MM1 Module Group Expansion I
Two of the following three modules are required. Each module consists of two courses (Master Seminar and Conversatorium).
MM1,1: Medieval and Early German Literature
Masterseminar Medieval and Early German Literature
Hellmuth, Th 09:30-11:00 (15×)
100116 MA 8 ECTS Seminar Medieval and Early German Literature - Aggression und Angst in der mittelhochdeutschen ErzähldichtungMecklenburg, Fr 09:30-11:00 (15×)
Meyer, Th 11:15-12:45 (15×)
Miklautsch, We 13:00-14:30 (15×)
Meyer, Fr 11:15-12:45 (15×)
Conversatorium Medieval and Early German Literature
MM1,2: Modern German Literature
Masterseminar Modern German Literature
Egger, We 16:30-18:00 (15×)
Eybl, Th 16:30-18:00 (14×)
Innerhofer, Tu 09:30-11:00 (14×)
Janke, Tu 13:00-14:30 (14×)
Pelz, Tu 11:15-12:45 (14×)
Rohrwasser, Tu 14:45-16:15 (14×)
Sonnleitner, Fr 09:30-11:00 (15×)
Welzig, Th 11:15-12:45 (15×)
Schäfer, Tu 14:45-16:15 (14×)
Schöttker, Tu 16:30-18:00 (14×)
Kaukoreit, Th 18:15-19:45 (15×)
Conversatorium Modern German Literature
Fliedl, We 18:15-19:45 (15×)
Rohrwasser, Tu 16:30-18:00 (14×)
Schäfer, We 18:15-19:45 (15×)
MM1,3: Linguistics
Masterseminar Linguistics
Ernst, Mo 18:15-19:45 (13×)
Appel, Th 14:45-16:15 (15×)
Patocka, Fr 11:15-12:45 (15×)
Schrodt, Tu 09:30-11:00 (14×)
Scheuringer, Fr 09:30-11:00 (14×)
Conversatorium Linguistics
Patocka, Mo 11:15-12:45 (13×)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35