0.02 Interdisciplinary Degree Programmes
A. Master Degree Programme Gender Studies
240236 VO+UE 4 ECTS Sind wir nie modern gewesen? - Gender in der technologisierten LeistungsgesellschaftSchmitz
1. Introductory Module
240104 UE 5 ECTS Introduction to Methods and Theory - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and HumanitiesWöhrer, Sa 09:00-14:00 (4×), Sa 21.05. 09:00-14:05
Vater, Mo 18:00-21:00 (7×)
240106 VO 3 ECTS Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Gender in the social sciences and humanitiesWöhrer, We 18:00-21:00 (8×)
2. Theories and Methods in Gender Studies (12 ECTS)
Kreisky, Th 12:00-13:30 (13×)
Goisauf, Mo 28.03. 19:30-21:00, Su 09:00-15:00 (4×)
240225 VO 3 ECTS Methoden sozialwissenschaftlicher Familienforschung - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der VäterforschungTazi-Preve, We 17:00-18:30 (15×)
3. Topics and Themes of Gender Studies (10 ECTS)
Beclin, We 14:30-16:00 (14×)
Michalitsch, Mo 16:00-19:00 (8×)
230159 SE 5 ECTS [ en ] Microscopic romances, female skeletons and immortal cells - An introduction to feminist science studiesMüller, We 02.03. 10:00-12:00, Mo 10:00-13:00 (4×), Mo 28.03. 10:00-14:00, We 22.06. 13:00-16:00
Miko, Mo 09:00-15:30 (4×)
240234 VO+UE 4 ECTS Reproduktion und Kontrolle - Schwangerschaftsabbruch und Fristenregelung in ÖsterreichMesner, Tu 18:00-21:00 (14×)
4. Transfer Modules
5. Focus Module (10 ECTS)
Schmitz, We 14:00-17:00 (5×), Tu 07.06. 09:00-15:00
240236 VO+UE 4 ECTS Sind wir nie modern gewesen? - Gender in der technologisierten LeistungsgesellschaftSchmitz
6. Gender Specific Communication and Organisations Skills (11 ECTS)
Mesner, Th 16:00-19:00 (7×)
Michalitsch, Mo 11:00-14:00 (7×)
7. Practical Experience (10 ECTS)
240121 PR 6 ECTS Fragen - Strukturieren - Analysieren - Argumentieren - Organisieren - Research WorkshopLummerding, Mo 14:30-17:30 (7×), Sa 10:00-13:00 (4×)
8. Reflection Module (10 ECTS)
Schmitz, We 10:00-13:00 (7×)
5. Final Stage
9.a. Seminar for Diploma Candidates (4 ECTS)
Mesner, Tu 09:00-12:00 (8×)
2. MEi: CogSci - Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Programme in Cognitive Science (Joint Degree)
1. Required Modules
1.1. Basic Modules
B-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science I
B-M-CS Introduction into Research I
1.2. Advanced Modules
A-I-CS Introduction to Cognitive Science II
A-M-CS Introduction into Research II
1.3. Specialisation
S-I-CS New Trends in Cognitive Science
S-I-CSM Master Thesis Seminar
2. Alternative Required Modules
2.1. Basic Modules - Discipline
B-D-AI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
B-D-BIO Introduction to Behavioural Biology
B-D-LIN Introduction to Linguistics
B-D-NEU Introduction to Neuroscience
B-D-PHI Introduction to Philosophy
B-D-PSY Introduction to Psychology
2.2. Basic Tools Modules
B-M-PRO Basic Mathematics and Programming
B-M-STA Basic Statistics
2.3. Advanced Tools Modules
2.4. Specialisation
3. Elective Modules
3.1. Basic Module - Discipline
B-D-ANT Introduction to Anthropology
3.2. Advanced Module - Discipline
3.3. Elective Module
W-D-C Elective Module
3. Master Degree Programme in Science-Technology-Society
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36