Universität Wien

I.4. Compulsory Elective Courses

170340 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Von den Großen Dionysien bis zur Medienperformance - Stationen der Europäischen Theatergeschichte
170501 UE Film Curatorship II - Film Begets Film
170502 UE Practice of audiovisual forming - getting ideas on air
170509 VU Stage costume - Introduction, analysis and Concept
170510 UE To grap an idea
170518 VU Media as archive - Creative strategies of past (re)production II.
170519 VU Between affirmation and subversion Theatre history of East Germany (GDR) - - Ein Beitrag zur anderen deutschen Theatergeschichte
170521 VU The author as producer (Diagonale 2014) - Einblicke in Geschichte und Stand alternativer Bildproduktion in Österreich. (Diagonale 2014)
170524 VU Producing radio plays and audio books - the basics of working in the studio
170525 VU Introduction to the work of agencies of playwrights - with particular emphasis on copyrightquestions and -problems
170528 VU femal comedy?
170529 UE "Trans Gender Moves" - Dramaturgies of Queer Politics in Performance and (Music)-Theatre
170537 UE Unter Druck

Last modified: Th 19.12.2019 02:03