09: Emphasis 7: Gender-specific Aspects of Development Research
- 140214 SE SE IE - VM6 - VM7 Interculturality and Development Co-operation: a Transdisciplinary Approach - Between Geopolitical Interests, Civic Resistance and Humanitarian Crisis: the Western Sahara Conflict
- 140220 SE T IV - VM4 - VM7 NGO-Activists and Soldiers as Photographers - Feminized and Colonized Images of Famine and War
- 140223 SE [ en ] T IV - VM3 - VM7 - Feminist Political Ecology
- 140224 SE SE IE - VM2 - VM7 Gender, Economics & Postcolonial Critique
- 140565 SE [ en ] T IV - VM4 - VM7 - Reconsidering Home (engl.)
- 140142 VO Feminist Approaches to Development - Critical Perspectives / Political Interventions / Global Challenges
- 070086 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2 - Sexualität im 20. Jahrhundert - Globale Perspektiven und internationale Entwicklung
- 140185 SE Conversion Narratives and Gender Constructions in 19th Century South Africa
- 140296 PS Introductory Seminar History and Literature - Discourses on Gender and Nigeria in Narratives and Scholarship
- 230102 SE Gender and Globalisation - Genderaspekte ökonomischer Globalisierung. Analysen und Perspektiven
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38