BAM Bachelor Module
- 010015 BA Texts on current problems of Philosophical Anthropology
- 010030 BA Are Conflicts Inevitable? - Religious Freedom as Question and Challenge
- 010033 BA The Church in the massmedia - Kirchenrechtliche Analyse von Berichten über kirchliche Themen in Printmedien
- 010037 BA Making Music for Church Services: Sacred Music - Church Music - Liturgical Music
- 010042 BA The idea of church in elected spiritual writings
- 010044 BA On the margin of the knowable - Erkenntnis, Geist und Rationalität bei Nikolaus Cusanus
- 010049 BA Celebration of the Sacraments of the Sick and Dying
- 010053 BA Judith in the Bible and her reception history
- 010063 BA The Crusades - a Christian Djihad? - Controversial Issues in Church History II
- 010066 SE Eschatology and History
- 010089 BA Auschwitz - a commanding word. Elie Wiesel - Johann Baptist Metz - Friedrich Wilhelm Marquardt
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:51