BM 03 Advanced Compulsory Module Group
BM 03,1 Medieval and Early German Literature
Exercise Course: Middle High German
- 100010 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100011 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100012 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100013 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100014 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100015 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100016 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
Proseminar Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100052 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100053 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100054 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100055 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature - Die älteste deutschsprachige Liebeslyrik
- 100056 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
BM 03,2 Modern German Literature
Exercise Course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100024 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100025 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100026 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100027 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100028 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100029 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100030 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100031 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100032 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
Proseminar Modern German Literature
- 100057 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100058 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100059 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature - Nach Libretti von Hugo von Hofmannsthal
- 100060 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100061 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100062 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100063 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100064 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature - Identitätsbilder und Entfremdungsmuster in Herta Müllers Prosa
- 100065 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature - Notizen, Momentaufnahmen, kleine literarische Formen
- 100066 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100067 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
BM 03,3 Linguistics
Exercise Course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100017 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100018 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100019 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100020 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100021 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100022 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100023 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
Proseminar Linguistics
- 100068 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100069 PS Proseminar: Linguistics - Die pragmatische Dimension der Sprachvariation
- 100070 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100071 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100072 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100073 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100074 PS Proseminar: Linguistics - Ist die Dekonstruktion der Geschlechter in der Sprache angekommen?
BM 03,4 German as Foreign/Second Language
- 100179 VO 10 DaF/DaZ MM 2 LG 2.1 Linguistic and Didactic Grammar German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100197 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100201 PS Grundgrammatik DaF/DaZ. Ein Überblick
Lecture Course Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100179 VO 10 DaF/DaZ MM 2 LG 2.1 Linguistic and Didactic Grammar German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100197 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
Proseminar German as Foreign/Second Language
- 100179 VO 10 DaF/DaZ MM 2 LG 2.1 Linguistic and Didactic Grammar German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100199 VO 10 DaF/DaZ MM 2 LG 2.1 Linguistic and Didactic Grammar German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100202 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100203 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100204 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100205 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
Studies Programme 10 - German Studies
Lecture Courses
Modern German Literature
- 100039 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100040 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100044 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100045 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100046 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100047 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Geschlechterfragen in der Literatur/Wissenschaft I
- 100048 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100049 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100050 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Wahrnehmung und Einbildungskraft vom 18. bis zum frühen 20. Jahrhundert
- 100051 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Geschichte der deutschen Literatur
- 100124 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100125 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100223 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100006 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100007 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100008 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature - Eine kulturgeschichtliche Annäherung
- 100009 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100041 VO Lecture course: Literary History I
- 100120 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 100121 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 100122 VO Lecture course: Linguistics - Vom Germanischen zum Frühneuhochdeutschen
German as Foreign/Second Language
- 100179 VO 10 DaF/DaZ MM 2 LG 2.1 Linguistic and Didactic Grammar German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100197 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100198 VO 10 DaF/DaZ MM 2 LG 2.1 Linguistic and Didactic Grammar German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100199 VO 10 DaF/DaZ MM 2 LG 2.1 Linguistic and Didactic Grammar German as a Foreign/Second Language
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38