Universität Wien

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

490004 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Blended-Learning in Secondary Education
490005 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Schulrealität in Theorie und Praxis
490006 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Reformpädagogische Ansätze und Methoden und deren Umsetzung im Schulalltag
490007 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lernen aus der Perspektive der Pädagogik
490036 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lernen als bildende Erfahrung
490040 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Zwischen Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
490041 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Zwischen Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
490049 SE Multilingualism Curriculum - the significance of language in learning processes I. elementary qualification for student teachers of all subjects
490075 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - An introduction to multicultural education
490083 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Classroom Management in difficult teaching situations
490085 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Differentiation and individualisation
490115 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Learning as experience that is mindful of learning
490134 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Drama in education- Why? Theory and practice of drama in education
490312 SE Reflection and learning in Action - Reflection and learning in Action
490396 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Pedagogical topics within music education
490003 SE prescientific writing - Didactics of pre-scholarly writing I
490009 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Diversity centered school opening
490086 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Intercultural Education and Counseling from a critical intercultural education perspective
490088 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Theoretical and practical aspects for teaching: How to deal with activity, aggression and sexuality of adolescent. Teaching in uncertain times.
490090 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Diversity centered school opening
490091 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Differentiation and Normalisation in the Educating and Consulting
490129 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Pedagogical topics within music education
490136 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Contributions of Clinical psychology. Conflicts, crisis, trauma.
490179 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Beobachten - Verstehen - Beraten
490312 SE Reflection and learning in Action - Reflection and learning in Action
490321 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The area of conflict between different abilities in the classroom: from average to high ability, etc...
490002 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Wirksamkeit zusätzlicher Bewegung im Unterricht auf die Konzentrationsleistung von Jugendlichen
490050 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Mit System! Qualitätsentwicklung im Humanberuflichen Schulwesen
490094 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - schools and teaching development
490095 SE [de en] Theory and practical experience of school development - Empirical insights: Team teaching in bilingual education
490096 SE [de en] Theory and practical experience of school development - Multilingualism at school and in class
490102 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
490103 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Implementation of educational innovation
490104 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Praxisforschung: E-Learning
490119 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Inquiry-based Learning supported by EU projects
490130 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Diversity in School and School Development
490144 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
490148 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Challenges of school development from the perspective of practice
490199 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Qualitätsentwicklung auf Schul- und Systemebene
490201 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Praxisforschung: Lerncoachingprogramm
490218 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Setting up a School! The Process of School Development Planning.
490221 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Praxisforschung: Kompetenzorientierung im Unterricht
490265 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Implementation of educational innovation
490266 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - A school is not an island
490355 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Relevant law in day-to-day school life
490656 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Knowledge Creation in Practice
490863 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Introduction in Practical research training
490003 SE prescientific writing - Didactics of pre-scholarly writing I

Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:36