02. Vertiefung: Seminare
- 070002 SE Seminar - Europe in the 18th Century
- 070051 SE Seminar - Writing History: Literature and Contemporary History
- 070058 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Die Erfindung der Freizeit
- 070078 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Kulturtransfers und Akkulturationsphänomene im Mittelmeerraum und in der islamischen Welt zwischen 1250 und 1650
- 070086 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Ländliche Gesellschaften im östlichen Mitteleuropa 1300-1800: Beispiel einer langfristigen "Unterentwicklung"?
- 070099 SE [ en ] Seminar Specialisation - Bauernaufstände zwischen dem 16. und dem (langen) 19. Jahrhundert
- 070102 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Geschichte der Sexualität im 18.-20. Jahrhundert
- 070142 SE Seminar - Towns and Markets. Global trade and local production in South Germany and Austria (17th/18 Centuries)
- 070151 SE Seminar - Sovereignty, society and politics in german-speaking areas in the middle ages
- 070196 SE Specialisation: - Kinship and Gender. Entangled Relations in late medieval and early modern Europ
- 070198 SE Specialisation: - Reading and writing texts
- 070213 SE Specialisation 2: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Film Noir between Exile Research, Film History and Cultural Studies
- 070214 SE Specialisation 1 or 2 - Fascism in Europe
- 070216 SE Specialisation 1 or 2: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - "The World's Most Significant Other": democracies, dictatorships and transatlantic prejudices in 20th and 21st century
- 070265 SE [ en ] Seminar Specialisation 2 - The Congress of Vienna and its global Dimension.
- 070273 SE Seminar - Narrating the past - approaches to historiography, 400-1200
- 070280 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I - History of Universities in Central, East and South-Easter Europe as a Global History
- 070282 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I and II - Desaster: Violence, Catastrophes and Genocide in Eastern Europe
- 070283 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I - Symbols of Power against Power of Symbols
- 070289 SE Seminar - Europe in the 18th Century
- 070294 SE Vienna and the Empresses - Agency of Princely Women in Early Modern Times
- 070297 SE Seminar - Internationale Beziehungen in der Frühen Neuzeit (ca. 1500-1714/15).
- 070311 SE Seminar - Staatskunst oder Kulturstaat? Die Kunstpolitik im staatlichen Selbstverständnis der Donaumonarchie
- 070319 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I - Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
- 070324 SE Pornographie und Kunst: Annäherungen und Distanzierungen (16. bis 21.Jh.) - Seminar findet an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien statt!
- 070383 SE Seminar Specialisation 1 or 2 - University of Vienna - 20th century history
- 070390 SE Seminar - "The Balkan for the Balkan People". Intraregional space concepts and political Projects of Balkan elites, 19th-21st century.
Last modified: Sa 12.03.2022 01:04