Universität Wien

A. Bachelor's Degree Programme Education

Informationen zum Bachelorstudium Bildungswissenschaft finden Sie auf der Homepage:

Eine Informationsveranstaltung für BA- und MA-Studierende der BIWI: Änderung in den Studieplänen, findet am Montag, 14.09.2009 von 10:00-12:00 im NIG HS I statt (Insbesonder werden BA-Studierende über die neugestaltete Stdudieneingangsphase unterrichtet)

Eine Orientierungslehrveranstaltung findet am Montag, 21.9.2009 um 14:00 Uhr im HS B, Campusgelände Altes AKH, für Studierende des Bachelorstudiums (und für andere InteressentInnen) statt, die folgenden Themen gewidmet ist:

- Informationen über das Institut für Bildungswissenschaft
- Informationen über das Bachelorstudium
- Aufgabenverteilung der Studienprogrammleitung (SPL)

Sie sind gebeten, im Vorfeld der Orientierungslehrveranstaltung die Informationen auf der Homepage http://studienservicecenter.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=1256&no_cache=1
zu lesen.

1. Entry Level Phase

STEP 1a Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences I

STEP 1b Introduction to the Major Fields of Research and Study I

STEP 2 Education, Teaching and Learning I

STEP 3 Introduction to the Study of Educational Sciences II

STEP 3b Introduction to the Major Fields of Research and Study II

STEP 4 Education, Teaching and Learning II

2. Group of Compulsory Modules (PMG)

PMG 1: Theory of Educational Science

BM1 Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice

BM2 Foundations of Education as an Academic Discipline

BM 3 Education and Anthropology

PFMG 2: Education, Society and Individual

BM4 Education and the Historic Dimension

BM5 Education and Policy

BM6 Individual and Development

PMG 3: Methodology and Methods of Education

BM7 Philosophy of Science in Education

BM8 Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science I

BM9 Empirical Research Methods of Educational Science II

3. Major Field I-IV

Major Field I: Education in Transition

BM10 Theory Practice Transformation

BM11 Concepts and Constructions of Humans

BM12 Education and Culture

Major Field II: Teaching and Learning

BM13 General Didactics

BM14 Designs and Methods of International Comparative Educational Science

BM15 History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria

Major Field III: Special Needs and Inclusive Education

BM16 Special Needs and Inclusive Education

BM17 Consultation, Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Therapy

BM18 Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need

Major Field IV: Education, Biography and Age

BM19 Consultation and Personality Development

BM20 Biography and Age

BM21 Society and Social Change

4. Research

BM22 Philosophy of Educational Science

BM23 Research Practicum

BM24 Bachelor's Paper I

BM25 Bachelor's Paper II

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35