Directorate of Studies 30 - Biology
Bachelor Biology (630 [3] - Version 2015)
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Biology and Environmental Studies (193 041, 198 402)
Erweiterungsstudium für PH-AbsolventInnen/Bachelor Lehramt UF Biologie und Umweltkunde (...)
Diploma Teacher Training Programme: Biology and Environmental Studies (445) - discontinued
Master Anthropology (827 [2] - Version 2013)
Master Botany (832 [2] - Version 2013)
Master Ecology and Ecosystems (833 [2] - Version 2013)
Master Evolutionary Systems Biology (220)
Master Genetics and Developmental Biology (877)
Master Molecular Biology (834)
- 301855 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Structural Biology
Master Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology (830 [2] - Version 2013)
Master Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Management (879)
Master Behavior, Neurobiology and Cognition (878)
Master Zoology (831)
Master Teacher Training Programme: Biology and Environmental Studies (196 041, 199 502)
Extension Curriculum Evolutionary Anthropology (301)
Extension Curriculum Ecology (302)
- 300025 VO [ de en ] Fundamentals in Limnology
Doctoral Degree Programme (091) - discontinued
Courses of the Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists
- 300035 EX Speleological excursions Caves of Austria and neighboring countries
- 300062 UE Computer-assisted presentation techniques
- 300112 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 300149 SE+UE [ de en ] Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300433 VO Medical parasitology - Transfer of basic knowledge
- 300438 SE [ de en ] Seminar in biometry - Basics of biometrical analysis
- 300447 VO [ en ] Introduction to Tropical Ecology
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy
- 300530 UE [ en ] Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3 D Methods
- 300659 SE [ en ] Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32