45 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy
Curriculum für das Doktoratsstudium der Naturwissenschaften sowie technischen Wissenschaften aus dem Bereich der Naturwissenschaften beziehungsweise Curriculum für das Doktoratsstudium der Sozialwissenschaften
- 280509 SE PM-Astr Exo-Objects - temporary visitors in our solar system (PI)
- 280510 SE PM-Astr Galaxies and their surroundings (PI)
- 280513 VO PM-Astr Modern Asteroseismology (NPI)
- 280516 VU [ en ] PM-Astr Stellar populations in galaxies (PI)
- 450100 SE [ en ] Astrophysical PhD-Seminar
- 450101 VU Physics of the Interstellar Medium (PI)
- 450102 SE [ en ] DYNamics Age and Metallicity Indicators Tracing Evolution (PI)
Earth Sciences
- 280197 VO+UE [ de en ] Gastprofessur 2stündig 2 Std. 3 ECTS (PI)
- 450003 SE [ en ] Topics in Environmental Geosciences (PI)
- 450004 SE [ de en ] Topics in Mineralogy IV - Advances and Applications of spectroscopic techniques in Earth and material sciences
- 450005 VO+UE+PR Topics in Geodynamics - 3D mapping and geostatistical data analysis: Cases studies in high alpine terrain (PI)
- 450006 SE [ en ] Topics in Palaeontology
- 450007 VU [ de en ] Topics in lithospheric Research IV: - Meteorites and impacts under the magnifier (PI)
- 450009 SE Advanced Paleoecology (PI)
- 450010 VU Stratigraphic Paleoecology - Principles and applications (PI)
- 450203 SE [ en ] Advanced Topics in Seismology: Research Seminar 2
- 450204 SE [ en ] Topics in Geophysics: Literature Seminar 2
- 450400 SE [ de en ] SE PhD seminar in Human Geography (PI)
- 450011 UE [ en ] Systems and systems theories in (Earth) Sciences
- 450008 SE [ en ] Explorative Research? Challenges in interdisciplinary settings
- 290364 SE Colloquium for Geomorphology and Geoecology - (gilt als Privatissimum zur Masterarbeit sowie Dissertation aus Physischer Geographie)
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49