6. Philosophy of Science, Compulsory Courses
6.1. Cultural and Social Studies of Science and Technology, History of Science, Philosophy of Science and Theory of Knowledge
Ash, Tu 16:00-18:00 (11×)
070077 VO 4 ECTS Topics, Problems and Perspectives in the History of Science - Cultures of Knowledge 1500-1900Ash, Tu 13:00-15:00 (11×)
070221 VO 4 ECTS Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.Sachse, Tu 15:00-16:30 (10×)
Felt, Tu 16:00-18:00 (11×)
6.2. Theories and Methodologies of History
Pohl, Th 16:30-18:00 (14×)
070166 VO 4 ECTS Theorien und Methoden der Globalgeschichte - Theories and Methods of Global HistoryKomlosy, Th 09:30-11:00 (14×)
070198 VO 4 ECTS Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Theorie für HistorikerInnen - Theorien in den Sozial-und KulturwissenschaftenSieder, Fr 10:00-11:30 (13×)
6.3. History of Historiography
Weigl, Tu 17:00-19:00 (13×)
Geiger, Tu 09:00-11:00 (12×)
070143 KU 4 ECTS Reading Historiography - Fokus Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte und ZeitgeschichteGehmacher, We 09:00-11:00 (13×)
Liedl, Th 13:00-15:00 (13×)
Kaller, We 15:00-16:30 (13×)
Eigner, Tu 11:00-12:30 (11×)
Rauscher, We 11:00-14:00 (4×), We 12:00-14:00 (5×)
070371 KU 4 ECTS Lecture of historiographical texts and history of historiography: Comparing Images of Europe's East - Bilder des östlichen EuropaAugustynowicz, Mo 16:00-17:30 (14×)
Ivanisevic, Th 09:00-11:00 (14×)
Schmitt, Th 17:00-19:00 (14×)
Schwarcz, We 13:00-15:00 (12×)
Edelmayer, Tu 14:30-16:00 (10×)
Cerman-Stefanová, Tu 13:00-14:30 (10×)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36