Study Programme 29 - Geography
29.03. Bachelor's Degree Programme Geography (Curriculum 2007)
29.02. Teacher Training Programme "Geography and Economics" (School Curriculum Subject)
29.01. Geography
29.04. Doctoral programme (Branch "Geography", including Physical and Human Geography, Regional Science and Regional Planning, Cartography and Geographic Information Science)
- 290185 SE Research Seminar (for Graduate Students who will receive a doctorate)
- 290186 SE Seminar for Graduate Students (Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology)
- 290187 SE Seminar for Graduate Students (Human Geography and Regional Geography)
- 290188 SE Seminar for Graduate Students (Applied Geography and Regional Planning)
- 290009 VO+KO Communication and Difference. Introduction into the "Theory of Social Systems" by Niklas Luhmann - (Part 2)
- 290109 PS Globalization and World Society. Processes, Developments and Constraints (Part 2)
- 290172 KO Conversation class Globalization & World Society. Processes, Developments & Constraints (Part 2)
- 290036 RV Lecture series: Risk research - A interdisciplinary dialogue - (in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft)
- 290142 RV Lecture Series: Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe III
- 290169 VU [ en ] European Spatial Planning - Background and Prospects
- 290022 KO Colloquium for Geomorphology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34