45 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy
Curriculum für das Doktoratsstudium der Naturwissenschaften sowie technischen Wissenschaften aus dem Bereich der Naturwissenschaften beziehungsweise Curriculum für das Doktoratsstudium der Sozialwissenschaften
- 450100 SE [ en ] Astrophysical PhD-Seminar
- 450101 SE History of Astrophysics (PI)
- 450102 VO [ de en ] Introduction to Solar Physics and Space Weather (NPI)
Earth Sciences
- 280188 VO+SE+EX [ en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Paleosols, Bauxites and Paleokarst (PI)
- 280189 VO+UE+PR [ de en ] MA-ERD-17.0 High-resolution/3D mapping techniques in alpine terrain (PI) - Using the example of avalanche mapping and risk assessment
- 450003 SE [ en ] Topics in environmental Geoscience
- 450004 SE [ de en ] Topics in Mineralogy IV - Advances and Applications of spectroscopic techniques in Earth and material sciences
- 450005 SE [ en ] Topics in Sedimentology: Sediment Weathering, Palaeosoils and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 450006 SE [ en ] Topics in Palaeontology
- 450007 VU [ de en ] Topics in lithospheric Research IV: - Petrography of meteorites and shock metamorphism (PI)
- 450010 VU Powder X-ray diffractometry: The Rietveld-method and its applications (PI)
- 450203 SE [ en ] Advanced Topics in Seismology: Research Seminar 2
- 450204 SE [ en ] Topics in Geophysics: Literature Seminar 2
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29