3.5. Didactics of mathematics
- 250036 VO School mathematics 3 (Applied mathematics)
- 250037 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 3 (Applied mathematics)
- 250038 VO School mathematics 4 (Vector calculus)
- 250014 VO School mathematics 5 (Stochastics)
- 250015 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 5 (Stochastics)
- 250012 KO Aspects of teaching mathematics
- 250040 SE Seminar (Work in schools)
- 250041 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250042 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250129 SE Seminar on mathematics education
- 250068 KO Gender aspects in teaching mathematics
- 250043 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 250044 SE Seminar on planning teaching units
- 250039 UE Tutorial: School mathematics 4 (Vector calculus)
Last modified: Fr 30.11.2018 01:59