PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Women's and Gender History
- 070055 VO Lecture (PM4) - Human Rights - Women`s Rights? Human Rights and Gender from the Early Modern Period until Today
- 070062 SE Seminar (PM4) - Sound History.
- 070082 SE Seminar (PM4) - Urban Communities - Communities in Urban Space
- 070086 AR Methoden-Workshop 1: Interpretation und Analyse von Texten - Food policy. Parliamentary debates and supreme court decisions on food control
- 070089 SE Seminar (PM4) - Gender Relations - Emancipation - Transformation: 1917 ff.
- 070115 KU Methodenkurs - Sexuelle Gewalt in der Geschichte im Lichte neuerer Forschungsansätze
- 070146 KU KU Methodenkurs - qualitative and quantitative methods used in historical studies
- 070183 VO Lecture (PM4) - House, household and family in historical and global comparison
- 070282 SE Seminar (PM4) - Female and Gender History of the Sowiet Union and the Russian Federation
- 070284 SE Seminar (PM4) - Von der Kunst in die Drogerie, Körperästhetik zwischen Kunst und Alltag
- 070291 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) -Anerkennung - Haus, Haushalt und Familie im historischen und globalen Vergleich
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39