D. Diploma Programme [UnIStG] - German Philology
Das Diplomstudium ist noch bis zum Jahr 2013 gültig, Umsteigemöglichkeiten finden Sie auf der Webseite der Studienprogrammleitung (http://spl.univie.ac.at/spl10 ).Das DaF-Modul kann wie bisher absolviert werden, siehe dazu Kapitel 9.
1. Introductory Phase
2. Basics of German Philology
2.1. Scientific Research Techniques
2.2. Text Analysis
2.3. Text Production
2.4. Rhetoric
2.5. Theory of Literature
2.6. Literature and Media
2.7. Introduction to Germanistic Linguistics
2.8. Grammar of Present-Day Language
2.9. Middle High German Grammar
3. Lectures in the First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
3.1. Old German Literature
3.2. New German Literature
- 100059 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100061 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Ernst-Jandl-Dozentur für Poetik: Marcel Beyer
- 100062 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100063 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100064 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100065 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100066 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100067 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100068 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100069 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Gattungsvielfalt der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (KJL)
- 100070 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100243 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
3.3. German Language
3.3. German as a Foreign/Second Language
4. Conversatoriums in the First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
4.1. Conversatorium History of Language
4.2. Conversatorium History of Literature 750-1500
4.3. Conversatorium History of Literature 1500-1770/80
4.4. Conversatorium History of Literature 1770/80-1945
4.5. Conversatorium History of Literature 1848-1945
4.6. Conversatorium History of Literature 1945 until Present Day
5. Proseminars
5.1. New German Literature
5.2. Old German Literature
5.3. Linguistics
5.4. Tutorial German as a Foreign/Second Language
6. Seminars
6.1. Old German Literature
6.2. New German Literature
6.3. German Language
6.4. German as a Foreign/Second Language
7. Seminars (and Conversatoriums) for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
7.1. Old German Literature
7.2. New German Literature
7.3. German Language
7.4. German as a Foreign/Second Language
8. Elective Courses
9. Emphasis on German as a Foreign Language/German as a Second Language
9.1. Basic Questions
9.2. Language Acquisition
9.3. Language Teaching
9.4. Grammar
9.5. Regional Studies
9.6. Language Policy
9.7. Conversatoriums and Practical Training
10. Additional Courses
11. Specialist Tutorials
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38