B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies
- 140252 SE Dissertation Course
01. Compulsory Module 1: Principles of Development Research
- 140369 VO GM1 Principles of Development Research
- 140375 KU GM2 Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture
- 140377 KU GM2 Development Policy and Development Cooperation Architecture - Post -2015-Agenda Neuanfang oder Ende der EZA-Diskussion?
- 140379 KU GM3 Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - De/Constructing ‚Modern Man‘: Revisiting Concepts of Subjectivity and Society in Modernization Theories
- 140380 KU GM3 Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 140364 VO GM4 - Theories of Science and Critique of Scientific Practices
02. Compulsory Module 2: Methods of Developmetn Research
- 140223 UE MM1 Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140381 UE MM1 Methods of Quantitative Research
- 140227 UE MM1 Methods of Qualitative Research
- 140368 UE MM1 - Methods of Qualitative Research
03. Emphasis Transdisciplinary Developmetn Research
03. Emphasis 1: Political aspects of development research (VM1)
- 140228 SE VM1 - VM6 - Democratization through Law? - Social Movements and Constitutionalism in Thailand and Myanmar/Burma since 2006
- 140533 SE VM1 - VM6 - Social and Political Transformation Processes in the Middle East
- 140401 SE [ en ] VM1 - VM2 International Environment and Economic Development
- 140192 VO Colonialism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Debates, and Themes of Discussion
- 140196 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
- 210318 VO M4 a: International Politics and Development
- 140075 PS Political Resistance Movements in Modern Nepal
- 140147 VO India - Pakistan. Analysis of a Difficult Relationship
04. Emphasis 2: Economic aspects of development research (VM2)
- 140246 SE [ en ] VM2 - VM7 - Gender, Economics & Postcolonial Critique
- 140231 SE [ en ] VM2 - VM5 Water and Irrigation in International Development
- 140401 SE [ en ] VM1 - VM2 International Environment and Economic Development
- 040052 VO Disproportionate Exchange (MA)
- 040128 SE International Capital Flows, Debt Overhang, and Development (MA)(SE)
- 040023 VO+UE [ en ] Decision and Game Theory (BA)
- 140192 VO Colonialism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Debates, and Themes of Discussion
- 140196 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
- 210318 VO M4 a: International Politics and Development
- 040040 FK KFK ORPE: Solidary Economic
05. Emphasis 3: Sociological Aspects of Development Research
- 140242 SE VM3 - VM7 Migration and Gender
- 140234 SE VM3 - VM6 - The European Union: On the Sociology of European Borders - Transnationalisation and Mobility in and towards Europe
- 140233 VO+UE VM3 - VM7 - Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140253 SE Nation. History of a Social Construction
- 140232 SE VM3 - VM8 - Natural Resources, Food Security, and Food Sovereignty
- 140192 VO Colonialism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Debates, and Themes of Discussion
- 140196 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
- 030464 VO Equality/Diversity - Gleichheit und Ungleichheit
- 230063 VO+SE Sociology of Migration
- 230065 SE Tourism and sustainable development in Nepal
- 230148 WS Diagnosis of Society: Global interdependence - The relevance of colonialism
06. Emphasis 4: Cultural Studies Aspects of Development Research
- 140240 VO+UE VM4 - VM7 - Imagery Production and Victimization - Genderpolitik und -Ethik des Sehens im internationalen Zusammenhang
- 140247 SE VM4 - VM8 - Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- 140330 VO+UE VM4 - VM5 - Racism
- 140390 SE VM4 - VM5 - The French Connection: Postcolonial (Hi)stories, and Theories - Development Criticism by Francophone Authors
- 140272 SE VM4 - VM5 - Genocide in Rwanda 1994 - (Post)Koloniale Vorgeschichte und Verlauf
- 140192 VO Colonialism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Debates, and Themes of Discussion
- 140196 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
- 010128 BA Human rights in cross-cultural perspective
- 230046 VO Picture Theories from a Sociological Pespective. Basic Concepts and Developments
- 230148 WS Diagnosis of Society: Global interdependence - The relevance of colonialism
- 140138 VO "Honor me I sing to you" - Life histories in Africa
- 140359 VO [ en ] Southern African Cinematography - 1913 - Present, Colonialism through Autocracy to Democracy
07. Emphasis 5: Historical Aspects of Development Research
- 140272 SE VM4 - VM5 - Genocide in Rwanda 1994 - (Post)Koloniale Vorgeschichte und Verlauf
- 140333 SE VM5 - VM6 - Local Ressources or Global Merchandise?
- 140330 VO+UE VM4 - VM5 - Racism
- 140390 SE VM4 - VM5 - The French Connection: Postcolonial (Hi)stories, and Theories - Development Criticism by Francophone Authors
- 140253 SE Nation. History of a Social Construction
- 140326 VO+UE T IV - VM5 - VM8 - Colonial Discontinuities - in Entwicklungsdiskurs und Praktiken
- 140231 SE [ en ] VM2 - VM5 Water and Irrigation in International Development
- 140187 VO Landgrabbing in historical and global perspective
- 140255 VO [ de en es ] VM5, VM6 - Cuba historical and recent developments
- 140192 VO Colonialism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Debates, and Themes of Discussion
- 140196 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
- 140138 VO "Honor me I sing to you" - Life histories in Africa
- 140151 KU Life histories in Africa - Readings
- 070203 EX [ en ] Excursion - Excursion to Andalusia, Gibraltar, and Ceuta (Northern Africa)
- 070208 FS Research Module Contemporary History - The consequences of war and psychiatry
- 070004 VO Specialisation 1 or 2: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - "The World's Most Significant Other": Demokratien, Diktaturen und die Geschichte der transatlantischen Vorurteile im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- 070216 SE Specialisation 1 or 2: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - "The World's Most Significant Other": democracies, dictatorships and transatlantic prejudices in 20th and 21st century
08. Emphasis 6: Geographic and Regional Aspects of Development Research
- 140228 SE VM1 - VM6 - Democratization through Law? - Social Movements and Constitutionalism in Thailand and Myanmar/Burma since 2006
- 140234 SE VM3 - VM6 - The European Union: On the Sociology of European Borders - Transnationalisation and Mobility in and towards Europe
- 140333 SE VM5 - VM6 - Local Ressources or Global Merchandise?
- 140533 SE VM1 - VM6 - Social and Political Transformation Processes in the Middle East
- 140255 VO [ de en es ] VM5, VM6 - Cuba historical and recent developments
- 140187 VO Landgrabbing in historical and global perspective
- 140196 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
- 140192 VO Colonialism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Debates, and Themes of Discussion
- 140075 PS Political Resistance Movements in Modern Nepal
- 140147 VO India - Pakistan. Analysis of a Difficult Relationship
- 140151 KU Life histories in Africa - Readings
- 140241 KU Youth, Language, City
- 140359 VO [ en ] Southern African Cinematography - 1913 - Present, Colonialism through Autocracy to Democracy
09: Emphasis 7: Gender-specific Aspects of Development Research
- 140233 VO+UE VM3 - VM7 - Migration Management: Logics of Differentiation
- 140240 VO+UE VM4 - VM7 - Imagery Production and Victimization - Genderpolitik und -Ethik des Sehens im internationalen Zusammenhang
- 140242 SE VM3 - VM7 Migration and Gender
- 140246 SE [ en ] VM2 - VM7 - Gender, Economics & Postcolonial Critique
- 140192 VO Colonialism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Debates, and Themes of Discussion
- 140196 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
- 140254 SE [ en ] VM7 - Gender in Higher Education (engl.)
- 230072 SE Gender and Globalisation
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
10. Emphasis 8: Areas of Practice and Applied Develpmetn Cooperation
- 140232 SE VM3 - VM8 - Natural Resources, Food Security, and Food Sovereignty
- 140247 SE VM4 - VM8 - Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- 140326 VO+UE T IV - VM5 - VM8 - Colonial Discontinuities - in Entwicklungsdiskurs und Praktiken
- 140331 VO+UE P II - VM8 - How to Draft Project Proposals
- 010105 BA What does Caritas do all day long? - On the Contributions of "Caritas" to Convivenz in Justice and Plurality
- 230166 TR Project Management and Evaluation
- 140192 VO Colonialism: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Debates, and Themes of Discussion
- 140196 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 230159 SE Networks for women in science and research
- 230165 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
11. Transdisciplinary Research Module
- 140248 UE FM1: Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design
- 140386 FS FM1 - Research Seminar (Part 1) - Research Design - Archives of Helping? The 'Middle Ages' of Austrian Development Cooperation
- 140383 FS FM2: Research Seminar (Part 2) - Zwischen, quer und jenseits. Kultur - Bildung - Migration in transdisziplinärer Forschungspraxis
- 140394 FS FM2: Research Seminar (Part 2) - Ernährung und Esskultur. Vielfalt und Unsicherheit in globalen Zusammenhängen
12: Master Module
- 140251 MAKU [ de en ] Master Course
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38
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1. Anmeldephase (Hauptanmeldung)
20.2.2014 10h bis 3.3.2014 10h2. Anmeldephase (Um-, Ab- und Nachmeldungen für eventuell freie Plätze) :
4.3.2014 10h bis 6.3.2014 10h