SPL 21 - Political Science
21.01. Political Science
21.02. Doctoral Programme Philosophy (Dr. phil.) / Dissertation Subject Area: Political Science
- 210050 SE Diss: Privatissimum Political Science and Society - Privatissimum Political Science and Society (Diss)
- 210405 SE G9, Diss: FoSe: Politics of War- World War I - FoSe: Psychoanalysis and the Politics of War on the Example of World War I (G9/Diss)
- 210411 SE F, G9, Diss: FoSe: Theory of the Modern State - FoSe: Theory of the Modern State (F/G9/Diss)
- 210367 SE F, G9, Diss: FoSe: Development of the Modern State - FoSe: The Development of the Modern State in the Habsburg Monarchy (F/G9/Diss)
- 210371 SE F, G1, Diss: Multi-Level Politics in the EU - Research Seminar: Multi-Level Politics and Democracy in the EU (F/G1/Diss)
- 210239 SE G1, Diss: Practical Aspects of EU Politics - Practical Aspects of EU Politics (G1/Diss)
- 210238 SE H, Diss:Privatiss.f. Doctoral & Diploma Candidates - Privatissimum for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates (H/Diss)
- 210127 SE Diss: Privatissimum Comparative Politics - Privatissimum Comparative Politics (Diss)
- 210137 SE Diss: Privatissimum International Politics - Privatissimum International Politics (Diss)
- 210191 SE Diss: Privatissimum Political Theory - Privatissimum Political Theory (Diss)
- 210198 SE H, Diss: Privatiss. f. Doctoral & Dipl. Candidates - Privatissimum for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates (H/Diss)
- 210217 SE Diss: Privatissimum Gender Research - Privatissimum Gender Research in Political Science (Diss)
- 210220 SE H, Diss: SE f.Diploma & Doctoral Candidates - Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates (H/Diss)
- 210224 SE Diss: Privatiss.Transform.Processes in East.Europe - Privatissimum Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe (Diss)
- 210230 SE H: Res.Privatiss. f. Diploma & Doctoral Candidates - Research Privatissimum for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates (H)
- 210232 SE H, Diss:Privatiss.f. Doctoral & Diploma Candidates - Privatissimum for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates (H/Diss)
- 210233 SE G10,Diss: FoSe: Theory of Law & State 20th Cent. - FoSe: Theory of Law and State in the 20th Century (G10/Diss)
- 210234 SE G4, G10, Diss:Polit.Field Analysis & Law Institut. - Political Field Analysis and Law Institutes (G4/G10/Diss)
- 210400 SE H, Diss:Privatiss.f. Doctoral & Diploma Candidates - Privatissimum for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates (H/Diss)
- 210416 SE G1, Diss: European Integration Research - FoSe: On the State of the European Integration Research between Neofunctionalism and Multi-Level System Theory (G1/Diss)
- 210105 SE Diss: Research Seminar for Doctoral Candidates - Research Seminar for Doctoral Candidates (Diss)
- 210138 SE Diss, F,G8: Masculinity in Crisis-State in Crisis? - FoSe: Masculinity in Crisis - State in Crisis? Association of Men, Anti-Semitism and Homophobia around 1900 (Diss/F/G8)
- 290142 RV Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes - Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe
- 210145 SE H, Diss: Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen - Privatissmum für DipomandInnen (H/Diss)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34