41 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Historical and Cultural Studies
Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies
- 410001 FKO Colloquium of the research cluster "Social and Economic Spaces"
- 410002 FKO [ en ] Transformation
- 410003 SE Dissertationcolloquium Women´s and Genderhistory
- 410005 SE From Tombstones to AI. Methodological reflections on the production, function and use of texts
- 410006 SE [ de en ] Tracing identity: material and context
- 410007 SE "Holy". Approaches to study devotion. From prehistory to the present
- 410010 FKO [ de en ] Mobility and migration from an archaeological and cultural-historical perspective
- 410011 SE Multidisciplinary East European Studies: Methods, Techniques and Approaches
Prehistory and Historical Archaeology - Egyptology - Jewish Studies
History of Art and Architecture - European Ethnology
Antiquity Sciences
Courses of other Faculties
- 010086 SE [ en ] Eastern Orthodox Liturgics - Issues of orthodox liturgics and sacramental theology
Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44