Universität Wien

19.02. Teacher Training Programme


Liebe Lehramtsstudierende,

die Online-Anmeldungen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen für die "Pädagogisch-wissenschaftliche Berufsvorbildung" und für die "Schulpraktische Ausbildung" (Pädagogisches Praktikum) werden über das universitätsweite Anmeldesystem durchgeführt.

Die Online-Anmeldung wird durchgeführt:
Mi. 10.09.2008, 12.00 Uhr bis Mo. 22.09.2008, 12.00 Uhr.

Informationen zur Nutzung des Anmeldesystems finden Sie unter: http://studieren.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=1334

Bei prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen können max. 1.000 Punkte gesetzt werden, bei den Vorlesungen erfolgt eine Anmeldung ohne Punktevergabe.

Beachten Sie bitte, dass Sie dafür die Gültigkeit Ihres UNET-Accounts jedes Semester verlängern müssen.
Wichtig für Studierende anderer Universitäten: Sollten Sie noch keinen Unet-Account haben, bitte noch vor der Anmeldung aktivieren. (http://www.univie.ac.at/ZID/unet/)
Für das neue Anmeldesystem ist eine bereits erfolgte Inskription bzw. Mitbelegung an der Universität Wien für das WS 2008 (bzw. SS 2008) notwendig.

Die Voraussetzungen laut Studienplan sind:
* für die Anmeldung zum Pädagogischen Praktikum ist die Absolvierung (Eintrag der Note) der Studieneingangsphase (Einführungsvorlesung und Proseminar) Voraussetzung
* für die Anmeldung zu den Lehrveranstaltungen im 2. Studienabschnitt der Bereiche
2.1 Theorie und Praxis des Lehrens und Lernens
2.2 Theorie und Praxis des Erziehens und Beratens
2.3 Theorie und Praxis der Schulentwicklung
ist die Absolvierung (Eintrag der Note) der Studieneingangsphase (Einführungsvorlesung und Proseminar) und des Pädagogischen Praktikums Voraussetzung

Nach Abschluss der Anmeldephase werden Sie vorauss. am Mi, 24.09. per Mail (Unet-Account) informiert, ob Sie nun tatsächlich angemeldet sind oder sich in der Warteliste befinden. (Wartelistenplatz: Beim 1. Termin der LV fragen Sie bitte persönlich nach, ob noch Plätze zu vergeben sind.)

Eventuell verbleibende Restplätze werden Anfang Oktober auf unserer Homepage http://felp.univie.ac.at unter "Aktuelles" bekannt gegeben.

Weitere Informationen für eine Anmeldung zum Pädagogischen Praktikum finden Sie auch unter:
§ 3.1 SCHULPRAKTIKUM PHASE 1: PÄDAGOGISCHES PRAKTIKUM: http://institut.erz.univie.ac.at/home/fe7/x3.1

Wir wünschen einen erfolgreichen Start in das Wintersemester,
mit freundlichen Grüßen
die Vize-Studienprogrammleitung

Orientierungstag für Lehramtsstudierende
(nicht nur) für erstsemestrige Lehramtsstudierende

* LehrerInnenbildung an der BiWi (Bildungswissenschaft): Forschung & Lehre
* Wie ist das Lehramtsstudium aufgebaut?
Welche Studienplanteile sind in der pädagisch-wissenschaftlichen Berufsvorbildung (PWB) und der schulpraktischen Ausbildung (SPA) zu absolvieren?
* Ansprechpartner?
* Kennenlernen der Studierenden und TutorInnen
* Internationale Austauschprogramme für LA-Studierende

Donnerstag, 02. Oktober 2008, 15.00 - 18.00 Uhr

Hörsaal 16
Universität Wien Hauptgebäude


190341 VO 2 ECTS Introductory Phase - Introductory Lecture - An Introduction to Relevant Questions on Teacher Training and Professionalization (Lecture)
Horvath, Tu 07.10. 09:00-11:00, Tu 09:00-17:00 (2×), Tu 18.11. 09:00-13:00
Pollheimer, Tu 13:45-17:15 (7×)
Dobler, Th 16:00-18:00 (12×)
Dobler, Sa 09:00-15:00 (2×), Fr 31.10. 14:00-20:00, Sa 13.12. 09:00-14:00
Pollheimer, Mo 13:45-17:30 (8×)
Hämmerle, Mo 10:45-13:30 (12×)
Kühnl, Th 10:00-13:00 (8×)
Pollheimer, Tu 13:45-17:15 (7×)
Kühnl, Fr 09:00-14:00 (3×), Sa 22.11. 09:00-14:00
Pollheimer, We 13:45-17:15 (6×), We 15.10. 14:15-17:30, We 14:00-17:00 (2×)
Sattlberger, We 15.10. 09:00-11:00, We 09:00-17:00 (2×), We 17.12. 09:00-13:00
Sattlberger, Th 13.11. 09:00-11:00, Th 09:00-17:00 (2×), Th 22.01. 09:00-13:00
Cavallar, Fr 14:00-16:00 (9×)
Hofer-Rybar, Mo 13.10. 09:00-10:30, Mo 09:00-13:00 (4×)
Forghani-Arani, Th 16.10. 15:00-19:00, Th 09:00-13:00 (3×)
Gruber, We 17:00-19:00 (7×), We 14.01. 17:45-19:00
190412 UE 2 ECTS Educational Theory and Social Criticism - Scientific Writing for Teachers-to-be: the Basic Rules of Good Practice
Henz, Fr 03.10. 18:00-19:30, Fr 07.11. 14:00-18:00, Sa 08.11. 09:00-18:00
190009 UE 2 ECTS School Theory - Analytical reflections about the antagonism of the role as a pupil, a student and a teacher
Datler, Mo 14:00-15:30 (8×)
190126 VO 2 ECTS School Theory - Authentic Teaching - Requirements and opportunities of personal development in everday life of school from an existantial perspective - seminar with practical exercises
Kolbe, Fr 03.10. 15:00-18:00, Sa 04.10. 09:00-17:00
190664 VO 2 ECTS School Theory - School and Teacher Practice as Field of Social Reproduction. A Sociological View
Sertl, Th 18:00-18:45 (14×)
190867 VO 2 ECTS School Theory - Humanistic Education
Hutterer, Th 17:00-20:00 (4×)
190174 VO 4 ECTS Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Children and youth with special needs in school
Biewer, Tu 13:30-15:00 (13×)
190661 VO+UE 2 ECTS Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Develompental Theories
Herzog, Fr 17.10. 17:00-22:00, Fr 17:00-21:30 (2×)
190785 VO+UE 2 ECTS Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
Datler, Mo 12:00-13:30 (8×)
Schneider-Taylor, Tu 10:00-13:00 (8×)
190110 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Creative writing: An Introduction into Writing Research Papers
Millner, We 08:30-13:30 (4×), We 28.01. 08:30-13:00
190115 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Assessment of performance and new ways of learning
Dobler, Fr 03.10. 13:00-19:00, Sa 09:00-15:30 (2×), Fr 12.12. 16:15-20:15
190124 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Digital learning: gendertheory & gender mainstreaming I
190128 SE 3 ECTS [en] Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Learning Types & Teaching Styles and Their Practical Implications
Schiller-Piniel, Fr 17.10. 16:45-19:45, Fr 16:15-19:15 (4×)
190168 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Argumentation and Rhetorics in the classroom
Fuchs, Th 02.10. 14:00-15:00, Th 09.10. 13:00-18:00, Fr 10.10. 09:00-18:00, Sa 11.10. 09:00-17:00
190171 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - A constructivist approach to teaching and learning
Fuchs, Th 02.10. 15:15-16:15, We 17.12. 09:00-16:30, Th 18.12. 09:00-16:30, Fr 19.12. 09:00-16:00
190181 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Performace and Performativity. The Teaching Body as a Medium of Didactic Settings
Horvath, Tu 15:00-16:30 (4×), Tu 13:00-17:00 (4×)
190230 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Kompetenzorientierung in der politischen Bildung
190312 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Reflection and learning in Action
190335 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - How to deal with activity, aggression and sexuality of youngsters
Herzog, We 12.11. 17:15-21:15, Su 08:00-16:00 (2×), Sa 20.12. 08:00-16:00
190396 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Pedagogical topics within music education
190411 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Basic principles and practices of eLearning
190428 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Creative writing: An Introduction into Writing Research Papers
Millner, Tu 15:00-20:00 (4×), Tu 25.11. 11:15-13:15, Tu 25.11. 13:15-16:15
190671 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Give me an Answer!
Muhr, Fr 24.10. 16:15-18:15
190123 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Contributions of Clinical psychology. Conflicts, crisis, trauma.
Rothmayr, Mo 16:30-18:30 (13×)
190130 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Education and practical reason
Woschnak, Tu 13:15-14:45 (14×)
190312 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Reflection and learning in Action
190315 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Teaching nowadays. No Force but Education, Motivation and Coaching
Adler, We 08.10. 17:45-20:45, We 17:45-20:00 (2×), We 16:15-19:15 (4×)
190317 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Main area: group dynamics
Rothmayr, Tu 14:30-16:30 (14×)
Wegricht, Tu 18:00-20:30 (12×)
190330 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Professional talking for teachers: counselling, mediation and dealing with conflicts in a constructive manner
Mitschka, Tu 08:30-13:30 (2×), We 05.11. 08:30-13:30, Sa 15.11. 08:30-13:30
190337 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
Datler, Mo 06.10. 10:00-11:30
190415 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Complexity as challenge
Steger, Fr 07.11. 16:15-19:15, Fr 13:00-20:00 (3×)
190444 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Problems of education and consulting
Holzmann, We 08.10. 14:00-17:00, Sa 09:00-17:00 (2×), Th 13.11. 09:00-17:00
190659 SE 3 ECTS [en] Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
Forghani-Arani, Fr 17.10. 14:30-16:30, Fr 31.10. 09:00-12:00, Fr 09:00-14:00 (3×)
190855 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Managing Gender and Diversity in Schools
Schneider, We 05.11. 18:00-20:00, We 10.12. 09:00-15:30, We 09:00-16:30 (2×)
190872 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Talented promotion: Good practice under professional reflection
Schenz, Mo 08:30-14:30 (6×)
190115 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Assessment of performance and new ways of learning
Dobler, Fr 03.10. 13:00-19:00, Sa 09:00-15:30 (2×), Fr 12.12. 16:15-20:15
190122 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Practice Research in Collaboration with Secondary Schools (for teacher training students)
190129 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
Hoyer-Neuhold, Mo 06.10. 15:00-16:30, Mo 13.10. 12:45-16:45, Mo 15:00-19:00 (2×), Mo 10.11. 13:15-16:45, We 15:00-19:00 (2×)
190131 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Stress-prevention - and strategies for avoiding stress in teaching situations
Kosinár, Mo 26.01. 14:00-19:00, Tu 27.01. 09:00-13:30, We 28.01. 09:00-16:00, Th 29.01. 09:00-15:00
190175 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - GENDER IN SCHOOLS - Analysis of the category 'Gender' in schools and attempts towards its implementation
Sengstbratl, We 22.10. 17:30-18:30, We 22.10. 19:00-20:30, Th 16:00-17:30 (2×), Th 18:00-19:30 (2×), Fr 24.10. 16:15-17:45, Fr 24.10. 18:00-19:45, Mo 27.10. 17:30-19:00, Mo 27.10. 19:30-21:00, Fr 31.10. 14:00-15:30, Mo 03.11. 17:45-19:15, Mo 03.11. 19:45-21:15
190397 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Theory and Practice of Schoold Development and Religion
Krobath, Tu 07.10. 13:15-14:00, Tu 13:15-15:45 (9×)
190656 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Practice Research in Collaboration with Secondary Schools (for teacher training students)
190783 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Social Interaction and Intervention in School Settings
Henz, Th 09.10. 18:00-19:30, Fr 17.10. 16:15-20:15, Sa 09:00-18:00 (2×), Fr 21.11. 14:00-18:00
190804 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
Clementi, Th 09.10. 15:00-16:30, Th 15:00-19:00 (6×)
190862 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - School development - histroical and systematic aspects
Schneider-Taylor, We 13:00-16:00 (8×)
190863 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Introduction in Practical research training
Eberherr, Fr 17.10. 14:00-18:00, Sa 18.10. 10:00-13:00, Fr 07.11. 10:00-14:00, Fr 07.11. 14:15-18:00, Fr 09.01. 10:00-15:00
190110 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Creative writing: An Introduction into Writing Research Papers
Millner, We 08:30-13:30 (4×), We 28.01. 08:30-13:00
190131 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Stress-prevention - and strategies for avoiding stress in teaching situations
Kosinár, Mo 26.01. 14:00-19:00, Tu 27.01. 09:00-13:30, We 28.01. 09:00-16:00, Th 29.01. 09:00-15:00
190174 VO 4 ECTS Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Children and youth with special needs in school
Biewer, Tu 13:30-15:00 (13×)
190230 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Kompetenzorientierung in der politischen Bildung
190231 PV 4 ECTS Privatissimum
190411 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Basic principles and practices of eLearning
190783 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Social Interaction and Intervention in School Settings
Henz, Th 09.10. 18:00-19:30, Fr 17.10. 16:15-20:15, Sa 09:00-18:00 (2×), Fr 21.11. 14:00-18:00
190044 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
Cavallar, Fr 08:00-09:45 (2×), Fr 08:00-10:00 (9×)
190319 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
190358 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
Pollheimer, Mo 09:30-13:45 (2×), Mo 13:45-17:30 (2×), Mo 15.12. 10:00-13:45, Mo 15.12. 13:45-18:15
190413 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
Bastel, Fr 08:30-12:30 (3×), Fr 12.12. 08:30-10:30
190665 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
Matzka, We 15.10. 17:00-20:00, We 17:15-20:15 (7×), We 17:30-20:30 (3×), We 26.11. 17:15-20:10
190666 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
Kühnl, Th 09.10. 08:00-10:00, Fr 14.11. 08:00-12:00, Fr 09:00-12:00 (2×)
190667 SE+UE 5 ECTS [en] Pedagogy practicum
Forghani-Arani, Th 16.10. 10:00-13:30, Fr 17.10. 09:00-13:30, Th 09:00-13:30 (2×)
190681 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum - and Reflection and learning in Action
Hämmerle, We 08:30-12:30 (13×)
190717 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
190718 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
190784 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
190801 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
190877 SE+UE 5 ECTS Pedagogy practicum
Scheidl, Fr 24.10. 14:00-16:00, Sa 09:00-17:00 (2×), Fr 16.01. 13:00-17:00
190010 SE 5 ECTS MC: Theory and practical experience of school development - Instruction as field of empirical research
Schenz, Tu 08:30-14:30 (6×)
190153 SE 3 ECTS MC Modul 3a: Matters of Educational Policy - A common school for 10 to 14 year old pupils? Inquiry into a present-day topic of education politics
Hofer-Rybar, Mo 13.10. 11:00-12:00, Mo 09:00-12:45 (4×), Mo 19.01. 09:00-10:30
190154 SE 2 ECTS MC Modul 2b: Project Management - in the context of empirical research
Schenz, Tu 14:30-16:30 (6×)
190155 SE 2 ECTS MC Modul 3b: Creative Academic Writing - Scientific Writing
Henz, Fr 03.10. 16:30-18:00, Fr 05.12. 14:00-18:00, Sa 06.12. 09:00-18:00
190157 SE 3 ECTS MC Modul 1a: Patterns of Interaction and Dialogue within Social Systems - Einführung in die Gruppendynamik (Trainingsgruppe) - Modellcurriculum
190238 SE 2 ECTS MC Modul 1b: Presentation Techniques - preparing and making presentations und speeches in a professional way
190712 SE 3 ECTS MC Modul 4a: Case Analysis - The Pedagogical Relationship: Teaching and Educating as an Interpersonal Process
Valtl, Fr 10.10. 10:00-18:00, Sa 11.10. 10:00-18:00, Su 12.10. 10:00-18:00
190133 SE 2 ECTS Support Teacher Training
190134 SE 1 ECTS Support Teacher Training
190135 SE 2 ECTS Support Teacher Training - Teaching and Learning, Education and Counselling, Leadership and Mentoring - Course "Supervisors for Teacher Training/School Internship"
190152 SE 2 ECTS Support Teacher Training - Reflectinig the daily routine of teachers
Aslan, We 18:00-19:30 (2×)
Mühlböck, Th 16.10. 18:00-19:30
190228 SE 3 ECTS M3: Islamic mysticism
Kasiri, Fr 16:00-20:00 (2×), Sa 10:00-18:00 (2×)
Figl, Mo 16:00-17:45 (13×)
020112 VO 3 ECTS Introduction to Scientific Study of Religions - (Schwerpunkt systematisch-vergleichende Religionswissenschaft)
Reiss, Th 13:00-15:00 (15×)
020115 SE 4 ECTS Dharma, Dhamma, Din und Dat = "Religion"? - Dharma, Dhamma, Din und Dat = "Religion"? - The of equivalence problem of the Western term "religion" in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam
070035 KU 4 ECTS Cult.&Soc.Studies of Science&Technology, Hist. of Science, Philosophy of Science&Theory of Knowledge - Historische Epistemologie: Wissenschaft und Pseudowissenschaft
Ash, Mo 14:00-16:00 (13×)
070345 VO 4 ECTS Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology - Kulturen des Wissens 1500-1900
Ash, Tu 13:00-15:00 (14×)
190115 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Assessment of performance and new ways of learning
Dobler, Fr 03.10. 13:00-19:00, Sa 09:00-15:30 (2×), Fr 12.12. 16:15-20:15
190122 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Practice Research in Collaboration with Secondary Schools (for teacher training students)
190129 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
Hoyer-Neuhold, Mo 06.10. 15:00-16:30, Mo 13.10. 12:45-16:45, Mo 15:00-19:00 (2×), Mo 10.11. 13:15-16:45, We 15:00-19:00 (2×)
190131 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Stress-prevention - and strategies for avoiding stress in teaching situations
Kosinár, Mo 26.01. 14:00-19:00, Tu 27.01. 09:00-13:30, We 28.01. 09:00-16:00, Th 29.01. 09:00-15:00
190175 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - GENDER IN SCHOOLS - Analysis of the category 'Gender' in schools and attempts towards its implementation
Sengstbratl, We 22.10. 17:30-18:30, We 22.10. 19:00-20:30, Th 16:00-17:30 (2×), Th 18:00-19:30 (2×), Fr 24.10. 16:15-17:45, Fr 24.10. 18:00-19:45, Mo 27.10. 17:30-19:00, Mo 27.10. 19:30-21:00, Fr 31.10. 14:00-15:30, Mo 03.11. 17:45-19:15, Mo 03.11. 19:45-21:15
190397 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Theory and Practice of Schoold Development and Religion
Krobath, Tu 07.10. 13:15-14:00, Tu 13:15-15:45 (9×)
190656 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Practice Research in Collaboration with Secondary Schools (for teacher training students)
190783 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Social Interaction and Intervention in School Settings
Henz, Th 09.10. 18:00-19:30, Fr 17.10. 16:15-20:15, Sa 09:00-18:00 (2×), Fr 21.11. 14:00-18:00
190804 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
Clementi, Th 09.10. 15:00-16:30, Th 15:00-19:00 (6×)
190862 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - School development - histroical and systematic aspects
Schneider-Taylor, We 13:00-16:00 (8×)
190863 SE 5 ECTS Theory and practical experience of school development - Introduction in Practical research training
Eberherr, Fr 17.10. 14:00-18:00, Sa 18.10. 10:00-13:00, Fr 07.11. 10:00-14:00, Fr 07.11. 14:15-18:00, Fr 09.01. 10:00-15:00
190123 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Contributions of Clinical psychology. Conflicts, crisis, trauma.
Rothmayr, Mo 16:30-18:30 (13×)
190130 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Education and practical reason
Woschnak, Tu 13:15-14:45 (14×)
190312 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Reflection and learning in Action
190315 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Teaching nowadays. No Force but Education, Motivation and Coaching
Adler, We 08.10. 17:45-20:45, We 17:45-20:00 (2×), We 16:15-19:15 (4×)
190317 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Main area: group dynamics
Rothmayr, Tu 14:30-16:30 (14×)
Wegricht, Tu 18:00-20:30 (12×)
190330 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Professional talking for teachers: counselling, mediation and dealing with conflicts in a constructive manner
Mitschka, Tu 08:30-13:30 (2×), We 05.11. 08:30-13:30, Sa 15.11. 08:30-13:30
190337 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
Datler, Mo 06.10. 10:00-11:30
190415 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Complexity as challenge
Steger, Fr 07.11. 16:15-19:15, Fr 13:00-20:00 (3×)
190444 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Problems of education and consulting
Holzmann, We 08.10. 14:00-17:00, Sa 09:00-17:00 (2×), Th 13.11. 09:00-17:00
190659 SE 3 ECTS [en] Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
Forghani-Arani, Fr 17.10. 14:30-16:30, Fr 31.10. 09:00-12:00, Fr 09:00-14:00 (3×)
190855 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Managing Gender and Diversity in Schools
Schneider, We 05.11. 18:00-20:00, We 10.12. 09:00-15:30, We 09:00-16:30 (2×)
190872 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Talented promotion: Good practice under professional reflection
Schenz, Mo 08:30-14:30 (6×)
Schneider-Taylor, Tu 10:00-13:00 (8×)
190115 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Assessment of performance and new ways of learning
Dobler, Fr 03.10. 13:00-19:00, Sa 09:00-15:30 (2×), Fr 12.12. 16:15-20:15
190124 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Digital learning: gendertheory & gender mainstreaming I
190128 SE 3 ECTS [en] Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Learning Types & Teaching Styles and Their Practical Implications
Schiller-Piniel, Fr 17.10. 16:45-19:45, Fr 16:15-19:15 (4×)
190168 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Argumentation and Rhetorics in the classroom
Fuchs, Th 02.10. 14:00-15:00, Th 09.10. 13:00-18:00, Fr 10.10. 09:00-18:00, Sa 11.10. 09:00-17:00
190171 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - A constructivist approach to teaching and learning
Fuchs, Th 02.10. 15:15-16:15, We 17.12. 09:00-16:30, Th 18.12. 09:00-16:30, Fr 19.12. 09:00-16:00
190181 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Performace and Performativity. The Teaching Body as a Medium of Didactic Settings
Horvath, Tu 15:00-16:30 (4×), Tu 13:00-17:00 (4×)
190312 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Reflection and learning in Action
190335 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - How to deal with activity, aggression and sexuality of youngsters
Herzog, We 12.11. 17:15-21:15, Su 08:00-16:00 (2×), Sa 20.12. 08:00-16:00
190396 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Pedagogical topics within music education
190411 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Basic principles and practices of eLearning
190428 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Creative writing: An Introduction into Writing Research Papers
Millner, Tu 15:00-20:00 (4×), Tu 25.11. 11:15-13:15, Tu 25.11. 13:15-16:15
190671 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Give me an Answer!
Muhr, Fr 24.10. 16:15-18:15
Furch, Mo 06.10. 17:00-18:30
190163 VO+UE 5 ECTS AM I: Community Management
Treitler, We 08:00-10:00 (15×)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34