30.02. Teacher Training Programme: Biology and Environmental Studies
(neu, kombinationspflichtig)
A. Bachelor degree programme
- 300164 UE Diversity and systematics of plants for ecologists, part 2 - Exercise in two parallel courses
UF BU 01. StEOP - Introduction in Biology
- 300001 VO STEOP:B-BIO 1 Introductory Lecture in Biology I - Anthropology, ecology, palaeobiology, plant sciences and zoology
- 300196 VO Introduction in Biology Education
UF BU 02. Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology
- 300002 VO STEOP: B-BIO 2 Introductory Lecture in Biology II - biochemistry, cellbiology, genetics and microbiology
UF BU 03. Biological Paradigms
- 300017 VO Topics in Sexual Biology
- 300210 VO Evolution and Development
UF BU 04. Planet earth and its history
- 300172 VO Basics in Earth Sciences
UF BU 05. Zoology - Form, function and diversity
UF BU 06. Plant Sciences - Form, function and diversity
UF BU 07. Ecology
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - in mehreren Parallelen
UF BU 08. Human biology and evolution
- 300151 VO Human Evolutionary Biology
- 300298 VO Physiology for anthropologists
UF BU 09. Didactics in Biology
- 300005 PP Interdisciplinary Project Practical for Teachers: Living Animals in the Classroom
- 300100 PP Interdisciplinary Project LA - BU: Field ecology class (birds, amphibians & wetlands)
- 300259 PP Interdisciplinary Project for teacher candidates
- 300260 PP Interdisciplinary Project Practical for Teachers: Examine Food Safety Standards
- 300312 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Evolution and Ethics
- 300437 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Evolution and Knowledge
- 300527 UE+EX Didactics in field biology
- 300528 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: environmental protection
UF BU 10. Optional subjects
- 300023 VO Higher Plant diversity and phylogeny
- 300025 VO [ de en ] Fundamentals in Limnology
- 300028 SE+EX EX to voices of Austrian birds
- 300036 VO [ en ] Molecular Evolution
- 300055 VO Palaeodiversity of plants
- 300077 UE Systematics and ecology of macromycetes
- 300092 VO Genetics for Biologists
- 300098 VO Animal Anatomy , Phylogeny and Evolution
- 300099 VO Marine ecosystems of earth history
- 300102 VO Basics in Vertebrate Palaeontology
- 300106 VO Anatomy 3 - morphology of the human skull and neuroanatomy
- 300122 VO [ en ] Introductory Morphometrics
- 300129 VO Bio- and chemodiversity of economic plants - secondary metabolites
- 300133 VO Evolution
- 300178 VO Microbial communities
- 300185 VO Introduction to physiology: From microbes to plants and animals
- 300220 VO Physics for students of Biology
- 300239 VO Fundamentals of ecology
- 300257 VO [ de en ] Primates and their societies
- 300279 EX [ de en ] Palaeontological excursion - Highlights 4
- 300295 UE Field course "Aquatic habitats" - advanced level
- 300308 VO [ en ] Human Evolutionary Genetics: genomic, genes, diseases
- 300331 SE Practice in subject didactics
- 300354 VO Man and Woman from an Evolutionary Viewpoint
- 300356 UE Entomological Laboratory - Taxonomic studies on selected insects
- 300379 VO Population and community ecology
- 300385 VO Woman in science
- 300420 VO Populationanthropoloy and Demography
- 300448 VO Plants, Structure and Function
- 300482 VO The world of mites - morphology, biology, ecology, phylogeny, medical and commercial relevance
- 300495 VO Ecophysiology
- 300499 VO Voices of Austrian birds - Introduction to the songs and calls of Austrian birds
- 300540 SE+UE [ en ] Biotic Interactions and Co-Evolution - theoretical and practical aspects
- 300548 VO Social-biological aspects of the human-animal interaction
- 300609 VO Biodiversity and molecular Ecology of Micororganisms 2
- 300657 VO Freshwater invertebrates - Biology and systematics of freshwater invertebrates
- 300690 VO Introduction to the workingfield of Anthropologists - Application areas of behavior science in industrial flields
- 300725 VO Ecophysiology and Genetics of Microorganisms
- 300727 SE Basic Principles for Communication and Presentation
- 300735 VO Modelsystems of Molecular Biology
UF BU 11. School practice
UF BU 12. Bachelor module
B. Diploma degree programme
1st / 2nd Semester
- 300001 VO STEOP:B-BIO 1 Introductory Lecture in Biology I - Anthropology, ecology, palaeobiology, plant sciences and zoology
1st / 2nd Semester
- 300056 UE Plant Anatomy - (parallel courses)
- 300220 VO Physics for students of Biology
- 300456 SE Biology and Ecology of Native European Fauna - (in Parallelen)
- 300503 UE Plant Physiology for secondary school teaching
- 300529 SE+UE Theory and practical training in biology didactics - Theory and practical training in biology didactics
- 300531 VO Introduction to Genetics and Cell Biology - Introduction to Genetics and Cell Biology
- 300534 SE+UE Media Support for Teaching Biology in High Schools - (Parallel course 1)
- 300651 VO Biophysical Phenomene
3rd / 4th Semester
- 300126 UE Identification of Central European plants (for teachers) - parallel courses
- 300653 VO Mineralogy and Mineral Resources
- 300654 UE Mineralogy and Mineral Resources
5th / 6th Semester
- 300014 VO Intro. lect. on horticultural plant physiol. (LA) - Introductory lectures on the basics of the eco-physiological-horticultural training course (LA-BU)
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science
- 300127 VO Topics in Sexual Biology and Public Health
- 300301 UE Central European habitat types - in mehreren Parallelen
- 300321 VO Petrology and soil science
- 300498 UE+EX Eco-physiol.-horticultural training course (LA) - Eco-physiological-horticultural training course (LA), applied ecology (can be selected only together with theoretical introduction 300014).
- 300524 VO Diversity and Plant Palaeobiology
- 300536 UE Genetics and Molecular Biology - Genetics and Molecular Biology, A Lecture and Practical for Teachers
7th / 8th Semester
- 300005 PP Interdisciplinary Project Practical for Teachers: Living Animals in the Classroom
- 300032 SE Research in biology didactics 1 - Presentation and Discussion of researchfields and recent research projects
- 300100 PP Interdisciplinary Project LA - BU: Field ecology class (birds, amphibians & wetlands)
- 300259 PP Interdisciplinary Project for teacher candidates
- 300260 PP Interdisciplinary Project Practical for Teachers: Examine Food Safety Standards
- 300340 UE Experiments in Biology and Environmental Sciences
- 300440 EX Interdisciplinary Excursion in the Alps
- 300496 EX Interdisciplinary Excursions - Interdisciplinary Excursions
- 300527 UE+EX Didactics in field biology
Compulsory Elective Course
- 300312 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Evolution and Ethics
- 300437 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: Evolution and Knowledge
- 300528 UE Central Topics in Biology and Environmental Sciences: environmental protection
Recommended as Free Elective Course
- 300028 SE+EX EX to voices of Austrian birds
- 300077 UE Systematics and ecology of macromycetes
- 300129 VO Bio- and chemodiversity of economic plants - secondary metabolites
- 300151 VO Human Evolutionary Biology
- 300257 VO [ de en ] Primates and their societies
- 300279 EX [ de en ] Palaeontological excursion - Highlights 4
- 300295 UE Field course "Aquatic habitats" - advanced level
- 300331 SE Practice in subject didactics
- 300356 UE Entomological Laboratory - Taxonomic studies on selected insects
- 300482 VO The world of mites - morphology, biology, ecology, phylogeny, medical and commercial relevance
- 300499 VO Voices of Austrian birds - Introduction to the songs and calls of Austrian birds
- 300520 UE Training course in ethology
- 300540 SE+UE [ en ] Biotic Interactions and Co-Evolution - theoretical and practical aspects
- 300657 VO Freshwater invertebrates - Biology and systematics of freshwater invertebrates
- 300727 SE Basic Principles for Communication and Presentation
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39