Universität Wien

3. Required Modules Eras, Aspects, Areas

Das Wahlmodul, das in der Wahlmodulgruppe 1 abgewählt wird, steht in der Wahlmodul 2 als zusätzliche Wahlmöglichkeit zur Verfügung.

070199 GR Guided Reading - Law and Gender: Marriage as a field of research
070200 GR Guided Reading - Spaces of gender
070211 GR Guided Reading - For Wage and Love: Basic Problems regarding the History of Wage and Family Work by Women
070007 GR Guided Reading - Media Histories (20th, 21st Century)
070012 GR Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources
070028 GR Guided Reading - Chronicle records of Early and High Middle Ages
070094 GR Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources
070106 GR Guided Reading - Structures of Communication and the Public Sphere in the Middle Ages
070137 GR Guided Reading - Sources and Methods of Russian History
070186 GR [en] Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources
070264 GR Guided Reading - Vom byzantinischen Reich zur post-sowjetischen GUS: Perspektiven auf die historische Imperienforschung
070136 GR Guided Reading - Diplomatic Service
070137 GR Guided Reading - Sources and Methods of Russian History
070176 GR Guided Reading - Religion(s) in East European History
070264 GR Guided Reading - Vom byzantinischen Reich zur post-sowjetischen GUS: Perspektiven auf die historische Imperienforschung
070005 GR Guided Reading - Austrian History since 1918: Political marks 1918, 1927, 1934, 1938, 1945
070012 GR Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources
070028 GR Guided Reading - Chronicle records of Early and High Middle Ages
070048 GR Guided Reading - Nobility in medieval Europe
070094 GR Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources
070137 GR Guided Reading - Sources and Methods of Russian History
070186 GR [en] Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources
070200 GR Guided Reading - Spaces of gender
070226 GR Guided Reading - History of Austria since 1918
070282 GR Guided Reading - Austrian Africa-Policy from the Era of Kreisky (1970-1983) until today: Coexistence, Policy of Neutrality, Third world (Nonaligned Countries), Development Cooperation
070223 KU Sources and Methods of the History of Science - Concepts of the sciences in historical and cultural contexts: 19th and 20th Century
070225 GR Guided Reading - Sources, Theories and Methods of historical Research in Early Modern History

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38