - Working techniques in protein biochemistryPittner
270267 VO 2 ECTS Proteintransport and organelle biogenesis - Proteintransport and organelle biogenesisHartig
300017 SE 3 ECTS Dissertantenprivatissimum - Doppelsträngige RNA: Erkennung durch Proteinmotive (Dissertantenprivatissiumum)Jantsch
300052 UE 3 ECTS Course in fluorescence/confocal microscopy - Pratical course in fluorescence and confocal microscopy for diploma, PhD and advanced studentsWaigmann
300059 VO 2 ECTS [ en ] Lymphocyte Development - Molecular and cellular aspects of Lymphocyte developmentKlein
300070 SE 3 ECTS [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Molecular Genetics - Advanced Seminar in Molecular GeneticsSchweyen
300094 UE 4 ECTS Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lab Course - Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Laboratory CourseSchmetterer
300109 SE 3 ECTS [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Plant Genetics and -Developm. - Advanced Seminar in Plant Genetics and -DevelopmentTouraev
300152 SE 3 ECTS [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Molecular Microbiology - Advanced Seminar in Molecular Microbiology (gene expression)Bläsi
300153 UE 10 ECTS [ en ] Practical Course in plantdevelopment and biotechn. - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject plantdevelopment and biotechnologyTouraev
300170 VO 2 ECTS Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lecture Course - Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria, Lecture CourseSchmetterer
300195 UE 10 ECTS Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular MicrobiologyWitte
300246 UE 10 ECTS Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular MicrobiologyBusse
300283 VO 4 ECTS Molecular Transmission Genetics - Transission Genetics: Recombination and the control of progession in the meiotic pathwayKlein
300291 UE 10 ECTS Practical Course in Molecular Genetics & Pathology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Genetics and PathologySchweyen
300309 SE 3 ECTS [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Advanced Seminar in Microbiology and BiotechnologyLubitz
300327 VO 2 ECTS The search for life in space - The search for life in space. Microbiological concepts in astrobiology.Stan-Lotter
300328 SE 2 ECTS [ en ] Mouse genetics and development II - Mouse genetics and development for diploma and phd students IIBaccarini
300342 SE 2 ECTS Model Cell Culture Systems - Cellbiological Approaches using Model Cell Culture SystemsFoisner
300389 SE 3 ECTS seminar for diploma students and PhD-students - seminar for diploma students and PhD-studentsSchweizer
300402 SE+UE 3 ECTS Specific microbial ecology - Specific microbial ecology: Bacterial endosymbionts of amoebae, structure and function of nitrifying bacteria, evolutionary history and detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, microbial communities of carnivorous plants, DNA microarray techniques, genomics and transcriptomics of parachlamydiaeHorn
300409 UE 15 ECTS Advanced Course in Dev. Biol./Mol. Genetics - Advanced Course in Compulsory Subjects Developmental Biology and Molecular GeneticsHeberle-Bors
300411 SE 2 ECTS [ en ] Literature sem., structure & function of proteins - Literature seminar, structure and function of proteinsClausen
300412 UE 15 ECTS Advanced Course in Gene- and Biotechnology - Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Gene- and BiotechnologyLubitz
300414 UE 15 ECTS Advanced Course Mol. Microbiol. & Immunobiol. - Advanced Course in Compulsory Subjects Molecular Microbiology and ImmunobiologyBläsi
300419 UE 3 ECTS Computer-based Sequence and Structure Analysis - Computer-based Sequence and Structure AnalysisKovarik
300437 SE 2 ECTS Studies on the control of gen expression - Experimental Studies on the control of gen expressionWawra
300447 VO 3 ECTS [ en ] Molecular Identification of Microorganisms - Molecular Identification of MicroorganismsPinar
300475 VO 3 ECTS Legal and Ethic Aspects of Genetic Engineering - Legal and Ethic Aspects of Genetic EngineeringHeberle-Bors
300514 SE 1.5 ECTS chromosome pairing and nuclear architecture - chromosome pairing and nuclear architectureLoidl
300536 UE 3 ECTS Genetics and Molecular Biology - Genetics and Molecular Biology, A Lecture and Practical for Teachers
300640 SE 3 ECTS Seminar in Gene- and Biotechnology - Seminar in Gene- and Biotechnology (Plant Genetics)Jonak
300653 UE 9 ECTS Practical Course in Cyto- and Developm. Genetics - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Cyto- and Developmental Genetics (Zebrafish)Stadler
300665 SE 3 ECTS Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells - Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian CellsHuber
310035 VO+UE 2 ECTS Intellectual Property Rights: Basics - Intellectual Property Rights: Basics for ScientistsLampl
310038 UE 2 ECTS RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/Immunology - RNA-Profiling in Microbiology/ImmunologySteinborn
310042 UE 6 ECTS Practical Course in Gene- and Biotechn. - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Gene- and BiotechnologyJonak
310112 UE 6 ECTS Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - Practical Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular MicrobiologyBläsi
310118 SE 2 ECTS [ en ] Mechanisms of virulence regulation - Mechanisms of regulation of virulence in procaryotesCharpentier
310132 VO 2 ECTS Molecular biology of Plant IV - Molecular biology of Plant IV - biochemistry of plantTeige
2.4. Branch of Study: Ecology
2.4.1. Part I Ecology (Semester 4-6)
300008 VO 3 ECTS GIS II - VO - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-Statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
300010 UE 4.5 ECTS Laboratory course: chemistry of natural waters - Laboratory course: chemistry of natural fresh waters (obligatory with 300629)Krachler
300029 UE 3 ECTS Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologistsVierhapper
300031 UE 1 ECTS Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologistsVierhapper
300033 SE+UE 9 ECTS Field course in tropical biology - Field course in tropical biology in Costa RicaKrenn
300042 UE 6 ECTS Project course Mark-release-recapture studies - Project course Mark-release-recapture studiesFiedler
300043 SE 3 ECTS Seminar to project course MMR - studies - Seminar to project course Mark-release-recapture studiesFiedler
300071 SE+UE+EX 9 ECTS Trophic status & biomonitoring in aquatic systems - Trophic status and biomonitoring in aquatic systems - theory and practical aspectsSchagerl
300074 SE 3 ECTS Seminar to project course 300298 - Seminar to project course 300298: Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plant extractsGreger
300101 VO+UE 3 ECTS Zoological identification course, Part A - Zoological identification course (Course for the identification of indigenous animals A)
300116 SE+UE 9 ECTS Practicum in Behavioural Biology, Gruenau - Project Practicum: Behavioural Biology (social mechanisms) at the Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle in GruenauKotrschal
300145 SE+UE 9 ECTS Applied ecology of Mediterranean ecosystems - Applied ecology of Mediterranean ecosystems, Island of Cres, CroatiaWaitzbauer
300176 SE+UE 9 ECTS Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) - Identification of uncultured microorganisms by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH)Daims
300180 VO+UE+EX 9 ECTS Project-course: Great rivers - Project-course: Water Quality and the Water Framework DirectiveHumpesch
300222 UE+EX 6 ECTS Nature conservation field course: sea turtles I - Nature conservation field course: Protection of sea turtles in Turkey IStachowitsch
300225 SE+UE 9 ECTS Project Study "Stream Ecology"(intermediale level) - Project Study "Stream Ecology"Waringer
300253 UE 3 ECTS Practical computer applications in biology - Practical computer applications in biology (pariculary suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)Seidel
300254 VO 1.5 ECTS Computer applications in biology - Computer applications in biology (particularly suitable for candidates of secondary school teacher accreditation, botanists and zoologists)Seidel
300287 UE 4.5 ECTS Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biologyLang
300292 EX 1.5 ECTS Excursion Diversity & Systematics of Higher Plants - Excursions accompanying the course "Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants"
300293 VO+UE 4.5 ECTS Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants - Diversity and Systematics of Higher Plants
300298 UE 6 ECTS Phytochemical project course - Phytochemical project course: Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from plant extractsGreger
300345 UE 3 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
300363 UE 9 ECTS Field course: River morphology - Field course: River morphology and bank structures in relation to associated vegetation typesEnglmaier
300364 UE 7.5 ECTS Interdisciplinary laboratory in ecology - Integrative ecological course: Long term monitoring of urban forest ecosystems considering as example the "Wienerwald".Waitzbauer
300365 UE 7.5 ECTS Integrative Ecological Basic Course - Integrative Ecological Basic Course (introductory level): Biodiversity and ecosystem functions at heavily and slightly impacted reaches of the Wien RiverWaringer
300379 UE 6 ECTS Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecologyReiter
300380 SE 3 ECTS Project Pratical:Vegetation- and Landscape ecology - Project Pratical: Vegetation- and Landscape ecologyReiter
300381 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2 (extension module): Stomata distribution, transpiration, transpiration and water relations of plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module1).Bolhar-Nordenkampf
300382 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: light absorption and CO2 uptake by green plants. Chargeable as 3 hour Botany (Basic Module 2) and/or Ecology (Basic Module 1).Postl
300383 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, part 2: water balanceMaier
300384 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, Part 2 - Laboratory course in Plant Physiology, Part 2: light and developmentKartusch
300386 VO+UE 1.5 ECTS Plant Physiology, part 2 - Plant Physiology, part 2: Mineral nutrition of higher plantsRichter
300423 UE 7.5 ECTS Integrated ecological field course - Integrated ecological field course: biodiversity and ecosystem functionRichter
300424 UE 7.5 ECTS Field course - Integrated ecological studies - Field course - Integrated ecological studiesWrbka
300431 VO+UE 3 ECTS Zoological identification course B - Zoological identification course (Course for the identification of indigenous animals B)
300440 SE+UE 9 ECTS Field course: Ecology of floodplain-rivers - Field course: Ecology of floodplain-riversReckendorfer
300453 VO+UE 3 ECTS Management & Evaluation of Multifact. Experiments - Management and Evaluation of Multifactorial and Multivariate Experiments including Statistics , advanced Graphics Software, Production of Presentations and Web ContentBachmann
300473 SE+UE 9 ECTS Heavy metal stress: ecology of organisms - Ecology of organisms from heavy metal habitats: Strategies to cope with stressLichtscheidl-Schultz
300629 VO 3 ECTS Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters - Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters, lecture and laboratory course (obligatory with 300010)Krachler
2.4.2. Part II Ecology (Semester 7-10)
300007 UE 3 ECTS Microscopical course on freshwater algae - Microscopical course on freshwater algae in lakes aimed at EC Water Framework DirectiveTeubner
300008 VO 3 ECTS GIS II - VO - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-Statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
300009 VO 3 ECTS Field methods in terrestrial animal ecology - Field methods in terrestrial animal ecologyFiedler
300010 UE 4.5 ECTS Laboratory course: chemistry of natural waters - Laboratory course: chemistry of natural fresh waters (obligatory with 300629)Krachler
300045 EX 1 ECTS Flora und Fauna der March-Auen - Seasonal changes of flora and fauna of the March river flood plainsHödl
300050 VO 1.5 ECTS GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspectivePascher
300053 EX 3 ECTS Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg area - Excursion to the mires of the Tamsweg areaSteiner
300058 VO+UE 3 ECTS Bioinformatics for Genome Analysis - Bioinformatics for Genome Analysis and Comparative GenomicsRattei
300065 EX 9 ECTS Excursion to the Alps and project study - Extensive Excursion to the Alps and project study: Vegetation, Fauna, Land Use, ConservationGrabherr
300078 VO 1.5 ECTS Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 300079).Applied ecology.Postl
300079 UE+EX 4.5 ECTS Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only together with theoretical introduction 300078)Postl
300080 SE 3 ECTS Department Seminar - Seminar for Conservation Biology, Vegetation- and Landscape EcologyGrabherr
300105 SE 3 ECTS Scientific guidance:ground-water ecology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD studentsDanielopol
300106 SE+UE+EX 12 ECTS Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology - Selected topics of horticultural plant physiology and plant production: Stress physiology of photosynthesis, functional growth analysis and energy balances, applied ecology in horticulture and agriculture. Obligatory for diploma and PhD students.Bolhar-Nordenkampf
300107 VO+UE 6 ECTS Diatoms as bioindicators - Diatoms as bioindicators for the evaluation and development of lakesSchmidt
300114 VO+UE+EX 9 ECTS Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Fishes - Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of FishesAhnelt
300117 SE 2 ECTS Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau) - Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau)Kotrschal
300120 UE 9 ECTS Quantitative methods in freshwater ecology - Quantitative methods in freshwater ecologyKeckeis
300139 SE 3 ECTS Financing, communication & management of projects - Financing, communication and management of projects - Practices and techniques for project holdersIwaniewicz
Chovanec, We 16:15-17:00 (15×)
300157 UE+EX 4.5 ECTS Eco-physiological - horticultural training course. - Eco-physiological - horticultural training course, applied ecology (can be selected only with 300161)Bolhar-Nordenkampf
300161 VO 1.5 ECTS Intro. lectures on horticultural plant physiology - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological - horticultural training course (obligatory with 300157).Applied ecology.Bolhar-Nordenkampf
300175 VO 1.5 ECTS [ en ] Fractals in Ecology and Fractal Analyses - Fractals in Ecology and Fractal AnalysesSchmid
300178 VO 1.5 ECTS Microbial communities of selected ecosystems II - Structure and function of microbial communities of selected ecosystems IIHorn
300184 VO+SE 3.75 ECTS Lecture for coral reef course - Lecture for course "Marine biological course in the coral reef and terrestrial excursion, Sinai, Egypt"Herler
300187 VO 1.5 ECTS Rarities - Rarities: status and biology of extremely rare rare mammals and birds.Sänger
300197 UE 9 ECTS Animal ecological special course - Animal ecological special course: methods and questions in outdoor laboratoriesSpitzer
300207 UE 4.5 ECTS Freilandübungen zur Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen - Freilandübungen zur Ökophysiologie der PflanzenMaier
300208 VO 1.5 ECTS Field laboratory course in Ecophysiology of plants - Ecophysiology of plants, introduction to the field laboratory courseMaier
300212 UE+VO 4.5 ECTS Field survey of aquatic vegetation - Field survey of aquatic vegetation and related modern data analysis and evaluationJanauer
300215 SE+UE+EX 15 ECTS Specific ecology of plants II - Specific ecology of plants II: stressphysiology, photobiology, development and functinal anatomy, urban ecology, ecosystem analysis.Maier
300219 SE 6 ECTS Special cell physiology and scientific film - Special cell physiology and scientific filmLichtscheidl-Schultz
300223 VO+SE 4.5 ECTS [ en ] Photosynthesis and primary production in the sea - Photosynthesis and primary production in the seaEhart
300243 SE 15 ECTS Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. - Spezielle chemische Physiologie der Pflanzen II. (vor allem für Diplomanden und Dissertanten). Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. G. Bachmann und Dr. W. WanekPopp
300247 UE+EX 4 ECTS Exkursion ins Mittelmeergebiet - Exkursion: Ökologisch-terrestrische und bestäubungsbiologische Exkursion ins MittelmeergebietPaulus
Dokulil, Mo 11:15-13:00 (13×)
300256 VO 4 ECTS Spezielle Sozialanthropologie - Spezielle Sozialanthropologie (Thema "Der Menschliche Körper im Spannungsfeld von Natur und Kultur")Kirchengast
300265 UE 4.5 ECTS Microbial ecology of aquatic systems - Microbial ecology of aquatic systems, selected chaptersVelimirov
300268 EX 4.5 ECTS EX Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy - Excursions on Conservation and Landscape Ecolgy in AustriaSteiner
300269 VO 3 ECTS [ en ] Marine Symbiosis - Marine Symbiosis - Evolution, adaptations, and interactions of marine microbial associationsBright, Fr 10:15-12:00 (16×)
300272 EX 4.5 ECTS Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia) - Excursion to the Island of Krk (Croatia)
300276 UE+VO 4.5 ECTS Rhizosphere - Rhizosphere: Biodiversity, Metabolism and Interactions on the Soil-Root InterfaceBachmann
300278 UE 3 ECTS Special reproductive systems - Special reproductive systems and their role for evolution and ecologyHörandl
300295 VO+UE 9 ECTS Field course "Aquatic Habitats" - Field course "Aquatic Habitats" (advanced level)Waringer
300316 EX 3 ECTS Ecological research fororganic farming - Ecological research fororganic farming - Examples from the practiceMaurer
300325 EX 3 ECTS Hydrobotanical excursions - Hydrobotanical excursions: aquatic vegetation in characteristic habitats in Eastern AustriaJanauer
300331 VO 4 ECTS Plant Secondary Metabolism - Plant Secondary Metabolism: Occurrence, Structural Diversity and FunctionsGreger
300338 EX 1 ECTS Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion - Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion in außermitteleuropäische Lebensräume; ökologische Aspekte des Vogelzuges am Beispiel der TürkeiSpitzer
300345 UE 3 ECTS Application of Geographical Information Systems - Application of Geographical Information Systems, Geo-statistics and Remote Sensing in Bio-Sciences II (for advanced students)Reiter
300349 VO+UE 2 ECTS Project Management for Ecologists - Project Management for Ecologists - Planning, Executing and Evaluating interdisciplinary ProjectsJungmeier
300374 VO 3 ECTS Macrophyte survey and Water Framework Directive - Eurpean Water Framework Directive and European Standards: Assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in EuropeJanauer
300392 SE+EX 1.5 ECTS Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD studentsDokulil
300401 VO 3 ECTS Basics of micro. degradation processes in aquat. s - Basics of microbial degradation processes in aquatic systemsVelimirov, We 11:15-13:00 (15×)
300402 SE+UE 3 ECTS Specific microbial ecology - Specific microbial ecology: Bacterial endosymbionts of amoebae, structure and function of nitrifying bacteria, evolutionary history and detection of sulfate-reducing bacteria, microbial communities of carnivorous plants, DNA microarray techniques, genomics and transcriptomics of parachlamydiaeHorn
300406 VO 3 ECTS Natures energy management - Natures energy management and the energy industry from a human ecology standpoint.Weish
300420 VO+SE 3.5 ECTS Populationsanthropologie und Demographie - Populationsanthropologie und DemographieWilfing
300428 VO+UE 4.5 ECTS Chironomidae identification course - Chironomidae identification course (advanced level)Waringer
300451 EX 3 ECTS Natura 2000 - European Nature Conservation - Natura 2000 - nature conservation in the European UnionEllmauer
300454 SE 3 ECTS Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie - Humanökologie und soziale Ökologie: Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige EntwicklungHaberl
300466 VO+UE+EX 2.25 ECTS Rotifers from Austria - Systematics, biology and ecology of the limnetic rotifers from AustriaGaviria-Melo
300472 EX 4.5 ECTS Excursion to heavy metal habitats in Austria - Excursion to heavy metal habitats in AustriaLichtscheidl-Schultz
300474 SE+EX 4.5 ECTS National Parks in Austria - National Parks in Austria- Conservation goals, Management and PerspectivesAlbert
300477 EX 1.5 ECTS ecological inland excursions - Ecological inland excursions to important ecosystems in the pannonian regionWaitzbauer
300494 VO 4.5 ECTS System ecology of the animals - Fundamentals to the system ecology of the animalsSpitzer
300515 VO+UE 2 ECTS Nature-protection oriented agriculture in Austria - Nature-protection oriented agriculture in AustriaWeisz
300539 VO 3 ECTS Austrian butterflies and their habitats - Austrian butterflies - identification, ecology and conservation; with field demonstrationsWiemers
300544 UE 1.5 ECTS museological technics - Museological technics. Introduction to the preparation of insects.Waitzbauer
300570 EX 4.5 ECTS Desmidiologic Fen Excursion - Desmidiologic Exkursion to Fens of the Northern Limestone AlpsAdlassnig
300624 SE 3 ECTS Seminar in Population Ecology - Seminar in Population Ecology (especially for MSc and PhD candidates)Fiedler
300629 VO 3 ECTS Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters - Introduction to chemistry of natural fresh waters, lecture and laboratory course (obligatory with 300010)Krachler
300631 SE 3 ECTS Scientific guidance: Limnology - Scientific guidance for master and PhD in LimnologyChovanec
300632 VO+SE+EX 6 ECTS Special ecology of terrestrial animals II - Special ecology of terrestrial animals II with the following subjects: biodiversity, biology, bioindication, nature conservation, system ecology, ecophysiological parameters of selected animal groupsWaitzbauer
300633 SE 3 ECTS Course in bioindication and biomonitoring - How to do a scientific investigation in the field of bioindication and biomonitoringZechmeister
300634 SE 15 ECTS Special chapters in veg. ecology & conserv. biol. - Special chapters in vegetation ecology and conservation biologyGrabherr
300635 UE 3 ECTS Vegetation - Ecological Course 1, Part B - Exercise in vegetation ecology I: data interpretation and data presentationReiter
300636 SE 3 ECTS Special topics in hydrobotany - Special topics in hydrobotany, especially for MSc and PhD applicants.Janauer
300638 UE 4.5 ECTS Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs - Lab Course Moulds on Food Stuffs: Isolation, Identification, and Mycotoxin AnalysisHadacek
300651 VO 1.5 ECTS Quantitative freshwater ecology/ statistics - Quantitative freshwater ecology: statistical methodsFesl
300666 VO 3 ECTS Ecology, biotechnology and food production - Ecological implications of (genetical) biotechnology. Food production systems and risk assessment.Haslberger
Haslberger, Tu 15:00-16:30 (13×)
2.5. Branch of Study: Palaeobiology
2.5.1. Part I Palaeobiology (Semester 4-6)
280347 UE 4.4 ECTS Introduction into organic facies (practical) - Introduction into organic facies (practical)Hofmann
280348 VO 2.2 ECTS Introduction into organic facies (lecture) - Introduction into organic facies (lecture)Hofmann
280386 UE 5.6 ECTS Palaeontological field school (bear cave/Slovakia) - Palaeontological field school (bear cave in Slovakia)Rabeder
300029 UE 3 ECTS Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologistsVierhapper
300031 UE 1 ECTS Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologistsVierhapper
2.5.2. Part II Palaeobiology (Semester 7-10)
280011 SE 8.8 ECTS Palaeontological preparation techniques - Palaeontological preparation techniquesRabeder
2.6. Branch of Study: Zoology
2.6.1. Part I Zoology (Semester 4-6)
300029 UE 3 ECTS Chemical laboratory course II for biologists - Chemical laboratory course II for biologistsVierhapper
300031 UE 1 ECTS Chemical laboratory course III for biologists - Chemical laboratory course III for biologistsVierhapper
300033 SE+UE 9 ECTS Field course in tropical biology - Field course in tropical biology in Costa RicaKrenn
300042 UE 6 ECTS Project course Mark-release-recapture studies - Project course Mark-release-recapture studiesFiedler
300043 SE 3 ECTS Seminar to project course MMR - studies - Seminar to project course Mark-release-recapture studiesFiedler
300077 VO 3 ECTS Animal Physiology: Nerve, Muscle, Senses - Animal Physiology: Nerve, Muscle, SensesBarth
300101 VO+UE 3 ECTS Zoological identification course, Part A - Zoological identification course (Course for the identification of indigenous animals A)
300116 SE+UE 9 ECTS Practicum in Behavioural Biology, Gruenau - Project Practicum: Behavioural Biology (social mechanisms) at the Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle in GruenauKotrschal
300146 VO+UE 9 ECTS Baupläne der Tiere B - Zoologische Übungen: Baupläne der Tiere, Teil B (für Hauptfach Zoologie verpflichtend)
300156 SE+UE 9 ECTS Adv. techniques - Ultrastructural Research - Advanced techniques of electronmicroscopy and ultrastructural researchKlepal
300179 VO 3 ECTS Vergleichende Embryologie - Vergleichende Embryologie: Entwicklungssysteme der Tiere (Entwicklungsbiologie B 608)Müller
300214 UE 4.5 ECTS Animal Physiology Laboratory: Nerve, Muscle, Sense - Animal Physiology Laboratory: Nerve, Muscle, Sense
300247 UE+EX 4 ECTS Exkursion ins Mittelmeergebiet - Exkursion: Ökologisch-terrestrische und bestäubungsbiologische Exkursion ins MittelmeergebietPaulus
300250 SE+UE 9 ECTS Ecological behaviour of pollinetor insects - Ecological behaviour of pollinetor insectsPaulus
300275 UE 6 ECTS Tierphysiologische Übungen II - Tierphysiologische Übungen II: (in Parallelkursen; Zulassungsvoraussetzung: positiver Abschluß der VO Tierphysiologie I+II)
300337 SE+UE 9 ECTS Verhaltensphysiologisches Projektpraktikum - Verhaltensphysiologisches ProjektpraktikumDittami
300338 EX 1 ECTS Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion - Wirbeltierökologische Exkursion in außermitteleuropäische Lebensräume; ökologische Aspekte des Vogelzuges am Beispiel der TürkeiSpitzer
300431 VO+UE 3 ECTS Zoological identification course B - Zoological identification course (Course for the identification of indigenous animals B)
300517 UE+VO 3 ECTS Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - Theory and Application of Confocal MicroscopyAdlassnig
300561 SE+UE 9 ECTS [ en ] Methods in molecular phylogenetics - Methods in molecular phylogenetics: DNA extraction to phylogenetic analysesSteiner
2.6.2. Part II Zoology (Semester 7-10)
300005 SE 7.5 ECTS Scientific Research - Instruction in scientific research (Research fields Ethology, Behavioural Ecology)Millesi
300006 SE 7.5 ECTS Scientific Studies - Scientific studies in morphological and molecular SystematicsSteiner
300009 VO 3 ECTS Field methods in terrestrial animal ecology - Field methods in terrestrial animal ecologyFiedler
300018 SE 3 ECTS [ en ] Scientific Literature and Communication - Scientific Literature and Communication for BiologistsMetscher
300019 VO 1.5 ECTS Biosystems Theory I - Variability, information, entropy ¿ basics of biosystems theory INemeschkal
300021 SE 7.5 ECTS [ en ] Introduction on scientific work - Introduction and guidelines on scientific work and methods in EthologyPenn
300022 SE 1.5 ECTS Lab Safety - Fundamental Principles of Lab Safety: preventive measures and appropriate behaviourRudoll
300023 VO 3 ECTS Ornithology II - Introduction to the Ornithology II: general Ornithology: reprodaction biologySpitzer
300045 EX 1 ECTS Flora und Fauna der March-Auen - Seasonal changes of flora and fauna of the March river flood plainsHödl
300050 VO 1.5 ECTS GMO - the ecological perspective - Genetically Modified Organisms - the ecological perspectivePascher
300072 SE 7.5 ECTS Scientific research - Instruction fo scientific research in comparative anatomy and morphologyWalzl
300082 SE 7.5 ECTS Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in VerhaltensökologieTaborsky
300110 VO 1.5 ECTS Tier- und Pflanzennamen - Etymologie, (Volks-)Medizin und Mythologie in Tier- und PflanzennamenFellner
300114 VO+UE+EX 9 ECTS Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Fishes - Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of FishesAhnelt
300115 SE 4.5 ECTS Bioology and evolution "perciform fishes" - Bioology and evolution "perciform fishes" (Perciformes) on the basis of selectet chaptersKratochvil
300117 SE 2 ECTS Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau) - Ethologisches u. Ökoethologisches Seminar (Grünau)Kotrschal
300149 VO 4.5 ECTS Hormone als chemische Boten - Hormone als chemische Boten des Gehirns, des endokrinen und des ImmunsystemsDittami
300166 SE 7.5 ECTS Introduction to scientific research - Introduction to scientific research (population biology, herpetology)Gollmann
300187 VO 1.5 ECTS Rarities - Rarities: status and biology of extremely rare rare mammals and birds.Sänger
300191 VO+UE 3 ECTS IT-supported methods (biologists) - IT-supported methods for biologists (recommendable for all studies)Ackermann
300197 UE 9 ECTS Animal ecological special course - Animal ecological special course: methods and questions in outdoor laboratoriesSpitzer
300201 SE 4.5 ECTS [ en ] Englisch für Biologen/Scientific English - Scientific English: Research reports, talks, style and grammarDittami
300202 SE 7.5 ECTS Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Vgl. Anatomie und MorphologieHilgers
300203 SE 3 ECTS Seminar (Fortgeschrittene, DissertantInnen) - Seminar für Fortgeschrittene und DissertantInnen in VerhaltensbiologieDittami
300211 VO 4.5 ECTS Vertebrates: comparative histology - Comparative histology and microscopical anatomy of vertebratesBielek
300217 SE 7.5 ECTS Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Arthropoden-SystematikAspöck
300220 VO 3 ECTS Ausgewählte Kapitel der Stoffwechsel-Physiologie - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Stoffwechsel-Physiologie: Stoffwechsel unter ExtrembedingungenNopp
300231 VO 3 ECTS Behavioural biology of aquatic vertebrates - Behavioural biology of aquatic vertebrates: fishes, whales and dolphinsLadich
300248 SE 7.5 ECTS Introduction into research methods - Introduction into research on reproductive and evolutionary biology and didacticsHödl
300261 SE 7.5 ECTS Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitungen zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Parasitologie und Faunistik: Seminar für Diplomanden und Dissertanten:Fellner
300269 VO 3 ECTS [ en ] Marine Symbiosis - Marine Symbiosis - Evolution, adaptations, and interactions of marine microbial associationsBright, Fr 10:15-12:00 (16×)
300270 SE 3 ECTS Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen in Vgl. Anatomie&MorphologieHilgers
300271 SE 3 ECTS Innovative Konzepte der Biologie - Innovative Konzepte der Biologie - Theories of Evolution (integriert mit den Altenberg Seminars in Theoretical Biology)Müller
300289 SE 3 ECTS Actual researches in evolutionary zoology - Actual researches in evolutionary zoologyPaulus
300297 SE 7.5 ECTS Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten und Methoden der NeurobiologieTichy
300302 VO+UE 3 ECTS Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiat - Basics in laboratory-safety, bio-safety and radiatRath
300318 SE 7.5 ECTS Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in Theoretischer BiologieMüller
300336 VO 4.5 ECTS Methods of the population analysis ( Biometry IV ) - Methods of the population analysis ( Biometry IV )Spitzer
300428 VO+UE 4.5 ECTS Chironomidae identification course - Chironomidae identification course (advanced level)Waringer
300465 SE+UE 4.5 ECTS Measurement of transmembrane ionic currents - Measurement of transmembrane ionic currentsSchicker
300482 VO 1.5 ECTS The world of mites - The world of mites: morphology, biology, ecology, phylogeny, medical and commercial relevanceWalzl
300494 VO 4.5 ECTS System ecology of the animals - Fundamentals to the system ecology of the animalsSpitzer
300515 VO+UE 2 ECTS Nature-protection oriented agriculture in Austria - Nature-protection oriented agriculture in AustriaWeisz
300539 VO 3 ECTS Austrian butterflies and their habitats - Austrian butterflies - identification, ecology and conservation; with field demonstrationsWiemers
300544 UE 1.5 ECTS museological technics - Museological technics. Introduction to the preparation of insects.Waitzbauer
300557 VO 3 ECTS Human-Animal Interactions (Anthropozoology) - Human-Animal Interactions: evolutionary functions and mechanisms, animals as social partners, species managementKotrschal
300565 VO 3 ECTS Marine Bioerosion - Marine Bioerosion, the organisms and their environmental impactKleemann
300639 SE 7.5 ECTS Introduction to Research in Neurobiology - Introduction to Research in Neurobiology and Training in Neurobiological TechniquesSchmid
300646 PR 3 ECTS Bioacoustics proseminar - Bioacoustics proseminar for diploma and doctoral students of the research groupLadich
300650 SE 7.5 ECTS Supervision in Research Practice - Supervision in Research Practice in Behavioural BiologyKotrschal
300671 SE 7.5 ECTS Scientific Working - Instruction for scientific Working referring to metazoan RelationshipsSalvini-Plawen
300672 PR 4.5 ECTS Animal observations in the zoo - Basic practical course in observation of zoo kept animalsKratochvil
300673 VO 3 ECTS Sexual selection and reproductive behaviour - Sexual selection and reproductive behaviourPaulus
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34