Second Stage of the Degree Programme
ZUR BEACHTUNG: WICHTIGE INFORMATION DER SPL 49/LEHRERINNENBILDUNG!Sehr geehrte Studierende!Die Studienprogrammleitung hat erfahren, dass derzeit eine gewisse Unsicherheit unter den Studierenden besteht, was die Regelung der Seminare und Vorlesungen im zweiten Studienabschnitt betrifft. Daher folgende Information:Sie müssen zwei und nur zwei Seminare im 2. Abschnitt absolvieren. Verpflichtend ist ein Seminar zur Schulentwicklung. Für das zweite Seminar können Sie aus den Bereichen "Lehren und Lernen", "Erziehen und Beraten" und dem Wahlpflichtfach wählen. In der Konsequenz bedeutet das: Wenn Sie auch das Wahlpflichtfach bereits als Seminar absolviert haben, benötigen Sie aus den Bereichen "Lehren und Lernen" und "Erziehen und Beraten" kein Seminar mehr!Sollte also die Kombination "Schulentwicklung" (als Seminar verpflichtend: es muss noch nicht absolviert sein; heuer sind noch Plätze frei) und das Wahlpflichtfach als Seminar absolviert auf Sie zutreffen, möchte die SPL Sie ganz dringlich darum bitten, dass Sie sich kurzfristig von einem dritten Seminar, das Sie jetzt belegt haben, wieder abmelden und auf die angebotenen Vorlesungen ausweichen. Das wäre ein gutes Zeichen der Fairness gegenüber Ihren Kolleg/innen, die dringend noch ein zweites Seminar benötigen!Ich hoffe, dass damit bestehende Unsicherheiten aufgelöst sind, und danke der engagierten Studierenden, die mich gestern darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat.Barbara Schneider-Taylor, Studienprogrammleiterin SPL 49
2.1. § Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 490007 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lernen aus der Perspektive der Pädagogik
- 490012 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Looking for the Fruitful Moments of Learning in School
- 490017 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Medienpädagogik und -didaktik in der Schulpraxis
- 490036 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lernen als bildende Erfahrung
- 490049 SE Multilingualism Curriculum - the significance of language in learning processes I. elementary qualification for student teachers of all subjects
- 490062 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Zwischen Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
- 490063 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Zwischen Lernschwäche und Hochbegabung
- 490081 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Videography-based analysis of classroom interactions and teacher action
- 490113 SE Multilingualism Curriculum - the significance of language in learning processes I. elementary qualification for student teachers of all subjects.
- 490116 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Progressive Education Concepts
- 490131 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Einführung in Lerntheorien und Didaktik
- 490182 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - eine Einführung
- 490396 SE Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Pedagogical topics within music education
2.2. § Theory and practical experience of educating and consulting (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 490033 SE prescientific writing - Didactics of pre-scholarly writing II
- 490084 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnosis and learning disability and high giftedness
- 490086 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - educational diagnosis and learning disability and high giftedness
- 490089 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Beobachten - Verstehen - Beraten
- 490099 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Case Analysis The Pedagogical Relationship: Teaching and Educating as an Interpersonal Process
- 490104 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Classroom Management in challenging teaching situations
- 490107 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Classroom Management in schwierigen Unterrichtssituationen
- 490129 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Pedagogical topics within music education
- 490135 SE [ en ] Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
- 490168 SE [ en ] Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Introduction to the global education approach
2.3. § Theory and practical experience of school development (SE 2 SST) (5 CP)
- 490002 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Praxisforschungsseminar
- 490004 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - School Development towards a Culture of Recognition
- 490005 SE Equity in Education
- 490008 SE Theory and practical experience of school development
- 490031 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Diversity Management and Organizational Development
- 490032 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Qualitative research for teachers
- 490037 SE Theory and practical experience of school development
- 490050 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Mit System! Qualitätsentwicklung am Beispiel des Humanberuflichen Schulwesens
- 490053 SE [ en ] Theory and practical experience of school development
- 490082 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - School Development Processes - why, how and what for?
- 490092 SE Theory and practical experience of school development
- 490094 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - schools and teaching development
- 490095 SE [ de en ] Theory and practical experience of school development - Empirical insights: Team teaching in bilingual education
- 490096 SE [ de en ] Theory and practical experience of school development - Multilingualism at school and in class
- 490097 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Praxisforschungsseminar - soziale, personale und emotionale Kompetenzen
- 490100 SE Theory and practical experience of school development
- 490101 SE Theory and practical experience of school development
- 490102 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
- 490103 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Implementation of educational innovation
- 490117 SE Theory and practical experience of school development
- 490119 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Inquiry-based Learning supported by EU projects
- 490124 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Pre-academic writing
- 490127 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Dealing with Diversity
- 490130 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Diversity in School and School Development
- 490137 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - school development
- 490144 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Practical research training with cooperating schools
- 490147 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Space and Pedagogics
- 490148 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Challenges of school development from the perspective of practice
- 490184 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - eine Einführung
- 490191 SE Theory and practical experience of school development
- 490201 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Praxisforschung: Lerncoachingprogramm
- 490266 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - A school is not an island
- 490355 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Relevant law in day-to-day school life
- 490863 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Introduction in Practical research training
2.4. § Elective Course (2 SST) (3 CP)
- 490033 SE prescientific writing - Didactics of pre-scholarly writing II
- 490114 UE Peer Mentoring in Teacher Education - Training and Supervision
Practical School Training
3.3. Subject Specific Practicum (3 SST) (5 CP)
Educational science based reflection on teaching practice
Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:37