3. Pflichtmodule Philosophie
UF PP 06 Philosophieren Lernen
- 180001 LPS Kant: Prolegomena
- 180002 LPS Ethics and the Question of Metaphysics - Kant and Levinas
- 180005 LPS Critique of Practical Reason
- 180081 LPS Reading Descartes: Discours de la Méthode and Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
- 180082 LPS Edmund Husserl's " experience and judgment
- 180114 VO Introduction to Scientific Work for Prospective Teachers
- 180137 LPS Thomas Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- 180147 LPS Daodejing and its Implications for Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Marxism, and Process Philosophy
- 180148 LPS Hans Blumenberg: The laughter of the Thracian.
- 180167 LPS Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics
- 180171 UE Rhetoric and Argumentation Theory for Teachers
UF PP 07 Geschichte der Philosophie
- 180086 VO History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) - für das LA PP
- 180087 VO History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity) - Form of the philosophical questions at the meeting with the Isalmic and Christian theologians
- 180172 VO History of Philosophy III - für das LA PP
UF PP 08 Theoretische Philosophie
- 180037 SE Philosophy of Technology - Latour, Haraway, Winner
- 180050 SE Wittgenstein
- 180053 VO Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- 180054 VO Philosophy of Science - Vienna Circle, Wittgenstein, and Popper. Theory Dynamics and Problem History in Context
- 180135 SE The concept of God in modern times and today
- 180157 SE Cyborgs , Science & Fiction. Technology Philosophical Investigations
- 180161 VO [ en ] Theories of truth
- 180166 VO Introduction into the Theory of Knowledge
UF PP 09 Praktische Philosophie
- 180029 SE [ en ] Constitutivism About Agency and Morality
- 180031 SE Phenomenological Approaches to Community: Inter, With, and We
- 180033 SE Hegel: Elements of the Philosophy of Right
- 180048 SE [ en ] Moral Individualism - Critique of a major argument in animal ethics
- 180051 SE Productive differences - Positionen feministischer Differenzenphilosophie
- 180052 SE The force of law: Benjamin and Derrida
- 180056 SE Being - Thinking - Acting - Philosophical Anthropology, Dialectic and Ethics
- 180160 SE Kant's ethics : Applied topics
- 180164 SE Ethics of Psychoanalysis - Human dignity and human rights
- 180168 SE Philosophy as a way of life
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39