41 - Doctoral Studies Programme Historical and Cultural Studies
Das Curriculum für das Doktoratsstudium der Philosophie in Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften, Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaften ist mit Oktober 2009 in Kraft getreten: Curriculum
Interdisciplinary Courses
- 410001 SE Life traces: Biographical reserarch - discourses and practises - Interdisciplinary doctoral seminar
- 410002 SE SE: Theories and methods in PhD-projects in the realms of social, cultural and economic history - Interdisciplinary PhD-seminar
- 410004 SE Medieval Visions of Community - historical and anthropological approaches - Key texts and sources on the role of religious, ethnic and political communities in medieval Europe and the Islamic world in comparison
- 410005 SE Interdisciplinary doctoral seminar: The meaning of things - Material culture in archaeological and cultural-historical context
- 410006 FKO [ de en ] The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts - Interdisciplinary Colloquium for doctoral candidates
Courses of Studies Programme 6
Courses of Studies Programme 7 - History
Courses of Studies Programme 8
Courses of Studies Programme 9
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37