UF EN 08a Alternative Module Advanced Literature and Cultural Studies
Wahl eines Alternativen Pflichtmoduls (UF EN 08a ODER UF EN 08b)
- 123041 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature/ Literary Studies - Australia: Tales of Frontier Violence
- 123042 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature - Pacific Crossings: The Chinese Immigrant Experience in America
- 123043 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature - The Joys and Pains of Love in English Literature: From the Late Middle Ages to the Present
- 123044 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature - "Vibrant Matters": The Tales Things Tell
- 123045 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature - No laughing matter: Analysing humour in literature
- 123046 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature - From Victorianism to Modernism
- 123047 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - The Mother/Daughter Plot: Literary Renderings of a Complex Relationship
- 124260 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Culture / Media / Images: Analyzing Media Visuality in Contemporary Culture
- 124261 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - You like this - Thinking about New Media and English Studies
- 124262 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Between the ambitious Femme Fatale and the reluctant Tough Guy: Gender fantasies and the question of identity in Film Noir
- 124263 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Bigger, better, faster, more? Media Spectacles and Critical Media Literacy
- 124264 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Resistance! Media and Protest from Banksy to Pussy Riot
- 124265 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Tracing "the Myth" in Systems of Dominant Cultures. Myth and Critical Media Literacy
- 124266 KO [ en ] Critical Media Analysis - Tracing the fit and healthy body?
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39