Universität Wien

B [2]. Masterstudium Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie

060118 PR [en] Selected themes of archaeological prospection and landscape archaeology: - processing, visualisation and semi-automatic classification of Remote Sensing data and terrain analysis and data processing
060119 PR Selected themes of landscape archaeology: - GIS applications in landscape archaeology
060056 PV Privatissimum
060062 PV Privatissimum
060064 PV Privatissimum
060078 PV Privatissimum
060089 PV Privatissimum
060093 PV Privatissimum
060094 PV Privatissimum
060095 PV Privatissimum
060065 VO Situlenkunst
060096 VO Akrotiri
060082 VU [en] Selected themes of archaeological prospection and landscape archaeology: - GIS methods and applications in archaeology
060083 VU Selected themes of archaeological prospection and landscape archaeology: - prospection methods in geoarchaeology
060088 EX Excursion (4 days) - Sweden
060108 EX Excursion (6 days) - Archäologie in Burgund

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38