SPL 21 - Political Science
21.01. Political Science
21.02. Doctoral Programme Philosophy (Dr. phil.) / Dissertation Subject Area: Political Science
- 210259 VO G5, Diss: Consolidation or De-Consolidation of the Democratic Order in Eastern Europe - Current Research Outcomes
- 290142 RV Lecture Series: Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe III
- 210183 SE G10, Diss: Research Seminar: Hannah Arendt's Total Domination - Genesis, Reception and Timeliness of a Concept
- 210187 SE G10, Diss: Research Seminar: The Neoliberal Regime over the Bellies - An Analysis of Campaigns against "Obeseness" of Bodies and Institutions
- 210216 SE G8, G10, Diss: FoSe: Religion, Gender and Race in Colonial Discourse - Theories of Religion and the Construciton of the "Other"
- 210234 SE G3, Diss: Research Seminar: Social Psycological Approaches to International Politics - Social Psycological Approaches to International Politics
- 210251 SE G4, G10, Diss: Research Seminar Policy Analysis and Institutions of Law
- 210261 SE G5, Diss: Research Seminar - Problems of Democracy, defect Democracies and Authoritarian Tendencies in New EU Member States
- 210011 SE G10, Diss: Research Seminar: Modern Legal Theories
- 210287 SE Diss: Research Seminar - Theory and Politics of Anti-Discrimination in the EU und the USA
- 210034 SE [ en ] ViGo: Researching Governance - Theory, Methodology and Methods I - ViGo: Researching Governance - Theory, Methodology and Methods I
- 210035 SE H, Diss: European Integration in Political Science Theses - Research Seminar (for all PhD students and authors of MA theses in the field of European integration)
- 210030 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 210269 SE H, Diss: Privatissimum for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
- 210271 SE H, Diss: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 210277 SE H, Diss: Privatissimum for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
- 210278 SE H, Diss: Semiar for Diploma and Doctorate Candidates
- 210282 SE H, Diss: Privatissimum for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
- 210026 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210001 SE H, Diss: Exclusive Tutorial for Graduands and Doctoral Students
- 210283 SE Diss: Privatissimum for Doctoral Candidates
- 210284 SE Diss: Privatissium Eastern Europe - Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe
- 210285 SE Diss: Privatissimum Politcal Theory
- 210286 SE Diss: Privatissimum for Doctoral Candidates
- 210288 SE Diss: Privatissimum for Doctoral Candidates
- 210323 SE Diss: Privatissimum for Doctoral Candidates
- 210329 SE Diss: Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 210331 SE Research Seminar: Design of research and Quantitative Methods
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34